Chapter 29

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I've been to half of the games and it's the worst! Like yeah, we win everyone but I hate coming.
It was an away game. An away, away game. Like far away. 50 miles away!
"Cameronnnnnnnnnnnn. Stop rushing me! I don't wanna get on this bus with a bunch of dudes!"
"Nixon stop complaining! This is your boyfriend!"
Nick was making fun of me as I go on the bus immediately sitting down with Cameron.
"You know you're the best right."
He nudged me on the shoulder.
"Shut up."
"Rude. Just rude."
He smiled a little.
"I'm so happy that this team is gonna be in the state championships if we win this."
We were playing a school that I knew. Like I knew a few people that went to the school and I've hung out with them before.
"Woah Rene! Long time no see!"
He ran up and hugged me, Cameron was walking with a bunch of guys to the field where the warmed up before the game.
"God Ian! You're like way too strong! I thought you quit baseball."
He slung his arm around my shoulder.
"Nope. Just stopped for a while. Why are you here? You weren't into baseball when I played."
I don't think I should tell him about Cameron yet, just to be safe.
"Well, I umm. Grew into it..."
He looked at me and I could see his face perfectly.
Bright blue eyes, messy dirty blonde hair, and just a bodyyyyyy.
No! No! Stop it! You have Cameron not Ian.
"Rene, I know you too well. There has to be some other reason why you're here. At your old school. Wearing a team jersey. Is there a little boyfriend I need to meet?"
We stopped walking.
"Y..Yeah, there's this guy and we've been dating for like 9 months and he's the best and yeah. I love him."
He had the strangest look on his face.
"Oh, well guess he beat me to Ya eh?"
"Uh.. what? You wouldn't date me. I'm so ew."
We went behind a building so no one could see us.
"Rene. No. You're beautiful. Did he say something bad about you? You know I can still pack a punch."
He made air punches which made me laugh a little but, HE'S NOT CAMERON!
"Gosh Ian no! He's really sweet and don't you dare hurt him. I have to bring him back in one piece."
We started walking again.
"Want a dippy dip."
He pulled a can of dip out of his pocket.
"Sure Ian, I'd love to get gum disease and cancer."
Oh my god love sarcasm!
He put a chunk of it in his mouth.
"You haven't changed a bit I see."
He spat. It smelled. I'm done.
"Bye Ian!"
"Hey wait! Where Ya goin?!"
He grabbed my arm.
"I'm going to my___"
It was Cameron and he was there and Ian was there and this wasn't supposed to happen!
I just wanna crawl in a ball and sleep!
"So this is him Rene? Little rich boy?"
I will kick him and Cameron in the balls!
Wait I can't! It won't work! They have cups! (They're really disgusting btw)
"Dude, what did you do to my girlfriend?"
They got closer to each other.
"Cam, please stop."
I tried to pull him back but couldn't because he was ready to fight.
"I don't think you need to tell him what to do Rene. If a man wants to fight let him fight."
"No you guys need to stop! Like really! Stop it Ian!"
I could see Stewart looking. With his phone out taking a video.
Thanks for the help buddy.
"I would never put my entire team at risk for someone like you. People like you piss me off. With your freakin cool fancy hats and a coach that allows dip. I'm done with this!"
Their coach doesn't allow dip. It's illegal.
And he wouldn't do it. I won't let him stick that crap in his mouth.
He walked away and I stood there with Ian.
"So. Overprotective much?"
He smiled but I wasn't happy at all.
"Yes he is. Its not bad unless he sees me with another guy that's bigger than me. Which of course is like every guy out here! Besides shouldn't you be with your team?"
"I'm fine here with you. Beautiful little Rene. Smart. Pretty. Kissable."
He tried to kiss me.
"Stop. You know how he is!"
"Rene don't act like you've never wanted to kiss me. I saw the way you looked at me when you were here."
And I had a boyfriend half the time too!
"I'm not kissing you Ian and don't try to make me."
I walked away.
"I still like that a** by the way!"
Oh my god.
I flipped him off and continued walking to the team.
"What did he do?"
He grabbed my arm kinda roughly.
"Dude don't touch me like that."
"I asked you a question and you will answer me. Now what the hell did he do to you?!"
I tried to pull away but he was too strong. I started crying.
Everyone looked.
"Hey, dude calm down."
Stewart tried to help by loosening Cameron's grip on me.
"Rene! What did he do?!"
My arm was hurting I was scared and who was there to help me?! A bunch of guys who know nothing about girls!
I was screaming, coach came, and my forearm hurt like crap.
At least 3 dudes took him away from me I ran to the bathroom, trying not to puke but I just couldn't stomach what just happened.
My boyfriend who is supposed to protect me, hurt me.
I rolled up my shirt. My arm was a deep blue. It hurt like hell.
"Oh god. Why?"
I sank down to the ground not really caring about how dirty the bathroom was.
"Are you ok?"
Some random chick walked up. She was pretty, long blonde hair, green eyes. Pretty.
"Yeah just some boy problems."
"Well, You're not the only one. That's why I came here too. I didn't think anyone would be in here so soon. I'm Miranda. You are?"
I noticed her mascara was kinda smeared.
"Rene. Hi Miranda. What's you're boy problem?"
"This guy basically brought me here and left me for some other chick. Like yeah we've been dating for like 2 months but he didn't have to do that. I've told him everything. You?"
I showed her the bruise.
"Uh Rene do you need ice or something? What made him do that?!"
"I'm fine and he's a little overprotective. I was talking to one of my old guy friends from here and he saw us and he thought something was up. but it wasn't. I love him and it's gonna be 9 months tomorrow and..."
I was crying. There it was me hugging a complete stranger. Crying too.
"Rene. I think you should see this."
"So I here you hurt my girl eh?"
It was that guy from earlier. I had only made it to third base. Im surprised coach even let me play.
"Your girl?! I think she's mine dude!"
"After tonight I don't think so."
One of our team mates it the ball.
I ran but he tripped me....
"Cameron you're done. Its over. Stop trying."
There was a big fight. Not just with me. It was half of our team.
"If I'm out then half of the team should be out!"
"Half of the team didn't try to break their girlfriend's arm! I can't help you with this one Cameron you have to fix it yourself!"
Rene. Oh my god Rene I hurt Rene. No, no no....
God. why.
I may not be that religious but I need you God. You know what I did wrong and you have the power to fix me. Fix me please! I didn't mean to hurt Rene and you know that! I don't know my own strength and... I hurt her. I hurt her. I may have scars and bruises from Ian but I hurt Rene. All I care about is myself!! Please help me. Please.
I was in the front of the bus. We won but just by 2 points.
Rene was in the back sitting with Stewart. I trusted him I really did. He wouldn't treat me like that.
"So what are you gonna do about him?"
Stewart asked.
"I don't know If I wanna break up with him or not. Like I understand his background and I understand that he can get really aggressive ."
"Background? Where did he come from France?!"
"Italy. You know how Italians are."
Really aggressive.
"He did kinda win the fight though. Bruised pretty bad. Plus he has this scar under his eye."
"I should hurt Ian."
"No, no."
"I love him Stewart I don't wanna lose him. He treats me really good and I like that about him for 9 months it's been the best. If it weren't for him I would've died. I would've been living with my cousin eating crap. He saved me."
"Do what you want to do Rene. I think he's gonna need a date to prom in 3 weeks."
3 weeks?!
"Yeah you're right thanks Stewart I knew you were the right person to talk to."
I hugged him and laid on the window, going home.

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