Chapter 14

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"Cameron wake up!!!!"
He jumped up.
"What's wrong?!"
I laughed a little making him fall back on the bed.
"I missed church. Oops looks like I'm staying here today... but you can't."
"Why not? Scared your cousin is gonna find me?"
He pecked my lips softly. Aghhhh!!! his kisses are like the best.
"No you just can't stay here. So leave."
He popped the P.
Why does he have to be so difficult?!
"Make me breakfast pleassssssseeeeee????"
"Sure anything for the best boyfriend in the world."
I hopped out of bed,brushed my teeth, washed my face, and made him breakfast which was corn flakes and milk."
"Cammmmm breakfast is ready!!!"
He ran in and sat at the table staring at the bowl in disgust.
"What is this?"
Breakfast stupid.
"It's cereal."
"What about the bacon and the eggs and pancakes????"
I'm tired...
"Just eat the f**king food."
I sat across from him and scrolled through my Instagram.
"This is supposed to be the other way around."
He stood up and put the empty bowl on the counter. Looks like he really enjoyed those corn flakes.
"Why yes... yes it is. You're supposed to make me breakfast."
"I can't cook!"
That's really funny.
"I know you can't baby. You're too young and inexperienced."
I pinched his cheeks.
"When are you gonna put a shirt on jeez?!"
"Never I'm too special."
"So what time does church end?" He asked.
"1... 2 o'clock..."
"Woah that's late!"
"I know that's exactly why I didn't wanna go."
"So what are we gonna do today?"
He asking wayyyy too many questions.
"Why are you asking so many questions?"
"I don't know why are you asking me why I'm asking you so many questions?"
I shrugged.
"Ok. But seriously what are we gonna do today I'm bored?..."
We both walked into my room.
"YOU'RE gonna go home and I'M gonna stay here."
He laid down on my bed.
"No... YOU'RE gonna lay down with me and I'M gonna stay right here."
So weird...
I sat on my knees in the bed.
Ugh I want her to give me a BJ were in like the perfect position.
"And cameron before you ask. NO!"
"Whyyyyyy????" I was whining.
"Because I just can't do that in my bed. Maybe when I come to your house I will ok?"
"Ok. By the way, I'm probably gonna get my dad to call your parents. it's crazy that you're doing this."
"Aww you're gonna do that for me?"
"Yeah... I love you ."
She pecked me on the cheek and smiled. No blow-job.
"So how's school going for you. You're working your butt off everyday."
"School is school. Prom is coming up in like 146 days. Yes, it's so close I can just taste it."
"Which one are you going to?"
"Umm I really don't know. Probably the one that's closest to wherever I am in the future."
"Well I'm gonna make sure that your prom night is the best night ever."
"Aww cam that's so sweet. You're not buying me anything I'm serious."
You already know I am.
"Yeah I am."
"No your not. I've been saving my money for the past year or so just for prom. So you're not buying me ANYTHING..."
Well ok if I can't buy it my lovely sister will.
"Ok... I won't." Her face looked kinda disappointed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just feel bad. You buy me too much stuff."
"Well yeah that's what I'm supposed to do. Boyfriends are supposed to buy their girlfriends stuff. Didn't Collin buy you stuff?"
"No. He treated me like crap."
Woah what?!
"Collin???" she nodded.
"He treated me like crap and he got what he wanted from me for the past 2 years."
What?! I sat in up feeling my fists clench in anger.
"What did he do?!"
"He umm..."
"What the hell did he do to you?!"
I'm gonna kill him if he hurt her!
"Cameron stop it! You're scaring me!"
I was off the bed pacing the small room finding something to punch.
"Tell me or I'm leaving..." I found some way to calm down.
"He brought me to this party. He got drunk, hit me, yelled at me..."
She started crying.
" no... don't cry."
"Then I drove him home dragged him inside. No one was home..."
Then what?!
"He hit me again... So then he pulled off my clothes..."
She was shaking I really didn't know what to do.
"Then I thought that my bestest friend in the world wouldn't hurt me but he did. He unzipped his pants and I was raped. Then after he finished he just stood there over me smiling because you know what? He faked being drunk it was an act. Everything, and now you're probably thinking 'why didn't you tell anyone?' well cameron I didn't tell anyone because he would kill me."
"Where's my phone?"
She stood up and walked into the kitchen where my phone was. How the hell could Collin treat her like that.
"Who are you calling?" she asked lightly.
Not Collin that's for sure.
"Uh an old friend."
Yep someone to kill his ass I couldn't do the dirty work myself that would just look bad.
"Cameron please don't call Collin..."
He can't know that I told him.
"I'm not. I said an old friend. Someone from uh Florida."
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that he lived in Florida before he moved here.
"And don't hurt him please."
"No I'm killing him..."
What the f**k?!
"No! cameron don't!" I was begging.
"Ok but he's still gonna get what he deserves."
He put the phone up to his ear and waited.
"Hey dude! it's been a while."
"Yeah I need you to do me a favor."
"Yeah yeah you'll get paid... but I need you to uh..."
"No no not kill but uh hurt like really bad. Not bad but just enough."
Oh my god I'm getting scared now.
"Yeah my girlfriend was raped by her 'friend' and he needs to be punished. I want him in jail too..."
"Yeah iI'll pay extra for that... I just wanna keep her safe. She's too special to get hurt like that."
"Yeah yeah... she's good. Real good. Hows yours?"
"Oh really... looks like I'm gonna be a god father."
"OK, well see you in a couple weeks?"
"Days ok! Here's the dudes address."
He gave him Collins address. how does he know it I don't know.
"Ok thanks Matt see you in a few days."
He hung up.
"What the hell was that?!"
"Ummm nothing I'm protecting you from harm..."
"No you're being weird."
"I'm always weird."
"You're always adorable...Thank you."
I grabbed his chin and pecked him on the lips.
"Why do you do this to me babe?"
"Do what?"
"Turn me on like this."
"That's cute."
"So you know I'm kinda mad right? I wanted to be your first. Not Collin..."
"You will baby... you think I enjoyed that?! it was torture. I wanna enjoy my first/second time. Maybe it will be like the best ever."
"It will be I promise. I'm gonna make you feel loved in every..." he pecked my cheek.
"Single." stomach.
"Way." finally my thighs.
Oh god.
A/N- so I kinda went all over the place with this chapter I'm really sorry if its not good, stupid writers block is kicking in. Leave comments on things I need to fix b/c I really need to fix a lot. So thanks guys baiiiiii.

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