Chapter 23

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It's Thursday, uniform day actually. I was sorta excited to see how the uniform fit on Cameron. Pt was nice yesterday, we ran the 8 laps together without any competition between us. Johnny still won but he's just being a show off.
Cameron pulled up in my driveway and got out the truck.
"Aw you look cute_"
"Shut up! You always say that!" I laughed
The uniform was not the most comfortable thing in the world. The pants were hot and itchy and the shirt, not so comfy. Don't even get me started on the shoes.
His gig line was ok, hair cut nice, and a fresh shave.
"Oh my god! Where are your shoes?!"
He had all black converse.
"I didn't get shoes."
"I didn't get you shoes?!"
He shook his head no and grabbed my backpack, putting it in the truck.
"Well ok, I'm gonna have to get you shoes."
I'm just wondering how I forgot shoes.
He drove to the school...
"Goodmornimg sir!"
I ran into the uniform room with Cameron before he saw me.
"Nixon! What are you doing?!"
I heard him coming closer to the room.
"I'm just getting your new cadet some shoes sir."
I gave him that smile that he always loved.
"You could've just walked in. You didn't have to sneak him in."
"Ok. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, now get him some shoes. I don't like those uhh what do they call em? Converse?"
"Yes sir." I laughed a little.
He walked out leaving me and Cameron alone.
"Ok what size shoe do you wear?" I asked
I handed him an 11.
"They look big but you're gonna need the extra space."
He put them on and they fit good.
-7th hour-
We put on our covers for inspection.
"Go get in the line. You can't stay by me. I have to inspect you." I pushed Cameron out the door into the line in the hallway.
My job was to inspect everyone before Master sergeant did.
When I got to Cameron his measurements were way off and everything was wrong.
He started smiling but it really didn't amuse me, I couldn't break my bearing like that.
"Your measurements are off and you should've let me fix this earlier. Shh don't speak. We can fix this later."
I moved on to the next cadet.
"Cameron I swear I'm not trying out for track."
"Yeah you are. I don't care if you make it or not, you're trying out."
He dragged me to the track where coach Kelly was.
"Woah nixon decided to try out again huh?"
I swear I will punch this man in the balls if he does this again.
"Yes sir."
For the past 3 years I've tried out and haven't made it at all even if I'm like healthy and stuff.
Cameron sat in the bleachers as I tried out it only lasted like 30 minutes.
Baseball tryouts are actually next week.
"Nixon come here!" coach called me back.
"Do you wanna know why I never put you on the team?"
He is getting on my nerves.
"Because you were never fast enough on the 100m and you kept looking to the side."
I started walking away.
Not gonna have that douche in my life.
"Now you can always be a manager Nixon!"
"You didn't make it huh?"
"No!" I started kicking stuff as we walked to his truck.
Ok she's pissed I know what to do.
Whenever Rene is really pissed she kicks or punches stuff and starts screaming, then crying usually comes but I don't think that's gonna happen.
"Babe no!" she started kicking my truck.
"Don't kick the truck, kick me."
She sank to the ground and started crying.
"Ok,let's go home." I picked her up and put her in the truck.
Her mom called me.
"Hey Mrs. Dee."
Rene gave me a weird look and crawled deeper into her seat.
Her mom was sobbing on the other line.
"Bring Rene to the hospital please. It's her grandmother she just had a heart attack."
"O..kay I'll be there in 20."
I hung up the phone and started driving.
"What's wrong? why did my mom call you?"
How am I gonna tell her this?
"Your grandma just had a heart attack she's in the hospital."
This is the most stressful day for her.
"Ok." she turned away from me and stared out the window as I drove to the hospital which was about 50 miles away. We didn't talk much she was just quiet.
"Cold?" I asked.
Her track clothes were still on and that was just a tank top and shorts.
"I had a feeling you were gonna say that."
I handed her my extra hoodie and sweatpants that I always keep in the back.
"I don't wanna do this cam."
We were walking into the entrance of the hospital.
"I know you don't I don't wanna do this either, but we both sorta have to."
We went to the front desk to find out what room she was in.
When we walked in her family was silent.
Rene's cousin was there, its been a while since I've seen him.
Her grandmother was pale. Her skin usually being a nice tan color was white and just pale.
Silence was in the room.
"She may not make it this time Rene," her mom said.
"This may be your last night with her."
After that was said her grandma slowly opened her eyes motioning Rene and me to her.
", marry that boy. He... he will treat you go..od......, if you h..urt her. I will haunt y.ou for the r..est of your l.ife."
She said more to the rest of the family.
"I love everyone of you. don't fi..ght love e.each other___"
She passed away that night.
Rene took it pretty easily.
"Can we leave please?" she asked and that's when she hopped in my arms and made me bring her to my house.
She had started leaving clothes at my house for nights she didn't feel like going home or just to have clothes over. I keep clothes at her house her parents don't mind.
My parents really don't care, they love Rene
"I'm not going to school tomorrow." we were walking in my house.
"I know today has been a stressful day for both of us. I think we could both use a break from pt."
"Yeah, you know baseball tryouts are next week right?"
"Yes and I am so ready!"
"I want ice cream."
That was random.
"Are you serious? It's like 40 degrees outside."
"I don't care I want Ice cream!"
Ok,let me go get her ice cream.
She was in my bed wrapped in blankets and crying silently.
I went downstairs to get her some ice cream.
I don't know why we have ice cream here.
She was still crying.
"Come here." I got in bed with her.
"What?" she asked.
"Please stop crying. I know how you feel..."
When she cries it's just too much for me.
"Cam are you crying?"
"Yeah you are. Stop."
And that's when we sat there both sobbing.
Someone started knocking in my door.
"What?!" I yelled.
My mom walked in then walked out.
"You have to stop yelling at your mom like that."
She crawled in my lap wiping tears on my shirt.
We stopped crying.
"Because that's not right. That's your mom. If I yelled at my mom she would hurt me. Your mom is nice."
I know.
"You know we can't let this ice cream go to waste." I said
We started feeding each other the cookies and cream ice cream.
(relationship goals ^_^)
"I'm so sorry about your grandma. Really Rene. Is there anything I can do that would make you feel better?"
"Don't wear black to her funeral."
"What do you want me to wear?"
"A nice shirt and some pants but not black. I wanna dress you."
Dress? me?
"Do I get to dress you?"
I really wanted to UNdress her right now.
"Yeah I wanna match with you. I want everyone to know that we're together."
"Trust me I think they'll know."
We fell asleep around 2.
I woke up. Rene was gone. My room was cleaned and my keys were missing.
" no"
I swear!
I ran downstairs tripping towards the end.
My truck was gone and my parents weren't home.
I called her.
"Rene, where the hell is my truck?!"
"Up your hairy ass!"
No she didn't!
"Excuse me?!"
"I'm kidding cam!" she giggled which made me smile but I'm not gonna be smiling if my truck isn't ok!
"Where are you?" I asked, searching the refrigerator for food but didn't find any because my mom throws leftovers away after a day!
"You'll see when I get home."
"This sounds scary. What are you up to?"
"Ok cam, this is what a want you to do. I want you to go back upstairs because I know your downstairs looking for food. Then I want you to take your time working out, just think of me when you do that ok?"
"Good now when that's done take a nice hot shower, make sure you're all nice and clean and your surprise should be ready when you're done with that."
Yep I'm scared.
"Is this because of last night?" I was really concerned.
"A little, but it's mainly because I haven't thanked you properly in a while."
We could just have sex, you could just thank me like that.
"Umm ok. Im gonna go do that stuff and you bring me home whatever it is you have."
"Love you."
"Love you too."
She hung up.
I obeyed my beautiful girlfriend and did the things she told me to do. It all took about 2 hours but I think it was worth it. I felt great!
I could smell food. Bacon at that! and eggs!"
I peeked down to see Rene cooking.
She was wearing the pants that accented her butt perfectly and a loose fitting long sleeved shirt.
I think that's my shirt actually!
"Cameron! Come down!"
I ran down to find her making waffles.
"Jesus Christ go put some clothes on!"
She shooed me out of the kitchen before I could grab a waffle.
I threw some boxers on following some sweatpants and a hoodie.
She loves it when I don't have a shirt on under my jacket.
"Happy?" I tried to grab a waffle again.
"Yes very. Goodmorning baby." She pecked my lips leaving her softness on them.
Can I bang her?! Just once?!
"You look so sexy today."
My teenage hormones wouldn't settle down.
"You do too. Let's eat."
No, I wanna eat you. Eat all of your chocolate skin.
She fixed us both a plate and we sat on the back deck enjoying the sun and fresh air. The air wasn't too cool. Just right for us.
When we finished she grabbed our empty plates and went back in coming out minutes later.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"I'm just practicing."
"Life, things, my future. I have to know how to make you happy."
"If you just smile at me I'm happy! You don't have to do all this to make me happy. I wouldn't love you any less if you would've just sat around when you woke up. Come here."
She sat in my lap, those pants were just AMAZING. All soft and tight rubbing me in the right places.
"I can't do this alone cameron. I'm gonna need you Friday. My family is so quick when arranging funerals it's crazy! That's why I borrowed your truck by the way. That and to get food for you."
"So we have 3 days to go shopping for clothes."
"I don't want new clothes Cameron."
Too bad.
"Well I do. How about we go get some new clothes for me? Take your mind off some things eh."
"That sounds good."
I carried her small figure to my room. She was so tiny, it felt like I was smothering her.
We changed into more "public appealing" clothes and went to the mall.
"What's a good color for me?" I asked and I was serious, I always brought someone with me when I went shopping. I sucked at picking them out but could buy them in a second.
"Yeah but not like a hot pink, more like a peachy,coral color."
She grabbed a shirt and held it up to me.
"Yep we're wearing this color."
I bought that shirt and some new khaki slacks.
We didn't end up matching the day of the funeral.
It was required that we wore all black, but Rene couldn't do that. She had to wear another color with black so she added a white belt to her dress.
I needed to be there for her, as much as I hated funerals, this one was one I couldn't miss.
"You ok?" Cameron asked before we walked in the church where my family was waiting.
"Cameron, you have to walk in with me."
I don't care if he's not a part of the family! He's mine.
"Ok. I will."
He kissed my forehead softly.
We held hands and walked in the church.
45 minutes later...
"Hey, I'm gonna go get some air."
He left his phone and keys letting me know that he wasn't leaving me.
The final viewing was about to begin and I knew I had to do this alone.
I thought about it for a few minutes eventually getting up.
Cameron walked up there with me staying a reasonable distance away from me.
I was basically crying my face out.
"I promise to keep her safe, I will make her my wife and she will be protected. I promise."
He cried a little before eventually backing away from her pale corpse.
I sat down but Cameron walked to the back. He couldn't really stomach what he just said.
The funeral ended, my family was escorted out first following my grandmothers casket.
Cameron was in the back wearing that awful black color. At least he didn't wear converse this time.
I pulled him in the processional as we all walked outside.
"Go warm the truck. Please."
I pulled his body close to shield me from the wind.
He went to start the truck.
We went to the burial sight where she was officially laid to rest right next to my grandpa. Now they will never be apart.
My grandpa died fighting in WWII, I never got to meet him but I saw pictures of him and he was pretty badass.
"Rene, Cameron, are you guys coming to the repast at the community center?"
Kevin walked up to us.
"Do you want to go Cameron?" I asked.
It was a way for me to get my mind off things.
"Yeah, I'm starving!"
"Good, you can catch up with me and the other cousins over a beer eh?"
He's not gonna drink a beer.
"Sure, I'd love to."
"Great so see you guys soon. I'm gonna go change, this suit is too hot for me."
Cameron laughed a little.
"You brought extra clothes right?" I asked.
"Yeah you?"
We got in the warm truck.
"Where are we gonna change?" he asked.
"There's a lounge at the community center, we can change there."
He followed my family there.
"I'm gonna say this before we go in there. I'm sorry if my family makes racist remarks about you. You're gonna most likely be the only white person in there and I just wanted to let you know that. You know that I love you and I wouldn't say anything like that to your face."
"That's cute. We went over this babe. I don't care what people think about me. Come on please, I want to enjoy my family. Our family."
He won't stop that! We're not married!
We went in the place going straight to the lounge.
I want to marry this girl! So bad!
The room was dark with only a small light coming from the bottom of the door.
She flicked the light on and came towards me, pushing me on the small outdated couch.
"Rene, no."
I knew what she was trying to do and this wasn't the time or place for it.
"Cameron, we have to."
She really wanted to have sex on this couch?!
"No. Not here. I want our first time together to be special. Not on some musty old couch."
"I still have to thank you."
Well give me a blow job.
"Well, I think we can do that later. This isn't the time babe. Sit please."
She sat in my lap, resting her head on my chest.
"Thank you Cameron."
She sat up, strattled her legs across me and stripped basically.
Her skin was warm, soft, just perfect.
"This black shirt needs to be burned."
She opened my shirt, sinking down to my pants tugging on my belt loop with her mouth.
"These pants too."
I slipped my pants and shirt off.
"I think your cousin is__"
"Shh don't speak."
Her cousin was outside the door.
"Told you."
"Shut up!"
He knocked.
"What Kevin?!"
"Your mom wants you to come help! Stop messin' with Cameron and come on!"
That's really funny.
She was pissed I was laughing my ass off and her cousin, well I couldn't tell if he was pissed or just getting her attention.
"Are you seriously gonna laugh?" she asked and of course I was still laughing she just tried to get in my boxers and her family was out there.
She threw some skinny jeans on. Not my favorite, but their pretty close. Her shirt was a plain white long sleeved shirt.
"Are you just gonna sit there?!"
"No. Im gonna uh... put clothes on."
I put some khaki shorts on even if it was like 40 degrees outside. My legs were used to that. I had one of those really good polo shirts that was like the typical coach shirt in school, but instead of green I had light blue.
"Dude, why do you look like that?"
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like you're about to go to a family reunion in the middle of the summer. Please tell me you brought pants."
No. Wait.
"Yeah their in my truck go get them please?I'll love you forever if you get them. I don't wanna look like a typical white boy in front of your family."
She laughed or smiled at least. It's true I don't want to look like that.
She ran out the back door coming in minutes later with pants.
"Love you." I said.
"Hate you. I have to go my mom is seriously looking for me. Go talk to my cousins they're outside." She pecked me on the cheek before walking into the center looking for her mom.
I packed our things and brought them to the truck.
"Cameron come here."
Rene's cousin motioned me toward him.
"Yeah?" he was walking back in.
"Don't hurt her ok?"
What does he think I'm gonna do?!
"I'm not. I love her. Were gonna get married and if she wants, start a family. I know I want to."
"You do?"
We were in the center walking to the other cousins which were all dudes and one chick.
"Yeah, I really do."
"Cameron, this is Brandon, Jermaine, Michael, and Ashlyn."
They all looked nice.
"That's good that you wanna do that. I'm glad that she's found someone like you."
Yes! They like me!
We all sat down at a table and waited. Ashlyn got up to help serve food with Rene to the elderly.
The guys and I talked about random things, nothing related to Rene, but things.
The girls walked up with 5 bottles of beer.
"Thanks girls." Kevin said while taking one. The rest of the guys took one except me.
"Aren't you gonna drink one cameron?" Kevin asked.
Uh... should I? One beer couldn't hurt.
I can do this.
We went outside to continue talking and drinking.
Rene popped up out of nowhere.
"Come eat." she tugged on my hand, holding it gently eventually bringing me inside.
She sat me down at a table with her stepfather who was looking grumpy.
Minutes later she came back with a plate of food.
"So you feed him first and not me."
He let out a little growl before getting up from the table.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked.
"No I ate already."
Her stepdad came back with food.
"You know Rene I really like this raccoon brain. Your mom was right it's really good!"
That's f**king disgusting!
"Are you serious?"
He was mixing the brain with cornbread.
"You make me sick you know that right."
It was pretty disgusting.
She stood up and left, going to her mom.
"James! Stop!" he stood up and left, going to Rene's mom.
"He really pisses me off." she grabbed a tomato off of my salad and ate it.
"Um ma'am?"
She was about walking away.
"You just ate my tomato ma'am."
I actually wanted that.
"I'm sorry, would you like another one?"
She rested her head on my shoulder.
"Yes please."
"How about I give you something better later?"
She was whispering.
"And what would that be?"
"Anything you want."
Woah! She's awesome!
"I want.... waffles."
I really liked those waffles she made.
Her face lit up. Her laugh was contagious. she kissed my cheek softly and went outside.
I could see her outside the window. She was playing with a little girl.
I finished my food and walked out there.
The child ran up to me hiding behind me.
"Hey there!" She was too close to my buns.
"Oh no! Where did my little Maya go?!" Rene yelled.
Maya giggled, jumping up and down, making her little pigtails go all over the place.
Now who in the world would let their child out like this?
"I think she's behind my boyfriend,"
She walked around me totally ignoring Maya.
"Or maybe, she went to go play with her big brother."
She turned around causing Maya to laugh uncontrollably.
She gripped the back of my thighs.
Oh my god Rene!!!! Get her off of me!!!
"No!" Rene had picked her up off the ground.
Phew. Ok! Not. Ready. For. Kids.
"Maya I would like you to meet my boyfriend Cameron."
"Hi Cameron!"
She was smiling, sinking into Rene's shoulder as if she were embarrassed.
See that's why I want kids.
Wait no. I don't.
Do I?
"Who's her brother?" I asked. I wanted to meet the family if this adorable child.
"Oh his name is DJ he's just a family friend."
"Um Cameron?" Maya was hiding her face.
"Yes Maya?"
"Can you give me a piggy back ride?"
I just met this child and she wants me to play with her. Uh no.
I'm kidding!
"Sure! I'd love to! Hop on."
'I love you' Rene mouthed to me as Maya hopped on my back.
She was so tiny and I loved every second of it.
The way her little pigtails hit my shoulder as I bounced her around.
She fell in love with me as I pretended to be an airplane, running around like a complete idiot.
I may have looked stupid, but I was having fun, Maya was having fun, and Rene and I had a connection.
And that made me want to marry her even more.

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