Chapter 30

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I sat with Cameron.
He had been crying like really hard.
Everyone got off the bus leaving just us two.
"Rene. God Rene."
He started banging his head on the window.
"Hey, hey hey. Stop."
I held his head back.
"Rene I'm so sorry."
He was crying, making that face that only a baby usually would. Not a grown man.
He laid his head in my chest.
"Cam stop. You think crying is gonna make it better but it's not."
"What can make it better? I hurt you. Rene I love you baby."
He was leaving tears on my shirt. I really don't want him to sneeze on my again.
"I love you too. Can we start over? 9 months tomorrow."
"9? I thought it was 8."
Or 8
"8 sounds better. 8."
He chuckled a little.
"What do you wanna do tomorrow?"
"I don't know. We've done like everything."
"How about I take you shopping for prom."
"Hell no."
He put his face in my neck.
"Whyyyyy I wanna pick your dress."
Who said that I was going with him?!
"No. You have to get your stuff."
"I feel so bad right now.... I didn't have to do that. Ian just made me so mad."
Strange boy.
"How bad are you hurt?"
"Not too bad just a little sore that's all."
He picked me up but kinda struggled. I could tell that he was more than 'just sore.'
We got in his truck. It was late. As usual.
"Jesus f**kin' Christ that hurt!!"
He was taking a shower. Guess he was more sore than he thought.
He came out naked as usual.
"Please tell me why do you always come out naked?"
I asked.
"Because I'm in my own room. With my girlfriend. Who......uh..."
He's not gonna finish that because I'm not doing that after what happened tonight.
"Don't finish that. Come here please."
Oh my god! He has like major bruises major!
He put some boxers on before stepping up to me.
"I'm hurt."
He sat down.
3 chest, 2 back, and a tiny scar under his eye.
I went downstairs and grabbed some ice.
"Stewart was right. You are hurt pretty bad. I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened it's all my fault."
I put the ice on his chest.
"Babe don't think like that. It's not your fault. I'm the one who shouldn't have been so tough on the guy. You know how I am. Especially after Italy."
"Yeah. I almost about that."
I didn't talk for a while. I just held the ice on him until he said it felt numb. Then I moved it to another bruise.
The cut under his eye was cute. It fit him.
"All better now?"
I asked.
"No. Not until you're all better."
He kissed my slightly bruised arm and examined it.
"This isn't me. I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you."
He grabbed my boob, pushing me back on the bed.
Stop. Just please stop.
"Cam stop."
He pulled my pajama pants down halfway.
I was crying again. The second time today.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't want you to touch me."
He pulled my pants up.
"I'm not gonna hurt you. You have to trust me."
"Cam...Its not that. It's Italy, and Collin."
We were both quiet. The house was quiet and we were whispering.
"I'm not going back. I'm never going back there. They're all dead. You don't have to deal with them ever again. Now Collin.... I'll handle him myself when he gets out. If he ever gets out. I love you and from now on I will do everything I can to protect you from anything. Everything."
He turned his light off and got into bed with me.
And that's when he held me the closest he has ever done. Like a true married couple.
"Everything is gonna be ok. ok?"
He gripped my torso.
"Ok... I love you Cameron."
"I love you too Rene. I'm gonna fly my sister down here so she can take you shopping. Maybe she can stop in France and find you a dress for prom.What size do you wear like a 0?"
Wow he really thinks I'm that small. He didn't even ask me to prom he just thinks I'm gonna go with him!
"No a 3. Or a 4"
"My teeny tiny baby."
Shut Up!
"Stop it..."
I teased as he kissed my neck, turning me over to kiss me.
"Gosh go to sleep. You really need to!"
"No. I don't want to."
He eventually went to sleep.
"Coach Grubbs you have to let him play! I'm fine!"
He sighed.
"Let me think about it ok? If you're fine I'll let him play. I just don't want that to happen again."
"It won't, he doesn't know anyone here. Plus if Cameron plays then that means we're gonna win. I know it coach."
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Ok Rene. I'll let him play... but you tell me when you want him in. I'm only gonna let him play one inning. I don't want him out there long."
I can't believe that this is the championship game!
Everyone was there. From all over the state!
This is probably the best thing ever!
"Are you nervous?"
I asked Cam.
He was bouncing his leg and chewing his gum pretty hard.
"No. I'm just ready to play."
Oh. I just realized that I can choose when he gets to play.
It was the 7th inning. The score 6-4 us in the lead, barely.
He was studying his clipboard.
"I want Cameron to play... The last inning. He's like the only one who hasn't been able to hit yet. Stewart is our next best player and he's dying out there coach!"
Stewart did both outfield and infield.
"Ok I'll let him play. As much as I don't want him too, he's gonna hit. Get our worst 3 batters up first and then Cameron 4th."
We're gonna win this!
Cam hit. The ball,which was pitched by the best varsity baseball player in the state was fast. And when I say fast I mean like 90 mph fast!
The ball went over the fence onto the next field which was an automatic home run of course!
Nick came.
Carl came.
And finally, Cameron Giovanni. My super hot boyfriend!
The team ran onto the field. We had actually won a championship game.
For almost 30 years we haven't won a game. But tonight Cameron changed that. Cameron changed everything.
They pulled me into the field.
So many pictures. So many.
"I'm so proud of you!"
I jumped in his arms.
"I realized I didn't do something and I wanna make it up to you. Right now."
What is he talking about?
Stewart walked up to him with a giant box.
It was purple and gold. With a bow on it.
He put me down as a microphone was handed to him, it's sound screeching out.
"So hi Rene."
He echoed.
"I know I've been a failure this past week and I haven't asked you something and I haven't told you something about our future."
He grabbed my hand.
"So now I have to tell you about our future... In front of the entire baseball team. And shoutout to coach who got me this fancy box. I really appreciate it. So babe could you___ wait, hold this..."
He handed me the mic and ran off the field everyone looked at him including stewart who was extremely confused.
He ran back with a poster, to the mic and handed the poster to stewart.
"I wanna ask you this first since I know I haven't asked you properly and I suck and you don't have to say yes if you don't want to. Uh stewart could you unroll that please."
Written in the crappiest handwriting of all time.
He tried to draw. Tried, but he sucks at it. His hearts looked like butts and the glitter on it was just really bad.
"Yes. Yes 1 million times yes!"
He accidentally screamed into the mic.
"Yes really! I love you and whatever's in this box isn't gonna stop me from loving you."
It better not!
I kissed him.
"Great ok! Phew! That was easy."
He wiped his face with his hand.
"So now coach could you help me out with this one, since you made this happen?"
Coach walked over and picked up the box.
"Cam what is this?"
I asked.
"This... is our future... I didn't wanna do it like this and I wanted to give you a warning, but I felt like I've been a sucky boyfriend this week. So I made this gift with the help of coach and a few coaches from this school I'm going too in about a year."
No way he did this without me!
I oped the box and there it was... about 5 LSU jerseys 5!
"Cam what is this?!"
I was nervous and about to cry because they were special made LSU baseball jerseys.
"This is for you... for us, and our future. LSU sent me some papers like a month ago giving me great offers for both me and you. You have a scholarship for academic excellence and other stuff that was in the letter. And I have a scholarship for baseball and academic excellence. They want me to play for them, and when I mean play, like they want me to play in their team and if I'm good I could go into MLB. Something I've always dreamed of. So this jersey is for me..."
He pulled out the white jersey reading Giovanni on the back.
"Our baby girl..."
It said my girl on the back.
"Our baby boy..."
My boy.
"The dog..."
My dog.
"And finally My Lucky One... To you Rene... I love you! And I may not show it all the time but dammit I love you! Sorry for the language guys. Without you I don't think I would've ever gotten this! I don't think I would've ever gotten this far with my life! I actually have a plan, a plan for us, our family. You're My Lucky One... I can actually say that you're my lucky charm. The teams lucky charm. Without you I suck. We all suck. But when you're here you bring so much happiness to this team it's crazy! So I may not propose today but I'm gonna do it soon! One day when you're not gonna expect it! So I love you... and I'm really thankful for you. Thank you coach."
He handed the mic back to coach.
I hugged him and started crying and he was crying too. I loved him I really did.
Cameron has this thing. He just misses a few things when he talks. Like he'll say something, not complete it all the way. Then say something totally off the subject. I'm starting to notice these things about him.
We took pictures even with the other team. The local newspaper was there. I tried not get in the picture but coach made me.
"For the only girl brave enough to spend an entire baseball season with 13 sweaty, stinky dudes!"
We toasted at dinner. It was really nice. The hotel was clean and everyone was happy and ready to move on.
Cameron and I had laid down in the bed.
"When did you buy this?"
He had a gold chain on, it was shining against the moon.
"Bought it like a week ago. I felt like it made me more Italian."
Please no.
"It fits you."
I started playing with it, until I eventually closed my eyes.

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