Chapter 11

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"Collin she hasn't returned any of my calls I'm getting kind of worried."
It had been 2 weeks since Rene had talked to me and that was to long. I needed to hear her voice.
"I'll text her friend princess... they can't be away from each other long."
He pulled out his phone. A few seconds later she replied.
"What did she say?!"
"She said she'll talk to her mom later and she won't mention you or me."
"Thanks dude."
I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I missed her so much that it hurt me. my grades were slowly falling but not much to where you could tell that I wasn't paying attention in class.
"Ok so princess said call this number."
Collin handed me a piece of paper with a number on it.
"Oh my god thank you soooooo much Collin."
"You're welcome. Now don't call the number to much or her cousin will answer and you don't want that... He's like her big brother. He will tell everyone that this white (not to be mean and all) dude called here numerous amounts of time."
"Ummmm ok so her family is kinda racist?"
He replied. "Her family is but she isn't... trust me."
My face got kinda twisted at thinking about what her family would think about me.
I shouldn't care I don't really care what anyone thinks of me. They could call me a filthy rich spoiled brat... I still wouldn't care.
I stared at the piece of paper wanting to call but it was kinda late. 3:00 in the morning late. Maybe everyone is sleep.
I dialed the number and waited.
"Hello? Rene?"
"Oh my god cameron?!"
"Yeah... what's up I miss you why aren't you sleep?"
I paused for a few seconds to look at the clock.
"oh um I didn't realize it was this early in the morning. I can't sleep. I've been studying. I'm working for two schools remember?"
"Oh sorry... but I figured out the whole house thing. your parents won't answer the phone . I'm so tempted to just go to your house and tell them about the thing."
"Cameron don't they want me to suffer and it's working. I've never been so busy in my life. I actually have to wake up in about 2 hours so yeah. You haven't gotten a girlfriend right?"
Why did I just ask him that?
"No actually... I'm waiting for the right time to ask this girl. "
"Oh... is she pretty?"
Aghhhh stop mouth!
"Yes she's beautiful. we're really good friends but sadly she moved a while ago. I miss her."
"Do you miss her more than me?"
"Yes, more than you. I just wish she would realize how much I love her."
"Well maybe you should tell her."
"I want to see her face to face."
What is wrong with this boy?!
"Call her and ask her I'm sure she'll say yes."
"But she'll freak out because its early in the morning."
I'm starting to get agitated!!!!!!
"Cameron I'm sureeeeee she won't freak out. Not at 3:00 in the morning." I said with a little sarcasm in my voice. it was appropriate to use it.
"Ok I'm gonna call her ok?"
"Ok bye"
He hung up. I swear the next time I see him I'm gonna choke him. literally... choke him.
About 5 minutes had passed and I started to get sleepy. I can't go to sleep I have to finish this report. I grabbed my laptop and continued typing the report due in a few hours.
The phone started to ring. Come on cameron!
"What?! I have to finish this crap for school!"
"Will you go out with me?!"
Silence... and entire 30 seconds of silence.
"Will you go out with me Rene Nixon?"
"Why?! so I can get bullied even more? we hardly know anything about each other! Cameron I'm sorry I just can't."
I hung up the phone without saying goodbye.
Maybe she's right maybe it is a little too soon. We need to stay friends just friends.
But I'm still buying her house.
"She said no dude." I sat next to Collin.
'Why?" he asked
"We hardly know anything about each other."
"Well it's true. Why don't you try taking her out and just talk to her for like a whole day."
I sighed. "I don't know where she is."
"Well I do. But you can't show up on her doorstep empty handed. Have a reason to be there in case her cousin comes to the door."
"Ok what's the address?"
He wrote down the address on a piece of paper.
"Thanks how do you know all this?"
I asked.
"I went out with her for a few weeks... it didn't work out to well. A lot of family issues you know?"
I nodded. "I thought she never had a boyfriend."
"Well... she lied she hated our relationship because of our different family backgrounds but I was her first of everything really."
I'm this close to hurting him.
I clenched my teeth together at the thought of Collin being with Rene.
"So you were her first????"
"I gave her her first kiss in 9th grade. Took her virginity over the summer and I was her first love I guess."
That's stupid.
"Nice dude."
I struggled to pay attention in class after what happened between cameron and I. It's just too soon to think about that. I don't really want to go that far with him right now. Its not a good time
The only way he can really prove that he loves me is if he just spends a couple hours with me so that we can talk. Then i'll know that he can pay attention and then ill make up my mind about dating him.

My Lucky One (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora