Chapter 15

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"Rene?! I'm home!" my cousin yelled.
"Cameron put some pants on!" I half whispered/yelled.
He slid his jeans on following the black shirt. What is up with him and wearing all this black?
My cousin knocked on the door.
"Come in..."
He opened it slowly.
"Oh hey cameron. I forgot you were here."
He didn't notice a giant truck in the front yard?!
"Yeah... I'm here."
"You know I was wondering would you want to help me out in GTA??? I'm trying to get this achievement done but I need 6 people."
Ummm you have six friends...
"My friend Mason had to work today so I really need someone else."
No Cameron.
"Sure i'll help."
"Thanks... come on." he hopped from the bed and followed Kevin to his room...
3 hours later...
"Cameron come on!"
"I'm almost done babe give me like 30 more minutes..."
2 hours later...
He's getting on my nerves now.
"Cameron please come on... your parents are probably worried plus you have school tomorrow." he paused the game.
"My parents know where I am, and yeah WE have school tomorrow."
Oh yeah.
"Ok Kevin I think I'm gonna go now. It's been nice playing with you."
"Ok I'll tell you sooner the next time, thanks."
Yay he's leaving... wait no! he's leaving!
He went to my room to grab his phone and keys.
"No you can't go!"
"But you just said you wanted me to go..."
"I wanted you to get off the freakin game."
"Really?! I was actually having fun with my soon to be brother/cousin in law."
Wait did he really just say that?!
"Yeah my future cousin in law..." he scratched the back of his head. Were gonna get married right?"
"Uh no. Not really."
"So you don't wanna marry me?"
Think! cameron! think!
"Not now..."
"So you will marry me? In the future that is..."
"Yeah I guess."
What?! stop mouth!!!
"Good because I want to stay with you forever."
He got closer to me pulling me into a hug allowing me to take in the day old cologne on his shirt. It just smells so good.
I jumped up wrapping my legs around his torso.
"You really like this huh?"
"Yeah I love gripping your body like a koala."
He chuckled, breathing into my neck softly.
My mouth let out a slight moan. "I'm gonna have so much fun with you after prom."
"I bet you will."
Yep I'm done now...
"Are you gonna miss me?" he asked slowly rocking me.
"Yeah I'm always gonna miss you."
"Well I'm gonna talk to your parents and you're gonna come back ok?"
"Ok I love you."
"Mmm I love you too and your hair smells so good. Just makes me wanna stay here all day..."
"Well you can't you have to go home baby."
"But I'll miss you too much..."
"We can Skype ok?"
He put me down gently, picking up his keys and phone.
"Did you need anything before I go?"
"No I'm good."
"Are you sure? Do you need lunch money for tomorrow?"
Oh my god get out of my house!
"No. I don't eat lunch."
"Well here take some money anyways..."
He reached into his back pocket pulling out his wallet. He opened it revealing 3 crisp 100 dollar bills.
"Here take this... I can't carry around this much paper money it bothers me."
He handed me the 300 dollars.
"No I'm not taking the money."
I shoved it back into his wallet.
"You're keeping it. You need it."
"What do I need it for? Hm?"
"I don't know clothes, shoes, tampons I don't know what girls buy with money!"
I laughed a little as he handed me back the money.
"Thanks cam."
"You're welcome, now go do whatever you do with money. Buy stuff on the Internet I don't care."
He kissed my forehead softly.
"You're so beautiful. I'm ready for you to meet my parents properly. Especially my dad. He can be a jerk sometimes but you have to love the guy."
"Ok cameron go home so that I can come back home."
"Ok bye." he kissed me one last time before walking out of the house getting in his truck and driving away.

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