Chapter 3

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"Class settle down now! I'm sure this gentleman here has came here to learn not flirt... Mrs. Pierce"
I love it when teachers call out their students in front of everyone.
I sat in the back of the class not wanting to see the new dude. The girls' oooo's and ahhhh's meant nothing to me.
"Nixon! come to my desk now!" I mentally grumbled and went to his desk not paying attention to the dude "yes,sir?" I asked. "Why don't you show Mr. Giovanni here around the school."
it couldn't be that bad right? I went out into the hallway where the new dude was standing 'oh my god!' he has the body of an angel.
Those green eyes my weakness. Ahhhh I feel like their killing my brain cells. Noooo I actually like being smart. His hair was a golden brown color. And that skin ohhhhhh that skin is just perfect.
" Hi... I'm Rene." I held out my hand for him to shake which he grabbed firmly. "I'm Cameron...Giovanni" we stared at each other for a few seconds. "oh sorry..." I actually didn't realize he was holding my hand I was still mesmerized by his eyes.
"So Mr. Smith told me that your the top of the class. Looks like we're gonna get a long just fine." We walked down the hall to the library. "Yeah I study a lot."
Which I'm guessing you don't do since you said we're gonna get along.
" Back at my old school I was the top too. " Wow he's smart I would have never thought he was that smart. Not saying that pretty people are dumb just that he looks like he spends MOST of his time on Instagram and tumblr of course.
Boys can be weird sometimes. Cameron is just ugh... annoying. I showed him the front office and cafeteria. Then the classes on his schedule. He's not paying attention great. Now I'm gonna get blamed if he shows up in Spanish instead of French.
"Are you even paying attention?" I asked getting his attention which was extremely hard. "No. I know where all my classes are I just wanted to get out of class."
Ha he made me skip class with
"Thanks. You know for getting me out of class..."
"You're welcome... I think you deserved it. Thanks. For uhhh not 'flirting' with me." he chuckled as we walked back to class. "You're welcome I hate when people flirt with each other. I think the best way to win someone's heart is just to be yourself.That's probably why I've never had a boyfriend."
Why did I just tell him that? It's none of his business.
" Yeah i've had a few girlfriends and it was probably the worst relationships ever...some girls just want me for my money, good looks, and the answers to a test." We both laughed and walked back into the classroom.

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