Chapter 13

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2 weeks later...
Hmmmm what am I going to get my lovely girlfriend today. Maybe her own phone so that her cousin won't bother us when she's on their phone. Yep that's what I'm gonna get her, a new phone and some gummy bears.
I went to the AT&T store to get a new iPhone. She was put on my bill just so I could bug her a little. She HATES it when I buy her stuff. Like last week I bought her a Crown The Empire merch bundle. It was like 100 bucks but it was worth it. She fell in love with it.
I pulled up to her house got out and knocked on the door.
"Come in sweetie!!!!!" her grandma yelled. I obeyed and opened the door. "Rene is taking a shower she'll be out in a couple minutes. But in the meantime lets talk."
We began talking about my relationship with Rene it was a weird conversation but her grandma seemed to like the way I treated her. I think I'm gonna fit in this family just fine.
"Cameron? you're here early." she hugged me. No we haven't kissed yet but I have a good feeling its gonna happen today. I wore my lucky socks.
"Yeah. I really missed you. So how about that date?"
"Ummm... you know I can't leave my grandma here alone sh____"
"I'll be fine honey. Now you go on a date with that boy he loves you."
"Umm ok let me go change."
She went to her room to change into some dark blue jeans and her CTE shirt.
"Perfect choice for our date."
I pulled her outside to the truck. "I have something for you."
"What is it?" I pulled out the phone box and handed it to her. "why?!"
"Because you need a phone."
"Ahhhhhh! I love you cameron." she pulled me into a hug.
"I love you too."
"Where are we going?"
"That. my little angel is a surprise."
We began our 2 hour journey to the secret location which wasn't a secret anymore because she realized where we were going.
"Cameron. Are you seriously bringing me to a CTE concert?!"
"Yep. You should have realized that when I said good choice on your shirt."
"Ohhhhh." she giggled and hopped out of the truck. Shes so excited I'm guessing its her first concert.
I hopped out of the truck paid for our tickets in the front and walked into the venue. We didn't really want to get in The pits so we stood at the top balcony of the place where not many people were.
She had tears in her eyes as the band walked on the stage wearing all black with their bandanas wrapped around their mouths.
"You know cameron I had a huge crush on Andrew."
"Really even with the mole?"
"Yeah. Then a few weeks later I started having a crush on David."
Why is she telling me this?
"Yep but now my man crush is Brandon he is probably the cutest in the band."
Ok that's enough!
"Even cuter than me?"
"Hmmmm I don't know it's a tie. buttttt you're cuter than Brandon just because you're not an old prune."
We both laughed.
"He's not that old huh?" I asked.
"I don't know older 20s but he's still pretty cute."
She smiled and got closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her body closer to mine. She rested her head on my chest as they started playing the next song.
"What's wrong babe?" her eyes were full of tears but she didn't let one fall.
"This song... it's my favorite."
The song was amazing and emotional. MACHINES CTE's best song ever.
"It's ok babe." I kissed the top of her head taking in the wonderful scent of coconut."cameron?"
"I love you." She turned to face me. Before I knew it her lips were gently placed on mine. Her arms wrapped around my neck making her legs automatically wrap around my torso. Our lips moved in sync as the song went on the chorus for the last time. As the song ended Rene continued kissing me. My hands trailed to her butt which surprised her at first but she didn't really care. We loved each other and that's all that mattered.
"What just hit my ear?" I backed my head up and looked at the band still holding her in my arms.
"Oh my god Brandon just threw his pick at your ear." she giggled and got out of my arms picking the pick off the floor. We looked at Brandon who waved and gave us a thumbs up.
That was a pretty good throw. I say about 50 feet. She handed the pick to me.
"No you keep it. it's yours."
She put it in her pocket and pecked me on the lips.
Looks like my lucky socks did work today. The show ended with the song the fallout. I think it was a pretty good way to end the show.
"So where did you wanna eat?" I asked as I opened the truck door for her.
"Ummm I don't know you pick."
"Ok how about that restaurant down the street."
"Well ok let's go there." I drove down the street.
"Isn't this place like really expensive?" she asked.
Ugh why does she worry about money?!
"No I don't think it is."
"Well yeah cam because you're like really rich,and I would eat McDonalds."
Gosh dang it I love it when she calls me nick names.
"Well it looks like I'm gonna have to share my wealth with you."
"Ew no. Keep your money dude."
She's so cute.
"Nope." I popped the P. "I'm gonna share it with you. we've been dating for like what 2 weeks tomorrow?"
"Today actually... I forgot oops."
Thank god she forgot now we're even haha!
"I'm so sorry I didn't get you anything." I felt bad for not bringing her someplace else.
"Really cameron. I think this is enough. This night was probably the best night of my life. I love crown the empire. Its been my favorite band for about 2 years. Thank you... really." she pecked me on the cheek. We ate dinner talked a little and walked through the city not realizing what time it was.
"What time is it cam?"
"Exactly 1 am."
"Crap! we have to get back."
She pulled me to the truck.
"What's the rush babe?"
"I have church tomorrow... today whatever."
"Well we can just stay here."
She's gonna choke me.
"No! I can't miss tomorrow... today... it's first Sunday which means communion."
We raced to get back to her place.
"Cameron are you yawning?!"
"Wake up!"
She plucked me on the side of the head.
"Wake the f**k up!!!"
Ok jeez.
"Were here."
My head bobbed from exhaustion. I was soooo freakin tired.
"Cameron baby?"
Her voice was so sexy.
I kept my eyes closed smiling at her question.
"Why don't you stay here."
Mmmm yesssss.
"Please. and you could make me breakfast and lunch and I would have you for dinner..."
What just came out of my mouth?!
"Yeah. No. You're sleepy come on."
She pulled me out of the truck and dragged me inside throwing me on the bed.
"Woah what's the rush babe. You want me that bad."
Stop mouth!
"Yeah I do."
She got on the bed running her hands on my abs biting my lip softly.
Oh god.
Her hands went to my belt loop gently tugging at it at first then managing to undo it.
She pulled down my pants halfway,grabbing the bulge in my boxers.
"And that's all your getting."
She giggled, kissing the bulge.
"No way that's it come on."
"Yep. I'm tired."
She went into the bathroom to change into some basketball shorts and a tank top.
"Sleep cameron."
"I can't sleep if you don't kiss me first."
"Why are you so weird."
Because you're turning me on duh.
"Because I love you."
"Well if you love me you would go to sleep."
"Ok. I'll go to sleep." I slid off my pants and shirt getting into the bed.
I guess I should kiss him I mean he gave me like the best night ever.
I got into the bed with him, turned away so he wouldn't do anything stupid.
He asked.
We faced each other pecking each other softly then before you knew it I was all over him.
I layed on his chest where I closed my eyes and drifted.

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