Chapter 21

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It's been three days... three days. The hospital staff was nice, they've been treating me well.
Cameron walked in with flowers and pecked me on the cheek.
"Thank you." I took the flowers from him and sat them on the night stand.
He sat and grabbed my hands.
"What?" I asked.
"I want you to meet my sister. Right now."
"Now? Like here? right now?"
"Yes. I brought you more clothes..."
He had a duffle bag filled with fresh clothes.
"Now did you need help changing or no?"
I sat up more.
"I'm good thanks anyway."
Rene had this glow to her. I think this treatment is actually working. She wasn't scared and it just gave me relief that she would be ok when she got back to America.
I helped her get to the restroom so that she could shower and change.
34 minutes later... (yes I kept track)
"Hey babe you ok?!"
"Uh yeah I think!"
She thinks?
"Well what's wrong?! do you need me?!"
"Um no! but you... you're uh gonna be surprised!"
"Can I uh, come in there?!"
I opened the bathroom door just as she turned off the water in the shower.
She stepped out and stared at me.
"What?" She asked.
"Your naked."
"So. You've never seen a black chick naked?"
Uh no.
"Ummm. should I answer that? But anyways, what is it you_ oh... oh uh. Yeah uhhhhhhh..."
Scars covered her back...
"They did this... I__"
"I know. I know... Baby, look."
I turned her around, pushing her wet hair away from her chest.
"As long as your alive."
I grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it, spinning her around making her giggle.
"Cam stop!" she laughed as I held her close.
"What you hate it?"
"No. So... where's your sister?"
"She's uhh in the waiting room why?'
I hate this.
"I want to meet her. Come on..."
I put the toilet seat down so he could sit.
"What are you doing babe?" he asked.
"I'm giving you a show."
"A wha... ohhhh I see, yeah just keep going."
He leaned back as I dried off, putting my clothes on slowly.
"You're amazing you know that right."
Well duh why wouldn't I know that?!
"Yeah. I know."
We walked out of the bathroom and into the room where all my stuff was.
"Oh, why hello Katie." Cameron pretended to be shocked by her.
Do I really have to meet her like this?
"Cameron shut up! you knew I was in here! Hi Rene, it's so nice to finally meet you. Cameroni here has been talking about you forever!"
She was beautiful. Brown eyes, long, slightly wavy brown hair, and a smile that was just contagious.
"Oh really?"
"Hey Kate, can we like not use my real name!"
"No, no. Use it. I love it when he's aggravated."
Cameron slumped down in a chair as me and Katie bonded.
"Hey ladies... I'm gonna go uh do something, take your time."
He pecked my forehead, ruffling Katie's hair.
He walked out, closing the door behind him.
"So uh, Rene, have you and cameron you know..." she nudged my shoulder playfully.
"No, but I think that's gonna change once I get out if here."
She scooted to me more.
"So you're not worried about what happened and all?"
"Well yeah, but I mean sometimes you have to just forget things."
"That's good. Just keep this is mind, Cameron will do nothing to hurt you. He loves you, and I think he's gonna propose."
"What makes you think that?"
"Come on Rene, it's totally obvious! Italy, nice hotel, just you two... "
"Well yeah, but I don't think I'm ready to get married. He shouldn't want to either."
"Our parents had me when they were 20 and got married a week later. Then they had cameron 5 years later so were five years apart."
"That's nice."
I really didn't wanna talk about it anymore.
"Did you wanna go get some coffee or something?" she asked.
"You know what, yeah! I really want to get out of here!"
"Well lets go get you checked out. I'm sure you're well enough to go."
She smiled and walked out coming in minutes later with a nurse and cameron.
"Ready?" The nurse asked.
Cameron helped me get my things together.
"Uh yeah."
"It's so nice to actually lay down in a real bed!" I snuggled closer to the pillows.
"And it is so nice to have you back here with me."
He flopped down on the side of me, snuggling me closer to his chest.
"I love you." he whispered.
"I love you too. Can we talk?"
"Yeah what's wrong?" he sat up.
"Why are we here?"
"Wh... what do you mean?"
Oh my god!
"What is the reason we're here for?"
"I just wanted to spend time you."
He started to play with my tiny fingers, intertwining them with his.
"Then I wanted you to meet my sister, and you've never been out of the country so it's a great experience for you."
"What else? There's something else you're not telling me."
"It's stupid___"
"Tell me. "
He sighed and reached into his pocket pulling out a condom
"Well, I don't think that's a good idea now huh?"
"Like I said it's stupid."
Part of me wants to do it and part of me doesn't. I want to because he dragged me all the way here just so we could do that. I don't want to because, well it's obvious that I don't want to.
"It's not stupid baby, it's just I thought it was something else."
"I don't know, you proposing?"
His face went pale.
"Uhh what made you think of that?"
"It was just a thought..."
I was so embarrassed and I know I shouldn't feel embarrassed around him but that was just awkward.
"Do you want to do something?" he asked.
"Go eat something... Or do you wanna order room service?"
"Room service is good." I said.
"Good because I don't feel like going anywhere. I wanna stay here and cuddle with you."
He ordered the food and waited a good 45 minutes for it to arrive.
"What did you get?" I asked, I wasn't gonna eat like snails or some weird food.
Woah that's the most normal food on the planet!
"Woah, woah! I thought you were on a diet!"
"It's not like American pizza, it's way better. Try it."
He handed me a slice. It was thin, light on sauce, and had the perfect amount of cheese.
I bit into it, taking in the wonderful taste of fresh unprocessed tomatoes and other spices and herbs.
"I can see you like the pizza..."
I had eaten about 3 slices, I haven't eaten real food in a week!
"Well yeah! This is way better than hospital food!"
He laughed, grabbing a napkin, wiping a little sauce off my face.
"So would you like dessert?"
"Yeah what's for dessert?" I asked wanting something sweet to eat.
"So you know me, trying to be all romantic and stuff... I have some chocolate covered strawberries and a little Chardonnay to wash it down."
He went to the cart and lifted the small covering revealing a bucket with chocolate covered strawberries, and a bottle of Chardonnay, two medium sized glasses, perfectly cleaned to the side.
"I thought you didn't drink?" I asked.
"Oh I should have been more clear, I hate like heavy drinking unless its like a party or something. This, my love, is a celebration of love and life."
He poured me some.
It tasted better than the wines I've had before.
"Let me feed you." he grabbed a strawberry and put it near my mouth making me scrunch up.
He hit me in the face with the strawberry making chocolate get on my shirt.
"I hate you!" I laughed
So immature!
I grabbed one smearing it all over his face.
"Really? You wanna go there?"
He wiped leftover chocolate on my face,finally making us even.
"I'm gonna go get cleaned up. Do whatever it is you do."
I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.
He reminded me so much of Jesse. Jesse was my best friend freshman year. He always made me laugh at the most perverted jokes and helped me when I was crying all the time over Collin or my cousin being in the Navy. Jesse left a while back. He just dropped out and went somewhere.
The chocolate was all over me. Though it did blend in well with my dark skin tone,it was sticky.
I grabbed a towel and wiped it off.
Cameron was waiting outside the door.
"You ok?" he asked, resting his hands on my shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm good."
I knew I wasn't, but I didn't want him to comfort me when he doesn't even know Jesse.
"No you're not. What's wrong?"
He grabbed another towel to clean himself up.
"Jesse." was all I said before the tears came out and the whimpering started.
He stood there for a second, sighed, and hugged me.
"I'm sure Jesse is fine."
"Wait you know Jesse?" I pushed off of him.
"The bass player right? Yeah some people told me about him."
"What did they say? We're they good things?"
"You shouldn't be around him,that's all I'm saying..."
Well maybe you shouldn't have befriended Collin!
"Why? Thats my friend!"
"He's not... not in the best condition I'm sorry."
"Wh...What happened?"
He picked me up and carried me to the bed letting me sit in his lap as he rested his head on the headboard.
"He's in rehab... it happened a couple of weeks after you left. Those drugs got the best of him. He couldn't stay away you know. But I know those people are taking good care of him and he will be out in no time."
I few tears fell but not many.
"Thank you Cameron."
I pecked his cheek.
He gave me this weird stare.
"You haven't kissed me properly for the past week..."
I strattled waist and grabbed his cheeks kissing him with the most love ever.
"When baseball season comes I have to make you mine..."
I pecked from his jawline down to his neck caressing his loose T-shirt where his heart was beating rather quickly.
"And what does that mean?"
He gripped my sides.
"It means that the boys will know that your mine."
"Is this gonna scare them?"
"Nope. Their gonna be like 'damn you guys are crazy!' just wait and see Cameron that first game will be the best ever."

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