Chapter 24

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Baseball tryouts came.
Cameron was working extra hard to actually make the team. I knew he was gonna make it. I mean who wouldn't want him on the team?! He's like the best player ever!
"Watch me ok?"
Is he serious?
I sat in the bleachers as they warmed up.
Cameron was up to bat. Coach pitched the ball making cameron hit it with full force.
We all watched in see as the ball went over the field into the trees.
"Well ok boys I think tryouts are over for today! The roster should be posted in the cafeteria tomorrow! Now don't get mad if you don't make it! It's obvious who made the team and who didn't! You should use that to better yourself for next year! Thanks and good luck!"
Coach Grubbs walked off the red dirt and went to Cameron who was getting closer to me.
"Hey__" he tried to say to me before coach got to him.
"Cameron, son! How long have you been playing?"
"About 12 years sir."
"You... you need to be drafted! I love the way you play out there! I'm gonna put recommendations out to every college that I possibly can! We need you, we sucked the past couple years and I think we you on the team this year we could make it to state!"
Well I guess that proves he made the team.
"So I made it?" He asked.
"Yes, but pretend like we didn't have this conversation because I don't want little Walker over there to get mad."
Coach left.
"I'm so proud of you!"
I wanted to hug him but he was sweaty and gross.
"Where's my water?"
We were walking to the truck.
I pulled his water out of my bag and handed it to him.
He poured it on his head getting the sweat and dirt out if his hair.
He was whipping his head around making the sweaty water combination hit me in the face.
"Did you want to come to my house or no?"
"Uh you can bring me home. My mom would probably get mad if I went to your house again."
"Ok. Come on."
He brought me home.
"Go take a shower, drink lots of water, and text me when you finish ok?"
"Okay, mom."
I kissed his cheek, got out of the truck and went inside.
"Are you gonna do that everyday now? Come home at like, 5:30 when you know it's a school night?"
Well hello stepfather!
"I know I was just helping Cameron with baseball tryouts."
"No, you were messing with him and I know you were!"
Woah! I'm like sort of a virgin!
"No. He had baseball tryouts. I didn't have sex with him. I even did my homework so calm down."
"Go to your room."
Ok. Jeez.
I passed out on my tiny bed when I got to my room. Today was a really long day.
A few hours had passed when I woke up. My lights were off and the only light in my room was emitting from my phone.
Cameron has been texting me for the past 2 hours.
I called him and waited for him to answer.
"Sleepy huh?" he said.
"Yeah, you make me really tired, but I'm proud of you. I really am."
"I'm proud of you too. You were amazing at track tryouts. If I were the coach I would put you on the team."
I could hear his tv in the background. A baseball game was on.
"What game is that?" I asked. It sounded like kids playing.
"Oh, just some of my little league highlights. Sorry, ill turn it down."
He turned it down a bit.
"No turn it back up. I wanna hear."
'And here's Cameron Giovanni up to bat guys! You know Bob I hear this boy has helped sector 1 in Florida out a lot! He's the reason why they're here today....... and over the fence it goes! Number 12 Cameron Giovanni has hit yet another home run in the game today guys! and this will end the ninth inning. Florida 15, Alabama 7.'
My mom walked in.
"Cameron that's amazing! Hey mom what's up."
"Mom? ohhhh."
I put him on speaker.
"Hey Mrs. Dee."
"Hello Cameron. How are you?"
"I'm fantastic! Just eating some popcorn, watching some old baseball highlights, and talking to your beautiful daughter."
He took that fantastic thing from me!
And oh, I'm blushing.
"Rene I just came in here to tell you that I'm going out for a while. James is going to sleep and ill just be out for a couple hours with some classmates."
She grabbed my phone and put it on mute.
"Don't go to his house. I want you here tonight."
"Okay. Go, have fun." I took him off mute and pushed my mom out of my room.
"Come over."
"Like now? Isn't your stepdad there?"
Ugh! stupid man!
"Yeah but I can sneak you in. Just park down the street and come through my back yard. I can turn the security lights off."
"Deal. Did you want me to bring anything?"
"Yes, food. Get pizza or something. Wait no don't. Get, uhhhh something that doesn't smell."
He'll smell the food if cameron brings any.
"Ok. Ill surprise you. Ill be there in 10. I will text you when I park down the street."
"Ok. By the way, you have to come in through my window. I can't risk opening the door."
I hung up and waited, clearing my bedroom window.
"I'm never doing this again. You will sneak into my house but I will never sneak in yours again. This is too much babe."
He was whispering slightly loud."
I silenced him by kissing him and grabbing his crotch.
"You really know how to shut me up."
"I guess so. Where's my food?"
I sat on my bed.
He pulled out a grocery bag from nowhere and put it on my lap.
"Light butter popcorn? Protein bars? Water?"
"Sorry I was rushing to get here. I just grabbed random stuff from the kitchen."
"You're slacking Cameron."
"I know I'm sorry. Wanna go out to eat?"
I wish!
"You know I can't Cam. But I really want to."
We were snuggled up on my bed, watching old movies on Netflix. It was cute for a while until he kept rubbing my legs getting closer to my AREA.
"Cam no please stop. Im not in the mood for that ok?"
"What? I can't rub your legs?"
"It's making me uncomfortable. Just please stop."
"Ok. What time is your mom getting back?"
As soon as he said that the gate alarm went off twice. That only happens when a car comes through.
I was freaking out in my head. I haven't checked the time for like 3 hours it's 2 o'clock and Cameron is still in my bed.
With his shirt off.
Feeling me.
Eating protein bars.
Oh god.
"Put your shirt on and get under my bed."
"What?!" he half whispered.
"You heard me!"
It's a school night and my mom knows I never stay up this late. Only if I have homework.
I grabbed my backpack and pulled random papers out, going to my schools website.
"Rene what are you doing up so late?"
My mom walked in.
I fake yawned.
"I thought you did it earlier?"
"I realized that we have this giant test tomorrow for physics and I didn't study at all. See." I showed her the test on my teachers profile.
"Oh. wait this isn't until next week what am I doing? I thought this was the 17 week of school! No it's the 16! This man needs to put actual dates instead of weeks!"
"Goodnight Rene."
"Night mom. Hey mom?"
She stopped at my door.
"I'm gonna go for a run. Around 4. I just thought it would be better to get up earlier this time. I'm trying to get used to waking up at random times."
"Ok night."
She turned my light off and walked out.
I packed all my stuff and pulled Cameron up.
"Should I go?"
"No stay. Please. Please?"
He sat up and pulled me on the side of him.
"I want you."
We laid down together.
"Cam wake up."
He didn't move.
It's too early for this. I need to get him out of my house.
I went to my kitchen and grabbed some ice water.
I poured it little by little on his face he slowly awoke.
He closed his eyes again.
"No wake up."
"Why? Scared your mom is gonna find me?"
"Yes actually and keep your voice down he's a really light sleeper."
"Ugh fine, grab some clothes, we're going to my house. I need to do something."
I grabbed some school clothes and sneaked out the house.
"Stay in the truck ill be out in like 10 minutes."
20 minutes later...
"Dude you're worse than me what took you so long?"
"Well, I paid a bill, took a s**t and changed. I have to look nice, and I can see you changed in my truck. You look nice."
He's lying I looked like crap or at least my hair did.
"No I don't! I look like crap! I haven't showered___"
He was kissing me.
"Your breath smells like peppermint."
"Yours too."
We are one weird couple.
He looked really nice today. Like he had a tie on and everything.
"Wanna go eat breakfast?" he asked.
Sure! We have like 3 hours to kill.
"Yes! I want food! Real food! Not protein bars."
"Ok I want waffles."
"Waffle House?" I asked.
"Oh! yes!"
Ok we'll let's go to Waffle House.
We were both tired when we arrived at Waffle House.
"I want waffles." he was looking intensely at the menu.
"It is Waffle House."
I had already ordered my food and Cameron was taking forever. He said he wanted waffles, well get some damn waffles!
He finally ordered and looked at me.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm tired..."
"No. You know I don't believe that. What's wrong?"
Oh my god!
"No, Cameron I'm extremely tired. You know what happened last night you know why I'm tired."
"When are you gonna be ready,"
She's gonna kill me.
"Cameron, shut up!"
She was chugging that coffee.
"I shouldn't of asked."
"Cameron you know what, I just really don't wanna talk about this here. We can talk about it later ok? In, 7th hour?"
"Yeah that's good."
I was kinda pissed. Then again I really shouldn't have brought it up. I just want her so bad! I just know she feels amazing.
"Cameron, stop staring at my boobs."
Oh god! Not now!
"Tell your uh, boobs to stop looking at my face."
She smiled.
"Eat your waffles!"
Our food came.
We ate with little conversation.
-Lunch- ~RENE'S POV~
"Look, Cameron Giovanni first on the list."
I said.
His head was resting on mine, his hand was in my back pocket squeezing my "cheek."
"That's good. Look Stewart made it, Matthew J., Nick, Cody,and Mike."
He was going down the list.
"Hey, hey, hands off."
Master Sergeant tapped Cameron on the shoulder making him stop touching me.
"Yes, sir. I'm sorry"
He walked away without saying anything.
"I wanna go to sleep."
We were walking to a table where some of our friends were.
"Looks like Mr. Giovanni got in trouble."
Lillian was serious, but her joke didn't amuse me at all.
"Shut up Lillian we're tired."
Cameron left to go get some food. Today's lunch was pizza Cam's favorite even if it wasn't really Italian.
"What were you guys doing huh?" she asked.
"Watching movies and eating protein bars."
"No sex?"
"No. No, no."
"But why? He's like totally bangable!"
Oh my god! I swear I will spit on her!
"Because I don't want to get pregnant."
"Get on birth control, use a condom. I can get you some."
"Nah I'm good."
"Well if you don't f**k him anytime soon he's gonna leave you."
And that's when I jumped and almost punched her in the face but was pulled back by someone. I knew it wasn't Cameron but it was someone just as strong.
"Matt what are you doing?! I wanted to see Rene break that twig b**ch!" Chloe was standing up getting Matthew off of me.
"No. I need Cameron."
His hands were still on my waist. Cameron walked up.
"Woah! What the f**k?!"
"I got this." Matthew let go of me and walked up to Cameron.
"She almost killed Lillian. I couldn't just let her jump like that. I'm sorry man."
I walked away. I didn't know where I was going but I just needed to get away.
"Rene?" I was roaming the hall.
"She went to ROTC."
It was someone random that told me that.
I walked in there and found no one. It was closed.
I walked back to the rifle room to find Rene practicing her shooting with master sergeant.
I stood there and watched her. Her form was amazing and just watching her handle a weapon like that just. turned me on?
"Get out Giovanni!"
Wait is he serious?!
"No. No let him stay I wanna talk to him."
She shot again and put the gun down.
"What? Why are you here?" She asked.
She's. Pissed.
"Are you on your period or something?"
"You messed up right there. Good luck kid." he patted me on the shoulder and locked the gun up walking out after that.
"I should've shot you!"
"What the hell did I do?! What did Lillian say to you? I swear."
"What do you want Cameron?! Do you want me to have sex with you?! If I don't are you gonna break up with me?! Are you just gonna leave me because I haven't sucked your d**k in like 4 months! Well here!"
She stood up and pulled her shorts down.
"Do it!!!"
Bra. leaving her half naked. Her faded scars were still there. just slowly fading day by day.
She then started crying real tears.
"Come here."
I took my jacket off and put it around her.
"Don't leave me. Please."
"I'm not baby. Trust me I'm not. After all you've been through I would never treat you like that."
I helped her put her clothes back on as the bell rang for 5th hour.
"Did you need anything? Like food? Money? Me to leave you alone?"
"That. Yeah. Just go. Please."
Wait what?
"I just need a break ok? Like I just wanna be alone for a while ok?"
Did I do something wrong?
"How long is that gonna be?"
She cupped my cheek with her hand and mouthed, ' I have to go.'
That's it. We had stopped talking. You know it's amazing how things happen so quickly, how a couple can just stop talking for a week. And no, we didn't break up were just taking a break. A Really. Long. Break.
Like a week!
I finally gave in and went to her house on Saturday. Coach made me since apparently, 'my performance has been horrible.'
"Uh hi mr. James is Rene home?"
I kinda forgot that he hated me.
"Yes. Let me go get her."
He closed the door screen door.
She came out.
"What Cameron?" She said, and damn was she beautiful, dressed in dark blue jeans, a light gray sweater with black anchors on it, and black converse. Her hair was in a high bun, slightly curled to give it a thicker effect.

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