Chapter 25

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"Hello?? Cameron???"
"Oh, sorry. Wh..where are you going tonight?" I'm still shocked at how dressed up she is.
"Oh, just going out for a while. Wanna come? I'm sure you and princess would like to meet each other."
So now she wants to be all nice and stuff, I see. I really think she was on her period. A whole week of ignoring each other. A whole week of nothing. But why would she do that? We didn't have to, not talk. I could've helped her out, got her candy and flowers and...
Crap. I forgot flowers.
"Cam, it's a yes or no question. Stop staring, it's weird."
She adjusted her bag on her shoulder.
"Yes, yes! Totally! I'd love to meet her!"
"That's great, come on."
She grabbed my hand and walked me down the steps.
Her butt was perfect and I missed it so much!
We got in her moms Altima and went to princesses house.
"Oh, Rene! He's hot!"
Why, thank you.
"Wow Princess great way to say hello to your best friend. And thanks. He is pretty hot."
She ruffled my hair around as princess got in the back seat.
"So where are we going Rene?" Princess asked.
"A party."
Party?! With drinking and sex and sweaty people?!
"Johnny's having this party before winter break and he invited the entire senior class plus a few extras."
Oh great now I have to go to a party where there's over 200 people.
She drove to his place.
Johnnys place was pretty big and there were ALOT of people there.
Cameron was gripping my hand as we walked in his house going straight to the kitchen finding Jonny with his shirt off dancing on the kitchen counter.
People pumped their arms to the beat of the pop music as Johnny took more shots.
"Are you sure you wanna be here?!" Cameron asked, screaming over the music.
"Yeah it's fine. Hey, look. Stewart's here."
I pointed to the dark haired Stewart in the corner with some other baseball boys.
"I'm gonna go over there. Don't drink anything ok? And make sure princess doesn't either."
"I, I sir." I gave him one of the most fake salutes ever.
"Good now I'm sure we have a lot to catch up on later. I want you to myself later. My parents are actually gone this weekend so maybe you can make me waffles tomorrow. But I want these waffles later."
He was gripping my a** like hard!
Maybe baseball has made him a little needy. He got like wayy stronger.
"You will. and I can get yours later too."
I bit the edge of his lip and grabbed his crotch.
I can't believe I left him! What the heck is wrong with me?!
"God guys, get a room!"
Princess pulled me away from Cameron.
He smirked, turned around, and went to stewart.
"Let's dance!"
God what did she drink that quick?!
"What the hell did you drink already?!"
"I didn't drink anything Rene your crazy!"
She was spinning me around.
Oh my god I'm like the only mature one here! I swear if Cameron drank anything I'm not bringing him home!
"What did you smoke?"
"Nothing Rene, I didn't do anything. Live a little! Have some fun! Come on..."
She dragged me outside.
I really hope this party isn't busted by the cops. That's not gonna look good on my record if I wanna be a cop!
People were outside drinking and smoking and oh my god!
"Rene! Come here!" Some guy had yelled. I couldn't recognize his voice so I walked over behind the large oak tree.
It was Matthew, drinking.
"What's up 'babe?'" He was mocking Cameron.
"That's not funny Matthew."
He was getting closer to me. Eventually making me stop on the tree.
"Oh yes, it is."
"What do you want Matt?"
He was drunk. Straight drunk.
"I want you baby! I want these little thinks right here."
His hands were on my waist getting closer to my butt.
"Stop it please?"
He started flicking my dangling earrings.
"I wonder who bought you these. It can't be your lousy stepdad, but it could be that thing you have for a boyfriend."
He pinned me against the tree and trailed kisses from my cheek to my neck.
"Stop it or I will kick you in the balls."
"Oh sweetie your too small to do that now."
He dug his hand in my pants causing me to knee him in the balls and put him in a headlock,breaking his arm.
"Don't mess with a marine..."
Girls pelted him with rocks.
Guess I'm not the only girl he's felt up tonight.
The baseball team dragged him away.
"Rene, what did he do to you?"
He turned my head from side to side, checking to see if I was ok.
"Nothing Cameron, can we go please?"
"Yeah let's grab princess."
He carried princess to the car and drove to his place.
"Ooo is bru..tiful....."
Princess was slurring her words.
"im gonna go bring my mom her car back. Meet me at that corner store ok?" i pulled the keys out of my pocket and went for the door.
"Wait, what do you want me to do with her?"
"Just make sure she doesn't leave or burn your house down. I'll text you ok? And then,"
I pulled him away from the couch where princess was laying.
"When I come back we can have a little fun, anything. you. want."
"Really? Anything? Babe, what I want I'm not sure you want..."
Oh come on!
"Cameron, I don't think I stuttered. I said anything you want."
"You're not gonna do it. I'm not even gonna try to make you so we're gonna do the normal thing. My favorite number when baseball season comes around!"
Oh, he must be joking! If he does this every year around the same time then how am I dating him?!
"I said that wrong,"
Yeah you did!
"I meant my favorite number when my beautiful/sexy girlfriend who I've been dating for like 7 months come to my house and my parents aren't home..."
"That saved you Cameron. It really did. Now seriously, when I text you pick me up at that store!"
He grabbed my hand as I was just about to open the door.
"Don't go please!"
"Do you wanna bring my moms car back?!"
"No you don't. Goodbye Cameron!"
I got out of his grip and went outside to the car bringing my moms car back.
"Rene is that Cameron?"
I turned around to see Cameron in my driveway with his brights on.
"Why do I have to deal with this mom? Just tell me why?"
"You don't have to deal with it. You can leave him whenever you want."
"But I don't want to!"
She was going back in the house.
"Well it looks like you don't want him to stop. Now go, that boy is hungry. If Ya know what I mean."
"Rene! I know you've done it with him! Now go give him more, don't be scared."
What is up with this family thinking I've had sex with him?! I think my mom is drunk because before she didn't want Cameron to even come to my house!
"I'm not doing anything mom, but love you. Bye."
I quickly hugged her and got in the warm truck with Cameron.
"You left princess at your house?!"
I screamed.
"Yeah, but she was like knocked out so it doesn't matter."
"Still, you left her at your house! Alone."
"Come on babe! I'm just ready to go chill with you!"
Yeah "chill." That's how you end up with 'chil'dren!
"Really? So we can cuddle and watch movies the rest of the night?!"
I was so freaking sarcastic.
"Ah, yes my love. We will cuddle as much as you want."
He was trying to imitate a French accent, but failed miserably due to the fact that well, he's Italian!
"You suck!"
We were getting closer to his house.
"And you're gonna suck me in a few minutes." (I couldn't stop laughing when I typed this btw!)
He unlocked the door to his house. Princess was asleep on the couch wrapped in the fluffy blanket.
Cameron picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
Curse my shortness!!!!
He was so warm! I didn't wanna let go, but sadly all good things come to an end when your super pumped boyfriend is in the mood.
"Cam stopppp!" I laughed as he tickled my sides.
He opened the door to his room...
I was plopped on his bed.
He sank to his knees and pulled my pants down halfway allowing me to kick them off.
"You're cold..." he said as he ran his hands along my sides eventually taking off my shirts.
"Well yeah,"
It was really cold in his house.
"It's just really cold in here."
"Well I don't want you to feel uncomfortable when we do this so I'll put the heat on ok?"
"Ok. Thank you."
He went down the hall to put the heat on.
"You ok? You seem nervous."
"I'm fine really cam."
He had the strangest look on his face.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I can always use my good ole hand."
That was pretty funny.
"No. Let's do this."
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this babe."
69 TIME!!!
The rising sun hit me in the face.
Wait. Today's Sunday!!!!! My parents come home!
At least I left a note for them on princess explaining why she's was here and that she wouldn't wake up for another couple hours.
I turned on my tv to look at the news.
Yeah it pretty nerdy but I like to look at the news every Sunday just to see what happened over the weekend and what's going on next week.
Rene was laying on my chest. Her naked body was so warm.
We were both naked. I actually had boxers on but Rene was too tired to put anything on last night.
Last night.
I smirked.
Last night was hot! I've never been so turned on in my life! Rene was perfect! She was still tight too.
Guess those dudes in Italy had tiny,baby d**ks. They were like 15 too so they didn't know what they were doing.
My dad banged on my door eventually walking in.
Rene shuffled around a little. I could tell she was still tired.
"Come on Cameron. You know we come back on Sunday."
"Dad, can I just please spend the day with my girlfriend? She's tired."
Rene opened her eyes as I rubbed her head. She frowned and moved her head.
"Wait what did you guys do last night?"
"Nothing why?" He could tell I was lying.
"Because you're both naked...duhhhh."
Oh god.
"Dad I swear I didn't have sex with her!"
"Sure Cameron sure. I want that other girl OUT too. This is still my house. You will obey my rules as long as you're in here."
"'Do this when your house gets built. blah blah blah. I know dad."
His face turned red.
"Do this again, or I'm not allowing Rene or anyone else come here again! And I'll close your bank account if you disobey me!"
Why do my parents always threaten me with my bank account? Like I have money that they don't know about.
"Ok dad. Please go. I'll come down in a few minutes."
He walked out, slamming the door behind him.
Rene lifted up.
"I'm ready..."
"A family..."
This isn't real. This isn't real.
"We can get married... when you get out of the military."
"What if I told you I don't wanna go."
What? I thought that was her dream.
"I would be happy, but I thought that was your dream. I want you to be happy as well. We both have the rest of our lives ahead of us and you can do whatever you want. I already know where I'm gonna be the rest of my life, here becoming a better business owner. I may hate it like a lot,but then it spreads and my kid becomes the owner and my grandkid. This what we have is perfect! I'm like the 6th generation in my family to get the Business."
"I'm not gonna go in the military. My family may get mad at me, but I don't care! I can't take the risk of getting deployed oversees and getting shot at."
She sat in my lap, the blanket was wrapped loosely around her.
"Marry me."
"What?" She was on the verge of crying.
"I said marry me."

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