Chapter 1: Everyday life

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Allistor POV

"POENIX! SHALEH! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!" I flinched hearing my mothers furious voice. I heard two pairs of feet running my way. "Allistor!!!!!" I heard Phoenix yell as my sisters slid into the armory. "Hide us!!" Shaleh said. I sighed and opened one of the wooden floor boards. "Get in." I said. They dived into the floor and ducked down while I hid the hole just intime for my angry mother to come in soaking wet. I decided not to even ask. "Allistor have you seen your sisters?" She asked out of breath. "Yeah, they ran through there." I said pointing at the other door. "Thanks my dear~!" she said before running through the door. I smiled then rolled my eyes and stomped on the floor. "She's gone." I said before my sisters popped out of the floor coughing. "Gross there's so much dust under there." Phoenix laughed. I grinned, "what did you guys do?" I asked. Phoenix laughed nervously. "Well...heh...we may or may not have tried to dump a bucket of water of Kili's head but he moved and it hit maamr instead." Phoenix said. I snickered and turned back to the shield I was working on. "What's that?" Nix asked leaning over my shoulder. "It's a shield for Scottie, she managed to break her old one." I said. "Another one?! Mahal...she must be brutal during sparring." Leh said. "Yeah...hopefully she doesn't break this one. Want to come with me to take it to her?" I asked. They nodded and slipped out of the room. I stood and follows them. It was odd those two, always together. From their head to their toes they where identical, the only difference was their voices. "Bofur!!!" They yelled before running and tackling the man, their fox tails wagging back and forth. I snickered and kept waking while they where distracted down to the training arena. "AHAHAHA IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" I heard Scotties loud taunting voice. "Oh that's it lass!!!" I heard Dwalin yell. I walked in and saw Scottie blocking a hit from Dwalins axe with a wooden shield. "Scottie!!" I yelled throwing the shield like a disc. Scottie smiled and jumped using Dwalins shoulder to push herself up and caught the shield, rolling onto the ground and smiled at Dwalin before banging her shield with her sword. "Bring it on...old man." She taunted. I grinned and leaned on the railing watching her. "Allie!!" I heard a small voice behind me. I turned and smiled at my baby sister Ashe running towards me. "Hey!" I said lifting her up to watch Scottie. "Will I ever be able to fight like that?" She asked pointing at Scottie. "If you train hard enough, though Scottie lives and breaths combat...and knowing dad he won't let you do that." I said. "Haha, yeah good luck with taad letting you do what I do." Scottie said coming up behind me, "givin how small you are." She said wiping sweat from her forehead. "I'm gonna get bigger!!" Ashe said. I smiled and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry, I'm sure Taad will train you if you ask." Scottie said. Ashe smiled and jumped out of my arms. Scottie raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms, "wanna spare?" She asked. "Later, I have to go help maamr in the stables." I said. Scottie scowled and wiped sweat from her forehead flicking it at me. "Agh! Gross!" I growled before putting her in a head lock. "Your dead!" I yelled.

Lily POV

I calmly filled my Echo's claws. "Why are your nails always becoming dull?" I asked. She huffed, "I don't know..." He said looking away. I grinned and shook my head and stood. "Alright! that's the last one!" I said happily. "Thank you dear~" she said thankfully. "Where's Tygr?" She asked. I shrugged, "I don't know, I heard Phoeix and Shaleh dumped a bunch of water on her so she's trying to find them." I said with a grin. Echo snickered, I smiled. "Yeah, I don't understand why they can't just stay out of when they tried to tame a goblin....why I'm not sure but then Dad had to chase the Orc out of Erebor." I said smiling. "Hey! He was cool!" I heard Phoenix behind me. "Yeah! I doubt you knew how to burp out your butt." Shaleh said following her in. I rolled my eyes and looked at them, " I don't see how that should be skill that's valued." I said. "Whatever. Your just jealous." She said as Phoenix walked over to their dragons stalls. "Where were you guys?" I asked. "Oh we where hanging out with Bofur but he had to go work in the kitchen so we decided to come to see our dragons." Leh said(((the picture is the twins dragons))). "Hey Lissoth~" Phoenix chimed happily before I saw the large red head on her dragon come out. "Are you guys going out for a ride?" I asked. Leh nodded, "we're going later tonight, we're going to go light off those fireworks Gandalf gave us!" She said. "Yeah! It's gonna be awesome!" Phoenix said. "Be careful you two, the last time you used fireworks you almost lit your fathers hair on fire." Echo said. Phoenix snickered, "wait where is dad? Isn't he supposed to come back today?" She asked. "I think so...can I come with you guys when you go do the fireworks?" I asked with a smile. "Of course! Allistor and Damien are coming too!" Shaleh said.

Ashe POV

I wandered through the various halls until I found myself in the kitchen. "Hello Mr. Bombur!" I said happily. The large man turned and smiled at me. "Hello lass~" he said lifting me up onto the counter. I turned and saw Bofur beginning to chop up some carrots. "Can I do it?!" I asked excitedly. "Alright, but be careful alright?" He said. I nodded and took the knife and carefully began to cut the carrots. I stared focused until I heard something drop and flinched, cutting my hand. I shrieked and held my bleeding hand, crying loudly. "No lass!!! Shush don't worry we'll fix it!!" Bofur panicked. However I couldn't help but cry loudly. I suddenly heard loud booming footsteps running toward the kitchen. Suddenly dad burst through the door looking franticly. "Taad!!!" I cried running to the other end of the counter. "Mahal Ashe! What happened!" He asked looking at my hand then shot glares at everyone in the kitchen. "Why weren't any of you watching her!!" He yelled, everyone looked nervous and terrified. I sniffed and held my hand as he carried me out of the kitchen. "Come on let's get that hand wrapped up." He said kissing my head. He carried me to the medical room and set me down in a chair before rummaging for bandages. "Here we are," he said kneeling down and held his hand out. I sniffed and held out my hand. "It's not too deep." He said before rubbing some disinfectant on my hand making me hiss at the sting. "I'm sorry my love, be still." He said. He wrapped the bandage around my hand and kissed my palm. "There we are, all better." He said before picking me up. "How was your trip taad?" I asked. "well...elves. Not much to say there. I'll have to be going back in a few days I may bring the twins with me. They need to get out of the house...they concern me." He said. I giggled and hugged my dad tightly. "I missed you!" I said smiled. "I missed you too my dear. Should we go find your mother?" He asked. "I think she's in your room, Nix and Leh dumped water on her by accident." I said. Thorin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "going back to when I said I was concerned." He groaned. I giggled.

We made our way to my parents bedroom and saw my mom brushing her tail. "Maamr! Taad's home!!!" I said. My mom smiled and kissed my father. "I see that! What happened to your hand?" She asked. "Oh, I cut my hand." I said showing her the bandage. "Ugh, you need to be careful dear!" She said taking me from my father. " wasn't my fault but okay." I said quietly so she couldn't hear me. "Well, I'm starving, let's round up the kids for dinner." My dad said. I nodded and wiggled out of my moms arms. "I'll get them!!" I said happily.

I ran through Erebor, getting the twins and Lily from the stable, Allistor and Scottied from the arena and Damien from the mine. We all happily walked into the dining room and saw my mother filling in my father on what had happened while he was gone. We all sat down, I sat next to my dad and Lily. "So," he said folding his hands. "Phoenix, Shaleh you dunked your mother in water, went into Dale and let out thirty seven wild turkeys and broke one of the Mining machines. Break any more rules within the next month and your grounded for a year and no dragon flying." He said. I heard Phoenix and Shaleh mumble curses in khuzdul while bowing their heads so our dad couldn't hear. "Scottie you broke six swords and two shields and almost severed Dwalin's hand while sparring, control yourself." He said, Scottie snickered and twirled a fork between her fingers. "Allistor, you made Scottie two new shields." He said. Allistor. Stood and looked at Scottie. "Wait wait wait, did you already break your new shield?!" He yelled. Scottie nervously laughed and scratched the back of her head. "N-no...of course not." Scottie laughed. "Damien, you did nothing. Good work son." Thorin said, Damien smirked and began eating his dinner that was now placed infront of us all. "Lily, Ashe, you two stayed out of trouble, thank you for not causing your mother," he said before shooting a look at the twins, "too much trouble." He said before beginning to eat. "So taad...we all wanted to go light off some fireworks tonight~" Shaleh said twirling the food on her plate. "Yes? What about it?" He asked. "Can we?" Allistor asked. My dad sighed and looked at me, "are you going?" He asked. I looked at my siblings and shrugged, "you can come if you want too!" Phoenix said smiling at me. "I...I can??" I asked happily. "Of course, why wouldn't you?" Damien asked taking a drink. "Well, as long as your all careful I supposed I have no problem with it." Our dad said. "YESSSS" The twins cheered happily jumping up, knocking their drinks over. "Damnit you guys!" Allistor yelled as the water flowed into his lap. I giggled and watched as my brother yelled, the twins laughing, Lily listening to Scottie talk about her new axe technique. I grinned looking at family before digging into my food, looking forward to tonight.

Heirs to the Throne ((Sequel to The Lionheart))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora