Chapter 34: You know me

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Phoenix PoV

I hid my face in my arms, I could feel Fili's concerned gaze on my back. "Phoenix." He said riding up next to me. I sighed and leaned up. "Yah?" I asked. "What's wrong? You aren't riding with Shaleh." He said. "So? I didn't always have to be with her." I snapped. "I know, you don't. Though usually you ride beside her." He said. I nodded, this was true. "I'm just trying to think about somethings, alright?" I asked leaning back, looking up at the sky. "Is it something similar to what you spoke to me about a week ago?" He asked. I nodded, "it's exactly that." I said. "Why don't you talk to her? You know I'm all for helping you in any way I can but this situation won't fix itself without you taking some form of charge over it to actually fix it." Fili said. "How in Durin's name do I bring up something like that?!" I asked sharply sitting up. "How to I walk up to to person who is practically the other half of my heart, strength, and reason to live and tell them that I feel like a complete worthless piece of shit compared to them?!" I asked. I felt a lump beginning to form in my throat however shoved it away. "Phoenix, you know Shaleh. You know that you mean everything to you. You two have been inseparable since birth! You've been each others back bone since day one! Do you honestly expect her to hate you for telling her how you feel?" He asked. "I don't know...I honestly don't know." I said out of breath. "Obviously there's something more to this than your leading on." He said. I gave up on hiding and nodded. "I don't want to hurt her Fili...I'm terrified of seeing the broken-hearted look I know I will see in her eyes." I said looking down, loosely braiding my horses mane. "'s going to hurt her, you know this. There's no way of getting around it." Fili said. "No, you don't understand. When Shaleh and I have serious heart to heart moments we can feel each other's emotions. Even without those moments I can feel hers...and when ever I know she's hurt it makes me feel a thousand times worse because I just want to make her happy and feel better...or kill the person who hurt her." I said looking over at him. "But I can't save her if I'm the one hurting her Fili!! I can't!!!" I said covering my face with my shaking hands. "Lass, it sounds like this has been building up for quite a while." Dwalin suddenly spoke up. My eyes darted forward, "sorta..." I said quietly. "Look lass, I understand ye don't want to hurt someone who means so much to you...but sometimes you have to. Most of the time it helps, maybe not right away but you understand that in the long run...she will thank you for it." He said. I was shocked at the strong dwarfs kind and nurturing words. "...I guess." I said. "None of the "I guess" shit. Phoenix Oakenshield you fucking know you know." He snapped. I nodded without saying a word. I glanced back at see her wiping away tears and nodding to Kili. I shook my head feeling gut wrenching guilt in my stomach and turned back. "We will be in Rohan soon. For the time being steady your mind, I promise it will help." Fili said. I nodded and leaned forward on my horse, resting my head on my arms and closing my eyes. Falling asleep to the sound of small chatter amongst our company.

*time skip*

I felt my side being poked before I shot up in awareness. "What?!?!" I asked. "We're here." Fili said. I nodded and yawned. I then realized Shaleh was right by my side. I glanced at her only to receive a small smile. "You ready?" She asked. I grinned and nodded as we closed towards the gates. "So who's in charge here?" I asked Balin. "That would be King Helm Hammerhand." Balin said. "Hammerhand? Weird..." I heard Shaleh say. "Agreed." I said with a smirk as we saw Guards approaching us. "Princess Shaleh and Phoenix Oakenshield: Heirs six and seven to the line of Durin." A man announced as we dismounted. "Hello," we said simultaneously as we bowed. Two guards came and collected the horses as we where led inside. "King Helm will see you shortly." The man said without another word and left. "You two alright?" Dwalin asked us. We nodded, "so what exactly is this training business?" I asked. "Weapons and armory." Dwalin said. "So..." Shaleh said. "I will do most of the talking, you two however must stay present." He said. We nodded as we suddenly saw a man coming towards us. "Ah, what a sight to see the beautiful twin princesses!" He said. We smiled. "Hello" Shaleh said. "My apologies, which is which?" He asked. "I'm Phoenix, this is my sister Shaleh." I said. "Ah, the warrior and the Queen." He said. I frowned. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Well you two have been known to be exact in face but opposite in destiny and talent, though Shaleh is more known as to be the possibly the youngest queen of Erebor." He said. I grinned my teeth. "You're wrong." I said. "Pardon? I can say my knowledge of your family line is very strong." He said. "well obviously not because if you knew anything of our family line you would know our youngest female heir is our sister Ashe. Get your facts right." I snarled before storming off.

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