Chapter 22: Keep it a secret

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This one is short, the next will be longer I promise!

Scottie POV

I resisted the urge to laugh my ass off watching Ashe play drunk darts with Fili. Ashe was failing miserably and Fili almost shot my father. I smiled and watched taking drinks of my ale from my spot ontop of the table. Suddenly I was yanked off by my hips and onto a cozy lap. "Hey there Lass," I heard a familiar toy makers voice. "Why hello there Mr. Bofur~!" I laughed. I moved and got comfy in his lap, kicking my feet up on the table while one of his hands rested on my lower hip and the other holding his ale. "SHIT!" I heart Phoenix shriek as one of the barrels of ale practically exploded. I ducked dodging a shot of ale coming at me? Letting it go over me. "Smooth Nix. Real smooth." I said winking at her. "I try okay!!!" She shouted back. I smiled and looked up at Damien who was standing beside me. I raised an eyebrow as his eyes darted from Bofur to me. "Don't look at me like that, I'm grown." I snapped. He shoved my forehead with his palm. "I'm grown, you've got three more months." He said smirking. "Yeah...close enough." I said with a grin. My brother laughed and rolled his eyes. I looked back and grinned at Bofur. He smiled at me, "ye look lovely today lass." He said. I giggled, "awe~ I didn't try at all today!! Thank you!!" I said planting a kiss on his cheek. I saw a light dust of pink on his cheek and smiled. I leaned back My head resting in the crook of his neck. He reached around me and began braiding a chunk of hair I had flowing over my chest. I grinned, knowing exactly what that ment. It was a dwarvish courting tradition. I noticed my Maamr walk by and stop before looking at us. "Hm...cute~!" She squealed. I blushed slightly and nodded. "Bofur, you hurt my daughter I'll hurt you~" she sang before walking away. "Uh...not sure what to say about that....sorry..." I said looking back at Bofur. "I've seen your mother almost rip your fathers head off in a cave...I swear I won't hurt you. I don't want that coming after me." He laughed as he tied off the braid. He was extremely good at braiding...where as I was not. "I love it~" I said smiling at him.

Bofur and I have had...a somewhat lingering relationship over the last two years. It started when I first met him in the toy shop trying to buy a present for my new baby sisters Phoenix and Shaleh when they where young. Though he caught my eye as he told jokes, showed me probably every single toy they had then taught me how to make a yarn doll. He was the sweetest dwarf I'd ever met....and the first one to make me look twice at them. After a while we became closer and closer. Between me sparring and training with Dwalin or my father and helping with the dragons, I was with Bofur. What can I say...I may be a stone cold warrior but I'm a sucker for sweethearts.

I looked around and noticed Kili, Fili, and Ashe where gone. "Uh...where'd my sisters and cousins go?!" I asked sitting up.

Ashe POV

I held onto each of my cousins hands while they sprinted across one of the polished marble floor, me sliding across in my socks. "one...." Fili said. "Two...." Kili said smiling. "Threeeeee...." They said before slingshotting me down the hallway. I yelled in pure happiness until I slammed into a wall. "Agh!" I laughed and collapsed to the ground. I looked and saw Kili holding his stomach laughing on the ground and Fili lighting his pipe smirking. "Again!!!" I cheered. Kili stood and shook his head, "we've done it six times!!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes, "lazy...haha" I said punching his arm. Suddenly he wrapped his arm around my neck tightly putting me in a headlock, "isn't it someone's bedtime!?!?!" Kili laughed. "Actually yes!! So let go!!" I squeaked. Kili let go and Fili ruffled my hair. "We'll tell Thorin you went to bed, goodnight Ashe! Amazing job today!" Fili said smiling. I waved and walked to my room. "Hey Talion~" I said as I opened the door. I heard a huff in response and grinned. I then noticed my room had been cleaned and there was Mail on my freshly made bed. I walked and picked up the letter. It was from Thranduil. I opened the beautiful envelope and read.

"Dear Ashe Lionheart,"

"He's still using the name I gave him...I'm somewhat not surprised." I mumbled to myself before reading the body of the letter.

" Due to your quick learning, you've learned two weeks of training in one day. I have decided I would like to take you out on a hunting trip, practicing stealth skills and killing techniques in environments other than a room. I would be honored to have you meet me infront of the north Elven gate at six tomorrow morning.

Till then,

"Are you going to go?"

"AHHHH!!!!" I screamed turning around to see Allistor looking at me. "I...I don't know." I said. "Well, I think you long as I go with you." He said crossing his arms. "Wh-what?" I asked. "Well, on an outing I want to make sure your safe, and if I go with you tomorrow morning our parents won't suspect a single thing. I think it's a golden chance to learn new things. Elves are knowns for stealth killing." He said. I looked at him and slowly nodded, "well...alright!" I said with a grin. "I wouldn't mind learned a thing or two from him too." He said with a smirk. "I can't believe your helping me, and going with me to learn from him." I said surprised. "Well, brothers and sisters need to support each other don't long as they keep certain things a secret?" He asked. I giggled and nodded. He ruffled my hair, "we need to get up at four to make it to the elven gate by six. So go to bed." He said. I nodded, "see you tomorrow morning Alli~" I laughed as he waved his hand and closed my bedroom door. I looked over at Talion who was looking at me, "get some sleep buddy, we're getting up early." I said pulling my boots off and crawling into bed. I folded the letter and tucked it the box under my bed with the first one and sliding it back under. "I feel slightly better about this...because if I get in trouble Allistor will too. I mean I don't like him getting in trouble but I mean...I won't be alone." I said looking at Talion. He stood and jumped onto my bed laying down at the foot of my bed. I nudged him with my foot, "goodnight Talion." I said before rolling onto my stomach and falling asleep.

Heirs to the Throne ((Sequel to The Lionheart))Where stories live. Discover now