Chapter 5: I forgot to tell you

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Allistor POV

I quickly walked to the dinning room to see most of my siblings and my parents. "Hello my boy" my father greeted me with a smile from his place at the head of the table. "Hey taad" i said happily sitting at his side, across from Ashe who looked to be hiding her overwhelming nervousness with a smile. I shook my head and lightly kicked her foot under the table. She looked at me as I mouthed the words "calm down". "Where are the twins? They where acting weird earlier." Thorin said. "Really? Why?" Our mother asked from the other end of the table. "I don't know. Phoenix came into our room in a panicked state through those damn hidden doors of theirs." He said. He then looked at Ashe and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, "are you alright Ashe? You look flushed." He asked. Ashe's eyes widened before she suddenly stood. "I actually feel a bit warm! I'm going to get some Medicine from Mr. Gloin!" She said before running off. My father looked at me confused. "I'll go make sure she's alright." I said before standing and going after my little sister.

I finally managed to catch up with her...actually with Mr. Gloin. She was sitting on a table speaking with him. "What's the matter Princess Ashe?" He asked with a smile. "Do you have anything for an upset stomach? I feel like I'm going to be sick." She said. I felt slightly bad for her, I know it was the guilt from keeping such a secret from our father that was getting to her. She was "daddy's little princess", he was like her hero...I can't imagine how she feels finding out the warg that almost killed him and belonged to the Orc that killed our great grandfather was her spirit animal and being to terrified to tell him. She told our dad everything. "Here us go lassie, bottoms up." He said giving Ashe a very small cup of a clear liquid. She downed it and cringed her nose. "Ew..." She muttered. I laughed slightly and entered. "Thank you Mr. Gloin, can I speak with my sister alone?" I asked. He nodded, "of course" he said before leaving and closing the door. I turned to my sister and looked at her, "okay you need to get ahold of yourself." I said calmly. Suddenly I heard her sniff and a tear go down her cheek. "I hate keeping things from taad!" She whimpered. I kneeled down and held her cheeks in my hands. "Don't worry, we're going to tell him. We're just putting it off until the time is right okay? Don't fret little one," I said hugging her tightly. I felt her hug me back, "everything will be okay." I said petting her hair slightly. I let go and looked at my little sister and grinned, "come on, let's get back before anyone gets worried." I said taking her hand as she hopped off the table. I walked us back to see that Phoenix and Shaleh where now there as well as Damien. I sat back down, as did Ashe. She smiled at our dad who grinned back before we where brought our food.

We told them about how much fun we had lighting off fireworks and how Phoenix saw a caterpillar on her foot and screamed so loud she almost fainted. "Okay!! Those things are disgusting and creepy!!!" She argued. "Sit down! Your not helping yourself!" Our mother laughed. I saw a smile crack on our fathers face before he cleared his throat. "Now, I actually have an announcement to make." He said before turning to the twins. "Phoenix and Shaleh you will be accompanying me to Mirkwood tomorrow." He said. The twins smiled and high fives each other. "Thanks for letting us come!!" They said simultaneously. I grinned and shook my head. It was crazy how alike they where. From their heads to their toes and to the tip of their tail they where alike. They had the same smile, same hair same everything. The only way we could tell them apart was their voices. be quite honest there was one thing that was different about that...however I'm not going to say it. I was the only one that knew, only because I found out by accident. Even Shaleh doesn't know, though if she found out I highly doubt she would care. I looked and noticed an odd expression on my mothers face. She looked as though she was trying to remember something she had forgotten. "Now, you two need to be on your best behavior, no pranks, no interrupting, and no destruction...unless I say so." "Thorin!" Our mother snapped. We all laughed, as did our father before he dismissed us from the table.

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