Chapter 23: the outing

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Ashe PoV

I woke up and instantly shot up and looked around my room. "Talion! Wake up!" I smiled. I jumped out of my bed and quickly dressed myself in brown tighter pants, knee high fur lined sturdy boots with a black long sleeved shirt that made my figure look...lovely. I then slipped on a vest lined with fur that Fili had given to me a few years ago. I pulled back my hair and braided it securely. "Alright, come on." I said. Talion followed me out of my bedroom and we saw Allistor all dressed in his hunting clothes knocking on our parents door. "Come in." We heard out Father groan. It was four in the morning after all. We entered and Talion stayed in the hallway. "Taad, I'm taking Ashe out." Allistor say. "Why? She has training today." Our taad said. "Well, push it back to tonight can't we?" Allistor asked. I stood beside him nodding, "what are you going to do?" Our maamr asked. "I just want to go and teach her a few things. I promise she'll be back in time for her lesson with Scottie." He said. Our Maamr sighed and got out of bed before hobbling to the bathroom. "Ashe come here." She said. I followed her in and she closed the door. "Sit." She said. I sat down on a small stool they had and she walked behind me pulling my braid out. "Your braid was warped, I wanted to fix it." She said. She pulled my hair out of its braid and looked at me in the mirror. She leaned down and hugged me around my neck. "I'm so happy I got to have six stunningly beautiful girls." She said looking at me in the mirror. I smiled and hugged her arms. She laughed and quickly re braided my hair. "Where are you and Allistor going?" She asked. I shrugged, "I don't know, he told me he wants to teach me a few survival techniques." I said. She nodded, "well, I'll tell Thorin to let you go. Just be back before your lessons with Scottie alright?" She said kissing the top of my head and opening the bathroom door. "Thorin let them go, Allistor is going to teach her some survival techniques. She needs to learn this stuff my love." My maamr said. Taad nodded, "ai, I told Allistor they can go as long as they are back before Scotties lessons." He said. "That's what I told Ashe." Our mom said smiling. "Good, be careful both of you." Taad said kissing my head. I smiled and nodded. "Let's go!" I said excited. We went back into the hall and I hoped onto Talion's back. I rode beside Allistor down to the stable where he went to get his horse ready. As we passed the Dragon stable I saw the twins passed out in a pile of hay. "You get your horse ready...I'm going to check on Nix and Leh." I said getting off Talion. "I have a surprise for you, give me Talion." Allistor said. "Go with Allistor." I said before going into the dragon stable. "Hey what are you guys doing? Your going to get sick of you sleep in's too cold." I said. They groaned and say up, they had strands of hay stuck in their hair. "Oh...we where spending the night with our dragons... They laid their egg." Phoenix yawned. "What?!!! They layed it!! I wanna see!!!" I said excited. She smiled and stood before leading me to where their dragons where huddled in a circle. We climbed onto Lissoths back and looked to see there where creating a circle of heat around their beautiful egg. "It's so pretty...." I said looking closer. "Yeah, layed it two days ago." Shaleh said. "Tell me when it's starting to hatch! I wanna be here!" I said smiling. "Oh yeah the whole family is going to watch, even Taad." They said. I giggled, "I can't wait~" I said sliding off of Lissoths back. "Well, have fun with your dragons, if your going to sleep in here at least have blankets." I said before leaving. "Thanks mini mom!!!" They shouted after me. I grinned and walked into our stable where we kept various animals. Mostly horses though. "Allistor! Where are you!" I said as I looked at his horse who was half done, with the saddle on but not the bridal. I grabbed the bridal and slipped it over his head and secured it with the reins. " your all set." I said grinning. "I'm in here, hold on a minute." Allistor yelled from a back room in the barn. I sighed and brushed his horses mane and picked the dirt out of his hooves. "Close your eyes." Allistor said. I shut them tight and turned around. I could hear Talions paws walking across the stone floor and Allistor's boots. "" He said. I opened my eyes and almost screamed. Talion had a beautiful black leather saddle on his back with stirrups and everything, along with a bridal that was fit in a way that he didn't have an iron bar in his mouth like a horses, so he could bite and attack if needed. There was a strap around his neck that had two handles I could hold onto instead of reins and was hooked and tightened between the bridal strapes around his ears and the saddle seat, making it solid. "This is amazing!!!! When did this become a thing?!?!" I said excited. "Taad had it specially made for him. When you where gone somewhere he had maamr get his measurements and had it specially conducted and shaped. He also made the stirrups your foot size and the saddle your size. So it fits you, no one else." He said patting Talions neck. "Thanks for not killing me while I put this stuff on you." He said to Talion before going and mounting his horse. I held onto one of the handles and slipped my foot into the stirrup before pulling myself up. I sat in the saddle and smiled. "It's a lot easier to get on his now." I said. I noticed there where loose buckle straps next to my thighs. "What are these?" I asked. "Oh! Hold on." He said getting off his horse. "Theses," he said before pulling the strap over my leg and buckling it in so it couldn't pull away from the saddle even if I tried. "Are taads safety touch. He's worried that at the sped Talion can run you'll fall off." He said. He then began pulling three leather straps and buckling them. One on my middle thigh, one below my knee, and one just above my ankle. Though it was a little excessive, I was thankful. I hadn't ridden Talion at his full speed so this actually gave me peace of mind for when that was to come. I did the other side now that I knew how to do it and grinned. I wigged and felt I was locked in. "This is awesome." I said holding onto the handles. "Well...wanna test and see if it will hold you?" He asked smiling as he got onto his horse. "Of course I do!!!" I said almost yelled.

Heirs to the Throne ((Sequel to The Lionheart))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu