Chapter 7: From start to finish

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(((This chapter takes place in Erebor while Thorin, Dwalin and the twins are at Mirkwood)))

Tygr POV

I stretched my arms and slapped my husbands side of the bed as I rolled over, to my disappointment he wasn't there. "Oh yeah...Mirkwood." I said before pulling his pillow and hugging it close to me. I remembered a whiles ago when I only had Allistor, Damien and Melody that Thorin began to for some reason become worried that I was going to leave him. I thought that was ridiculous...after all we've been through together, along with nine kids...I can honestly say my heart still pounds when I see him as much as it did when i first saw him in Bag End all those years ago. I hugged his pillow close to me, I hated him being so far away, it scared me. I know he is very capable of caring for himself but still.

I yawned and saw up before tossing my legs over the bed and walking into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and cringed, "whoa...wakes up to that every morning and still wants me at night...I must have one hell of a great personality." I said to myself before laughing. "Heh, I'm funny." I snickered before deciding to half-ass my appearance and pulled my hair into a simple braid over my shoulder. I splashed some water on my face before going over to my closet. I pulled on some black pants and a button up white shirt before slipping on my own fur collared coat, much like Thorins only the fur on mine was white. I pulled on black boots and my wedding ring. "I guess I should go wake the girls up, they probably are still asleep." I said going for the door. I opened and was greeted by Lily in a panick. "MAAMR!!!!!" She yelled. I kneeled down and looked at her, "what what's the matter?!" I asked. "The dragons! They've gone ballistic!!! We don't know why!" She said panicked. My eyes widened before I formed into a wolf, as did Lily and we ran towards the stable. I however stopped hearing an uproar of dwarvish men yelling. I formed back into a woman and ran to them. "Lily stay right there!" I said as I ran closer. I was found Kili and Fili who looked worried. "What happened what's wrong?!" I asked. "One of the machines snapped and about twenty of the mining ropes fell." Fili informed me. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth. "Was anyone on them?" I asked. Kili nodded, "yes, three dwarves." He said. I gasped, "do you know which ropes their on?" I asked. "Yes, we already pulled out the free ones. The only ones left hanging are the ones being used." Fili said. I nodded and turned around and yelled for people to move out of my way, which they always did at the sight of Thorin or me. I kneeled down looking into the pit, "Hello! Can you hear me!!" I yelled. "Queen Tygr! Y-yes we can hear you!" One of them replied. "Are all of you alright!" I asked. "Yes, we're fine! A little shaken up." He replied. "Alright, hang tight! We're going to get you out of there!" I yelled before turning and looking for Dwalin. "Wh-where's Dwalin?!" I asked. "He went with Thorin and the twins to Mirkwood." Bofur replied. I pinched the bridge of my nose, "ugh really? Of all days. Alright! I want the eight strongest dwarves front and center!" I yelled. As soon as possible I was presented with...some rather massive men. "Alright, I want three of you on each rope. Here's what we're going to do. All of you are going to hold that rope as tight as humanly possible, alright?" I asked. They nodded. "Alright, as soon as you've lol got a good grip we're going to cut the rope and you guys are going to pull them up okay?" I said. They all looked at me as though I was crazy. "Are you mad?! That will kill them!" One yelled. "No, actually I'm quite calm, the opposite of mad, and what is going to kill them is if we leave the machinery attached while its in that state if you guys some how drop the rope the pressure of them falling and pulling the rope again will cause the machinery to collapse down on top of them. That, will kill them." U said crossing my arms. They all looked at each other surprised. "What are you waiting for! Do as the queen says!" Balin said. I grinned and patted his shoulder, "I'm leaving you in charge. I need to go help my kids with the dragons." I said. Balin nodded before I ran off to find my children.

As soon as I got there I heard loud roaring. Not vicious but scared. I went in and ducked down as a shot of ice was shot at me. "Echo!!!" I yelled. "KILL IT!!!!" She roared. "What? Kill wha- AGH!" I screeched and jumped onto Echos back as I saw a utterly massive snake. I looked at Ashe and Lily who where standing on top of the stalls equally afraid, suddenly Ashe screamed as Ladel roared and thrashed around in her stall as it slithered closer. I covered my ears from the high pitched scream that could easily have been heard all throughout Erebor. I looked behind Ashe and saw Allistor's bow and arrows hanging on the wall. "Ashe! Hand me Allistor's now and arrows." I said. She carefully balanced her way over to the wall and tossed the bow to Lily who tossed it to me, followed by the arrows. I threw the pack around my shoulder and took out an arrow. "Alright you disgusting creature...stay still." I muttered takin aim. Just as I was about to shoot, a large white warg came bursting through the door, tackling and slaughtering the snake. I shrieked and aimed for the warg. "NO!" I heard Lily and Ashe scream before Lily tackled me off the wall and down onto Echo's hay in wolf form. She formed back, "don't hurt him!!" She yelled. I was utterly confused before I looked around the stall door and saw Ashe hugging the wargs neck. "Ashe get away from that thing!" I yelled, feeling protective. I flattened my ears as the warg growled at me. "Oh you wanna growl at me huh? Let's see how tough you are against this!" I snapped before forming into my large fighting form. I towered over the warg. My animal forms had gotten much bigger as I aged. It looked up at me and...stood infront of Ashe...guarding her. I looked into the wargs eyes then to my daughters, I also noticed the crystal necklace in her dress was glowing. I formed back into a girl and shoved the wargs face aside, "she's my daughter. I would never hurt her." I said kneeling to my youngests height. "My love let me see your necklace." I said. She pulled out out from inside her shirt, and sure enough it was glowing. I sighed, "Ashe, be honest with me." I said. "Is that warg your spirit animal?" I asked. "Yes maamr..." She said quietly. "How long has he been here?" I asked. "Since we got back yesterday." She said. I looked at her, "why didn't you tell your father and I..or at least me?" I asked. "I thought you would be mad...considering who that warg belonged too." She said. I cocked my head and looked at the beast...I didn't recognize it at all. "What? Who did it belong too?" I asked. "To Azog maamr." Lily said. I swung back around and looked at Ashe. "What?! I don't remember Azog having this warg." I said. "Yeah...the white warg...that almost killed taad." Lily said. My memory was fuzzy...however I slightly remembered that. I couldn't remember that much because I believe I was a child when that happened because of the youth pellet. " wasn't the wargs fault. Azog would have probably killed him if he didn't do as told." I said. Ashe nodded, "that's what I said!!" She said. I grinned, "I don't judge him for his past because it was out of his control. Plus, he just ran here to the sound of your scream which shows he is willing to protect you." I said standing patting the wargs side. He gave me an wary look but did nothing. "What about dad...what will he do when he finds out?" Lily asked. I sighed and looked at Ashe and how worried she looked at her warg. "Don't worry, I will tell him okay?" I said with a grin. "What if he try's to take Talion away!!!" Ashe panicked, small tears filling her eyes. "I'll be damned if I let him take...Talion is it?" I asked. She nodded and sniffed before wiping her nose on the sleeve of the sweater she had on. "I will not allow Talion to be taken away. You can't help who your spirit animal is, it's a natural thing. All this means if he was ment to be with you, not Azog." I said pushing hair out of her face and kissing her forehead. She grinned up at me before hugging my legs. I smiled and hugged her tightly. "I need to go check on the mine situation. Until I tell you any different keep hiding Talion." I said before beginning to leave. "Wait...where are your brothers?" I asked turning around. "Oh, they went into Dale...probably to visit some girls." Lily laughed. I rolled my eyes, "I told them not to do that any more." I snapped before running off. 'Great now I get to have a war with Thorin later about a warg.' I thought irritated as I approached the mine once again. To my delight I saw two of the dwarf men had been pulled out. "Where's the last one?" I asked. "He's to heavy!!" The men struggled out as they pulled. "Who's down there?!" I asked. "Bombur." Fili said. I grinned, "awe, Bombur~ alright! Tie that rope into collar and toss it around me I'll pull him up." I said before forming into my fighting form. They did as told and tossed the rope around me. I took a deep breath and began pulling. 'I wonder if this happens to Thorin when I'm gone.' I thought as I continued pulling with all my strength. I suddenly heard the dwarves cheered and looked back to see them pulling Bombur onto the stone floor. I formed back into a girl and collapsed to my knees and hands panting. "Tygr!" Fili and Kili said worried. "I...I'm good! Just out of breath." I said standing on my wobbly knees. I looked back and smiled at the dwarves who where pulled out of the pit. "What about the machinery?" One of them asked. I waved my hand, "Thorin can deal with that one. I need to go find my sons." I said out of breath as I staggered off. I pulled my coat tighter as I left the mountain, "Tygr!" I turned around and saw Bofur coming after me. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "Where are you off too?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "to get Allistor and Damien, you can come if you want." I said. He smiled and nodded before we went on our way. As we entered Dale, many people said hello to me. I have short hi's back because of my current focus. I suddenly heard the laugh of my familiar first born. I turned and saw him speaking with some blonde girl who looked to have a disease. I furrowed my brows and stormed towards him. "Allistor!!!" I snapped. He looked at me shocked and laughed nervously. "Hey maamr...what are you doing here?" He asked. I said nothing, only snapped my fingers and pointed at the mountain. He sighed and began walking home. "Where's your brother?" I asked. "At the brothel." He said. I growled in frustration and saw the girl looking at me. "What are you looking at?!" I snapped causing her to scurry away as I stormed towards the brothel.

I opened the door and immediately found him surrounded by women. I walked over and stood with my arms crossed. The look of terror I received was priceless. "Let's go. No arguing." I said. He began to sit up before one of the women pushed him back down. "Find your own man to pleasure you!! This ones ours!!" She said. I glared daggers at the girl. "I have my own man, he's a king, and he pleasures me in ways your dreams couldn't even imagine because you aren't even worthy of imagining it. And that "one" is my son. Let him go before I make you." I said with venom dripping that sent shivers down the girls spines. Damien stood and followed me out. "I thought I made it perfectly clear that you and Allistor where no longer allowed to go to Dale without your father or me." I snapped. "Sorry..." He said. "Does this type of stuff happen when your father is the only one here?" I asked. He shook his head. "Oh lovely, so this is just my luck." I said looking at the sky to see the sun beginning to set, I also saw Phoenix and Shaleh flying in on their dragons. "Your sisters are home, which means your father isn't to far behind. I won't tell him but next time I won't just tell him, I'll ground you." I said glaring at him. He said nothing but nodded. We walked back into the kingdom and where met by the twins. "Hey you two, did you have a nice time?" I asked. They nodded then cocked their heads, "you look exhausted maamr." They said. I nodded and held my slightly pounding head. "Yes, I'm going to skip dinner tonight, all of you behave while eating." I said before making my way back to my room. I closed the door and stripped off my clothes before pulling on new underwear and one of Thorin's looser shirts before crawling into bed. "I can't believe this type of stuff doesn't happen to Thorin when I'm gone." I groaned rolling over, pressing my face against the pillow and drifting off into an exhausted slumber.

I woke up slightly with the feeling of someone getting into bed. I then knew who it was from the muscular arm snaking around my waist pulling me towards them till my back was against their chest. "How was your day my love?" He asked me in a soft tone. " was quite the adventure from start to finish." I groaned, my head still hurting. "That's what I heard, I also heard you handled the mine incident quite well." He said. I turned around and nuzzled my face against his neck, "hm, I only did what I thought you would do." I said before kissing his neck softly. I felt his hands hug around my back as his thumb rubbed circles on my waist. 'I'll tell him about Talion tomorrow.' I thought as I slid down resting my head against his chest. I yawned once again as I felt Thorin pull my hair out of its braid and run his fingers through it. "How was Mirkwood?" I asked. "I'll tell you about it in the morning, goodnight my love." He said kissing my head. I grinned and snuggles closer before falling asleep to the beat of my husbands heart.

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