Chapter 29: Lets not tell Thorin

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Ashe POV

I groaned feeling a solid pain in my arm. I winced and tried to sit up only to feel a thumping pain in my head. "Easy," I heard a general voice beside my bed. I looked to my right and saw Thranduil sitting calmly. "Oh, hello" I said smiling. "You must lay back down, your not well enough." He said. "Psh, I'm an Oakenshield! I'm fine!" I said sitting more up, regretting it from the pain...but keeping a composed face to save myself my pride. "Well...I do remember Bilbo saying dwarves are stubborn." He said. I smirked, "I am not stubborn." I said. "Eat this, it will sooth the pain, and don't try to tell me you aren't in pain." He said, a small smile on his face as he handed me a weird looking leaf ball. "What is it?" I asked. "Just trust me, it's going to help." He said, I shrugged and popped the ball into my mouth. "Do I chew it or swallow?" I asked with my mouth full. He stifled a laugh and covered his mouth while crossing his legs. "Chew hiril vuin ((my lady))." He said. I groaned not knowing what he said before chewing. I covered my mouth while I chewed before swallowing it. "Agh, it tastes like a strawberry mated with mint." I gagged. He smiled, I looked at him then burst out laughing. He smiled widely, "Gellon ned i galar i chent lîn ned i gladhol((I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh))" he said with an affectionate tone. I scowled, "Ú-bedin edhellen((I don't speak elvish))" I said. He looked at me surprised, "you just did," he said. "That's...seriously the only elvish phrase I know." I said. He grinned, "well then, would you like me to teach you some?" He asked. I nodded fast, "yesyesyesyesyes!!!!!!!" I said excited as I jumped up and hissed in pain. He jumped and placed his hand on my cast. "Ashe! Please be careful." He said. I looked up at him, "sorry...didn't mean to worry you." I said. He grinned, "it's alright...I just don't want you getting more hurt than you already are" he said. "Heh...that's sweet." I said, knew I was blushing. Suddenly before I could even react Thranduil pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened before I responded...though I wanted to pull away...I couldn't.

Tygr POV

I sauntered down the nice roads of the Shire. Thorin and I had made it and I went to go see my old home. As I returned to Bilbos hobbit hole i heard various hobbits greet me. It was nice that none of them actually knew who I was...they where just nice and said hello. "Good morning!" One woman said. "Hello!" I replied waving like a child. As I walked, my sensitive hearing caught something...rather interesting. "Have ye heard about what happened with King Thorin's children? Of Erebor this morning?" A hobbit man said. I rushed over. "Excuse me! I know you don't know me but I would love to hear about King Thorins children? What happened?" I asked, trying to hold on my panic. "Oh, well I heard that the dragons of Erebor went on a rampage and the kids went after them, then King Thranduil of Mirkwood had his army help restrain the dragons however four of the princesses where injured and are now being treated in Mirkwood." He said. I stared at the man wide eyed. "M-ma'am? A-are you alright you look like a ghost!" He said. "" I muttered. "What's that lass?" He asked. "Th...TTTTTHHHHHOOOOORRRRRIIIIIINNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed forming into a wolf sprinting towards Bilbos home. I didn't even stop when I broke down the poor hobbits front door. "Mahal Tygr! What's wrong?!" Thorin asked. "M-my door!!!!" Bilbo screeched. I froze, I looked at my husband who was peacefully sitting with a mortified hobbit. He looked more relaxed than I had seen him in a good long while. "I-I...." I stuttered. "Tygr? What's wrong?" He asked coming to me and placing his strong hands on my arms. "I..." I murmured. He shook me, "WORDS WOMAN, FORM WORDS!" He yelled laughing. I snickered and panicked, "um...nothing. I just have a favor... To ask of you." I said. I didn't have the heart to panic I decided against him knowing. "What is it?" He asked. "I wish to quickly fly to Rivendell to see Melody, Liam and Lily. I'd be back tonight. Please?" I asked. He looked at Bilbo...who was crawling on the ground...slightly sobbing over the broken pieces of wood. "M-my d-door..." He whimpered. "...sorry about that Bilbo..." I whispered. "That would be fine...I believe I should help Mr. Baggins with his d-d-door." Thorin said, mocking Bilbos heartbroken stuttering. "Shut up Thorin!!" Bilbo snapped. I giggled and pecked my husbands lips. "I'll be back!!" I said. I ran out to the field where Echo was sleeping peacefully. "ECHO WAKE UP!" I shrieked. She jumped up and shot ice at me. I screamed and dropped to the ground. "WHY?!" I yelled. "Sorry...what's wrong?" She asked gaining her composure back. "We need to go to Rivendell." I said. "Wh-" "NO TIME! FLY!" I screamed as I jumped on her back.

As we flew briskly through the sky Echo pestered me about what was going on. So I told her what the hobbit had told me. "Ah, so that explains the concerned frisky mother." She said. "Hey! Their my pups! I have to look out for them!!" I snapped. She huffed and we dove into the hidden valley. Echo landed gracefully as Lord Elrond ran to us confused. "Lady Tygr, what brings you here?" He asked. "I NEED YOU TO DO ME A HUGE FAVORE" I said panicked as I fell off of Echo landing on the ground and scrambling to my feet. "Mom! What are you doing here??" I heard Liam yell as my tree children ran to me. I hugged them tightly. There's been an incident with the dragons, your sisters are injured in Mirkwood. Lord Elrond," I said turning to him. "Can you, and you personally, fly to Mirkwood and check on my kids? Please, I'm asking you this as a friend, and a desperate concerned mother." I said grabbing his hands and holding them tightly looking up at him. He nodded, "of course I will." He said. I sighed in relief, "you three are not to join him, am I understood?" I said. "But m-" "AM I UNDERSTOOD!" I snapped. "Yes!" Was a quick response from the three of them. "I'm sorry, but I will not risk my other three children. I need to go back to the Shire." I said lookin. Back to Elrond. "When you get news, come to the shire. Tell me, and me only. If your see Thorin, tell him simply that you where invited by me for dinner." I said. "Why should Thorin not know of his children?" He asked. "I will tell him I assure you, however I will not breath a word until I am sure what I was told is true." I said. He nodded, "well, then I shall see you later. Melody, Lily, back to your studies. Liam, back to...whatever it was you where doing." Lord Elrond said. I kissing their foreheads before saying goodbye. "I cannot thank you enough for this Lord Elrond." I said. "Anything for the animal queen of nature." He said bowing his head. I blushed and smiled. He had given me that title a whiles back. I only had Damien and Allistor at the time. He gave me that title because I was able to tame any animal I came across.

I flew back to the shire just as night fell. As I made my way to Bilbos house I saw his door was still missing. I felt guilty for breaking is. As I went inside I saw Thorin and Bilbo painting a new door. "May I help?" I asked. Thorin looked at me and smiled. He tossed me a brush and nodded, "you better!" Bilbo snapped. I dipped the brush in paint and began doing smooth strokes. No doubt that the worry for my children was eating away at my Conscience.

Ashe POV

I pulled away from Thranduil and he stood up. A grin on his face, I knew my face had to have been beat red. Before I got the chance to speak my stomach growled. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "Well...yeah...very..." I said quietly. "Then let's get you something to eat." He said. He carefully lifted me off the bed. Never in my life did I ever think I would be cradled in the elven Kings arms...never. "Your very light." He said. "Heh...yeah...I get it from my mom." I said bashfully. I weighted practically nothing, he could throw me like a doll if he tried. "No need to be so shy my love," he said as he set me on my feet. I blushed. "A-alright..." I said as he opened the door. I walked under his arm and out into the hall. I glanced up at him as we walked, only for his eyes to meet mine. I blushed and looked back. My eyes darted to his hand beside me. I took a breath and quickly grabbed his strong hand with mine. He looked down at me, his hand tightened around mine. I blushed and looked ahead...though I could feel him smirking down at me.

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