Midnight moon

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{this is a mini story that has nothing to do with the actual plot line of Heirs to the Throne. I will explain the importance of this chapter to me at the end. Most of this chapter is in Phoenix's point of view}

I sat with my back pressed against the mountains cold stone, staring out towards Dale. I felt my boredom peaking as I looked to my side to see no sight of my sister. She had gone with Melody to Rivendell to help with a mixture that was supposed to strengthen dragon scales ten fold...there for she would be gone for quite a while. I sighed and stood up, my bare feet gripping the dirt beneath my feet as I took off in a run towards the forest a little ways from the mountain. As I reached its edge I slowed to a walk and began to watch where I stepped, not wanting to step on any thing that could puncture my feet. I looked to the sky through the trees and saw the sky darkening however that didn't shake my intentions in the slightest. I jogged through the forest until I found a small cave. I had found this cave a long while ago, inside of it I found something...or someone even better. I made my way through my cave and crawled on my stomach through a small tunnel to the other side. As I launched myself out the other side I landed on the hard mud and the soothing sound of water. "Phoenix!" I heard a kind voice greet me. I turned around and saw a head of crystal blue hair and pale skin, added on with beautiful ocean blue eyes looking at me. "Hey!" I smiled. The figure walked out of the water, her wings made of water gently grazed the ground as she walked and hugged me. I cringed at how cold she was but hugged her back nonetheless. "Are you alright? You seem disturbed." She said looking at me worried. "Not disturbed, just cold." I laughed. "How are you Skye? I'm sorry I haven't visited." I said looking out over the water. "I have been well...lonely. Not many sea creatures come to these waters anymore." She said. "What? Why?" I asked confused. "I don't know...I've purified the water twelve times to ensure it was still safe to live it...I can assure it is." She said. Skye was a water fairy I had befriended when I stumbled upon this little spot when I was very little. She had cut her leg and I helped her mend it and train it back to health and we've been friends ever since. Whoever this little cove was the only place she could live healthy. Her blood was cursed to bind her to this water only...or else her blood would freeze in a matter of minutes. "Well...is something in the water that shouldn't be?" I asked sitting down on the flat rock behind me. "No, well, there was. There was a shark however guided it back out to sea." She said pulling her legs up to criss cross, her wings flittering allowing her to float. "You've got some guts dealing with a shark." I said with a small laugh. "Maybe I could check around the rock." She said beginning to fly away only I sprung from my rock and grabbed her ankle, pulling her down to the sand. "No!" I said. "You can't. You'll die." I said sharply. "So?" She asked confused. Skye...was a solitary fairy. She had told me that I was the first other person she had met. She had no real knowledge of how relationships worked. "....so? Did you just say so?" I asked shocked. "Well what is so bad about dying?" She asked, her eyes looking into mine. I creased my eyebrows and frowned. "Y-you just can't. Okay?" I asked. "....is it bad?" She asked. "Yes...it's very bad...it's bad for you...and painful for me." I said. "Why would it be painful for you?" She asked. "Cause you would be gone." I said simply as I let her go and scooted back. "Oh..." She said. "Wouldn't you be sad if I were gone and never coming back?" I asked. Her eyes widened as she looked at me. "Of course I would!!! I wouldn't want to lose someone I've had for so long!" She panicked. "See? Nether would I. It would kill me to lose my sister." I said. I suddenly saw her eyes begin to water. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked crawling to her and whipping the tears from her eyes. "You know, there was this song that my mother sang to me before she left...." Skye said softly. "Yeah? What was it?" I asked sitting back, our legs still touching from our close position. "It's called Midnight moon" she said. 'Pretty...' I thought. "What's it about?" I asked. "Well...my mother never explained it to me entirely. However...one part she made very clear was that a water fairy can only come out at night while they are alive...and when they pass on they live in the daylight in wherever they go." She said. "So daylight is bad for you?" I asked. She nodded. "Legend says that beautiful sky lights though the sky and almost touch the ground where the fairy has past, to symbolize a bridge to lead them on into the afterlife. However this bridge of light-" I cut her off, "only on a full moon on midnight" I said. She looked at me and nodded. "How did the song go?" I asked. She grinned.

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