Chapter 12: healing

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Ashe POV

After Allistor and I set up our horses we quickly set off. I however noticed his mind seemed to be elsewhere. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me as though he didn't understand what I had asked. "What?" He asked. "I asked if you where okay, you seem...distant." I said. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He said. "Is it that girl?" I asked. He looked at me surprised. "Wh-what girl?" He asked nervously. "The one you where looking at before we left. White hair?" I asked. I looked at his face...I was obviously right. "Shut up Ashe." He snapped. "Fine far is it until we get to where this plant grows?" I asked. "Well, it tends to grow near the elven gate." He said. "Elven gate?" I asked. "Yeah. The gate into Mirkwood?" He asked. I was utterly confused. "What's that?" I asked. "Taad or maamr hasn't told you about Mirkwood?" He asked. I shook my head, "I've heard of Rivendell..." I said quietly. "Oh well, Mirkwoon is the woodland realm ruled by King Thranduil. Thranduil and taad do not get along. That being because when Smaug first took Erebor Thranduil marched his entire army only to watch and do nothing while Taad called for help." He said. My eyes widened. "That's terrible...b-but maybe he didn't know what to do..." I said quietly. Allistor shook his head. "He did. He just didn't do anything." He said, his voice became low and bitter. I racked my brain trying to imagine this elven King.

Hours later we finally arrived at the edge of a large forest, accompanied by a gate that looked like deer antlers. "Is this the elven gate?" I asked dismounting my horse. "Yes," Allistor said dismounting and coming to my side. "It is. Now...let's begin looking." He said.

As Allistor and I looked around we separated to cover more ground. While Allistor grew a little further from the gate my eyes kept darting to it. I wanted to see sounded cool. The "woodland realm" i sounds amazing. Plus if it's half as amazing as Rivendell sounds then it must be cool. I also wanted to see the Elven King...I've always liked elves. I thought they where pretty, I've seen one. "Ashe!! I found it!!" I turned and looked at Allistor who was waving at me from afar. I sprinted toward him, skidding to a stop. I looked down at the ground to see a green plant with white flowers. "Is this it?" I asked. Allistor nodded and pulled some out of the ground and put it in a bag he had brought with him. We filled the bag up until it was full and remounted our horses. "Hey what where you doing over there? You stuck close to the elven gate I noticed." He said as we started our horses into a run. "I was just looking for the plant." I said looking ahead. He laughed, "how would you know what your looking for? I never told you what it looked like." He said. I shot a glare at him and shook my head. We rode quickly back to Erebor, all the while he kept urging me to tell him why I was over there. "Have you met Thranduil?" I asked looking at him as we slowed our horses to a trot since the mountain was close. "Yes, twice." He said. "What was he like?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know, I only saw him before I was told to leave the room." He said. I sighed, "oh...okay." I said as we trotted onto the stables. "Here, take this to Mr. Gloin okay? Tell him you need to make it into a juice." He said handing me the bag and taking my horses reins. I nodded and ran into the halls of Erebor. "Ashe! You two are back so soon?" I heard my fathers voice behind me. I smiled and turned around before jumping and hugging him tightly. "Yeah!! We got the plant." I said opening the bag to show him. "That's wonderful," he said kissing my head and setting me down on the ground. "I have business to take care of for your mother so I must be going." He said. "What business?? Is she okay?" I asked. "Yes she's quite alright, I'm planning a surprise for her." He said. "Like a date?" I asked. He smiled, "yes, like a date." He said before walking off. "Awe~cute! Tell me if you need anything!!" I shouted after him. He waved his hand, letting me know he heard me. I ran the opposite way to the medical room to see Mr. Gloin looking at what seemed to be a dragon tooth. "Hey Mr. Gloin! Can you help me make this into a juice?" I asked hopping onto a chair setting the bag onto the counter. "Hello there Princess Ashe. I would be happy to help you." He said before taking some of the plant out of the bag. "Ah, hithus ay? A healing herb." He said before grabbing a bowl and a hammer like kneading object. "Can I do it?" I asked. He grinned and nodded. He put the plant inside the bowl and handed me the kneading object. "Alright, now knead that until there is juice in the bowl, they we'll drain the juice and continue till there's no more juice to be given." He said. I nodded and began kneading the plant. It was difficult that was no lie, however I was pleased to see that it was producing juice quickly. I braided the bowl into a cup and continued kneading. After I finished the first half of the plants, I did the other half till my arm became tired. I drained the last of the juice and grinned before throwing out the crushed plant. "Alright," Mr. Gloin said as he poured the juice into a vile and capped it. "Here ha go lassie. Now, with hithus juice it only takes a few drops to do the trick in healing cuts and gashes alright? Don't waste it." He said. I smiled and nodded before thanking him and running to my room and bursting through the door. "TALION!!!" I screamed happily. He barked and jumped up in surprise. "Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, LET ME SEE YA LEG!" I said happily. He laid on his side and allowed me to remove the bandages. To my pleasure the would was healing, however this should rapidly speed up the process to where he can run, jump and climb again. I uncapped the vile and took a deep breath. I dropped 6 drops over his wound and recapped the vile. I losely rewrapped his wound with new bandages. "Alright...this should heal you quicker and make you even stronger!" I said with a smile lookin at the bandage. I grabbed a nice piece of silver silk cloth and tied it in a bow around the wound making it look nice. "Hehe, now you look regal!" I laughed, then something happened I was never expecting. Talion had leaned and licked my cheek in affection. I looked at the beast, feared by most who encounter them and smiled. I scratched behind his ear and petted his neck lovingly. "Your so sweet Talion." I said happily. I suddenly heard a loud growl come from his stomach. "I completely forgot to feed you!!!" I panicked. I petted him and stood before running down to the kitchen. Once I entered they all stopped and looked at me. "Princess Ashe! How may we help you! Are you hungry?" The head cook asked. "No well can you all cook me three pounds of steak?" I asked. They gave me a shocked look. "A...alright dear. You heard the princess!! Three pounds of steak!!!" She yelled and the kitchen started bustling. I grinned "bring it to my room when it's done please!!" I said and walked out to the stable and grabbed one of the large metal bowls that we used for the dragons to have water. I grabbed one and carried it up to my bedroom. I carried it to the tub and filled it with cold water. "Alright. How am I going to do this..." I said as I held the heavy bowl. Talion cocked his head and looked at me. I set the bowl on the ground and pushed it over to by his bed. "Don't spill this or my father will kill me." I panted as I set it still. Talion began drinking it and I grinned before noticing the trail of water I left while pushing it across the room. "Damn..." I whispered before going back into the bathroom grabbing a towel and wiping up the water. I flinched hearing a knock on the door. I slipped myself outside and closed the door to see one of the servants with a large trey of steak. "Perfect!" I said happily taking it. I walked back into my room and was immediately greeted by a warg sniffing the trey. "Yeah yeah it's for you!" I laughed as I ducked and slid the trey across the room, followed by Talion chasing it and devouring the meat. I grinned then felt my own stomach growl. "It's dinner least soon it should be." I muttered. As Talion ate I peaked at his wound and my eyes widened, it was almost completely gone. "Wow, by nightfall you should be completely healed!" I said happily. I petted his neck and walked to the door. "see you after dinner Talion." I said before leaving to go down to the dining room.

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