Chapter 39: Help us

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Above is Kura, she is more muscular and thicker than in the picture

Dialog in "this" is English, and dialog in "((this))" is orcish

Ashe POV

I followed the girl and the elven guard through the trees and into a nice building, which happened to be a bedroom. "Sooooo this is my bedroom where we will be chilling for a few minutes." She said. "Okay." I said as I looked around the room then realized something. "So your a princess?" I asked. She shrugged, "bloodline status no. My parents are Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn....they adopted me so I'm technically the heir to the Lothlórien throne." She said. I smiled, "I'm one of the heirs to the throne of Erebor!" I said. She smiled, "yay! Princess bonding!!!!" She laughed. I smiled and giggled, "so your adopted?" I asked. She nodded, "yeah...I guess my parents were actually a hobbit and an elf. So...I got the height of a hobbit and the physical appearance of an elf." She said. "Except the ears." I said. She scowled and nodded. "Yeah, I wanted the ears." She said. "I'm Ashe, by the way." I said holding out my hand. She grinned and shook my hand, "Kura. Its nice to meet you." She said. I nodded, "I have a question." I said. "Hm?" She said while standing up and stretching. "Why'd you help me?" I asked. "Oh," she said turning around. "Well...I was coming back from a trip to Mirkwood...and heard shouting and a Rucus. Then hell I look to see a girl with fiery red hair riding a big ass warg being chased by a pack of orcs. Sooooo I didn't want you to die is the short way of why I helped you." She said. I blinked for a second trying to understand what she just said. "Well, I can't thank you enough." I said. She waved her hand, "don't worry about it. Um, do me a solid." She said going through her closet. "We're about the same height right?" She asked. I stood and went to her, we looked in the the mirror side by side. We were exactly the same size. "Perfect!! Put this on." She said handing me a beautiful green elven dress. "We're going to a dinner and we have to look nice." She said as she pulled out a white dress with blue lining the edges. "Wow.....these dresses are stunning." I said as I pulled off my dirty somewhat ripped clothes. I slid the silly fabric over my body. "Can you hook it?" I asked. Kura nodded as she kicked her pants to the side and walked over to me to hook the dress. "Umm there's one more piece to this outfit hold on." She said as she walked to a large dresser in the corner of her room. "Here it is. I'll put it on after Aziel does our hair." She said. " hair?" I asked. She nodded happily. "Yep!!" She smiled. 'She's odd...' I thought as I began to help her with her complicated dress.

Phoenix POV

I stared numbly through the bars of the underground cell I was thrown in....alone. They took my sister somewhere else. After Saruman let us down...we were drug down into the lower halls of the abandoned home as well as making it deeper, then also went about making it into an underground fortress. I hissed in pain as I held my side tightly. I pulled my hand away for a moment and gasped in fear as blood began to gush out again. I swallowed back tears and breathed heavily. "Hey!!!!" I yelled out. Suddenly a hammer was hit against the bar as a large Orc walked into sight. It hissed at me and hit the cell again. "P-please I'll bleed out of you don't give me bandages or something!!!!" I yelled as I tried to stand. He glared at me and walked away. "Fuck fuck fuck." I said. I looked at my shirt and realized I was wearing something else to cover my breasts...and in this situation I felt not bleeding to death was more important than hiding my stomach. I stood up and quickly removed my shirt as blood flowed down my side. I wrapped it tightly around my waist and pulled it as tight as I possibly could. Once it was secure I took a deep breath as I leaned back against the wall. I looked around me...the wet cold stone walls...the dirty floor and iron bars holding me in. Suddenly I heard screaming and yelling and heavy footsteps. "S-Shaleh?!" I yelled running to the bars, trying to look out. My eyes widened as I saw my sister bruised, beaten, battered, and bleeding being drug down the hall...literally. "SHALEH!!!!! YOU FUCKING BASTARDS ILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" I screamed as I punched and rammed the cell bars. As they walked past me they laughed. I looked at my sister who's eyes were open....she was alive I looked closer and saw a chunk of her hair had been cut off. "P-Phoenix....don't tell them anythi-!" She was cut off as one of the orcs dragging her nailed the heel of his boot into her teeth. "NO!!!" I screamed. Suddenly an unfriendly face took up my sight. I looked up at the pale Orc we had risen from the dead. "Get away from me!" I yelled backing away. He smiled at me as he opened the cell. I pressed myself back as I saw three other orcs come in behind him. "((Grab her.))" he said, I looked at them terrified and confused at my lack of not knowing their language. "W-what?" I asked as they roughly grabbed my arms and began to pull me. "Let me go!!!" I screamed as I thrashed and kicked and bit them. I looked ahead of me and kicked my feet up nailing Azog in the back of the head. "HEY YOU SON OF A BITCH LET ME GO!!!!" I yelled. Suddenly his hand swung back, hitting my jaw hard. I felt one of my teeth crack as I spat it out onto the floor. I was pulled up a long staircase until I hissed at the sunlight shining as we entered an upper level room. Azog moved aside and my eyes widened. I looked to see a blood soaked wall hooked with chains. 'S-shalehs blood...' I thought in my head. As I got closer I saw looked to my right and saw a twitching goblin looking at me with beady his mouth I saw the red hair he was chewing on. I cringed and felt myself becoming sick to my stomach. As I was harshly thrown against the wall they quickly chained my arms above my head and my feet to the ground. I felt the anxiety and fear building up as my eyes began to water. ' us' I cried out in my head as azogs angry eyes set on me.

Dwalin POV

"YOU LET THEM LEAVE?!?!" I bellowed as my fist it the stable guard. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't stop them!" "Dwalin!! Stop!!!!" Fili yelled as he grabbed my arm pulling me back. "I've lost the king of Erebor's daughters. We need to find them. Are there any buildings nearby. They couldn't have gone far." I said. "There is an abandoned house not to far from here...that's the only building within miles." One of the guards said. "Kili! Fili!" I yelled. "Yes?" Fili replied immediately. "Let's go. We need to find Shaleh and Phoneix before something bad happens." I said sternly walking past them. "How do you know something bad will happen?" Kili asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Obviously you don't know your cousins very well." I said bluntly. "Dwalin this isn't your fault." Fili said as we walked outside. "No. Fili, it is. I should have been watching them. And now all I want to do is get them back." I said as we mounted our horses and followed the guards out towards the house.

Heirs to the Throne ((Sequel to The Lionheart))حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن