Chapter 40: Stay strong

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Thorin POV

I stood quietly in the living room of the home we planned to buy, thinking of our home. "Hey!!! There's like so much kitchen room in here!!!!! I never noticed that!" I heard Tygr yell from the other room...which I assumed was the kitchen. "Tygr." I said before I saw her pop her head around the corner. "Yes~" she said with a smile. "I have a bad feeling in my stomach." I said. "Oh? Are you ill?" She asked. I looked dead into her eyes. "It's not that kind of sick my love." I said in a serious tone, I watched the wolf ears on her head flatten. "Oh...I see." She said. "I think it's best if we go home, something isn't right." I said dead toned. She nodded just as Bilbo came to the door. "I found you two a home warming gi- is something the matter?" He asked when he saw our serious expressions. "We are going home, something is wrong." I said walking past him. "W-wrong? What do you mean??" He asked confused. "Where is Echo?!" I said, yelling slightly. "She's in the pasture outside of bag-end." Tygr said. I nodded and began walking towards the end line of the hobbit town.

Tygr POV

I watched my husband march away. "Tygr what is going on?" Bilbo asked. "I'm not sure...he's worried about something. I've been feeling a little off today as well, yesterday also." I said. Suddenly my ear twitched hearing the voices of two hobbit women. "Ty-!!!!" I slapped my hand over bilbos mouth to listen in.

"Halie! Did ye here?!" One of them said. "What? About what?" Halie said. "Berk told me that there's somethin going on in the kingdom of Erebor." She said. My stomach tied in knots. "What happened?" Halie replied. "Two of the princess are missing, assumed kidnapped!" The first one said afraid. My heart began to painfully pound in my chest as my eyes watered. "That's awful!!!!" Halie said. "Aye, the twins. Such a shame." She said.

Bilbo held my hand. "This couldn't possibly be true." He said looking at me. I felt boiling tears run down my cheek. I spun around and ran at the woman grabbing her by the shoulders. "W-when did you hear this!!?!?!!" I asked desperately. She looked at me in shocked. "Q-Queen Tygr?!" She said. I nodded and asked again. "P-please tell me when you heard this?!?" I said. "Just last night." She said. I released her and felt my hands shaking as they covered my face. "M-my daughters!" I said in a scared tone. The hobbit women grabbed my shoulders in condolences. "We're sorry, we all hope they are found." They said. I nodded and smiled hardly. "Thank you, but I must go." I said before running off. I grabbed Bilbo and ran towards where Thorin had stormed off to.

"THORIN!!!!!!" I screamed as he came into view. He stopped abruptly and turned around looking instantly worried seeing my puddly tear covered face. "My love what's wrong?!?!" "P-Phoenix and Shaleh!!!" I cried. "What? What about them??" He asked grabbing my hands. "They've been declared missing and kidnapped!!!" I said before breaking down into rivers of tears pressing my forehead against his chest. I felt his arms loosely wrap around me. "If this is true, we will find them. We are getting our daughters back." He said. I looked up at him and nodded before taking a deep breath. Suddenly the ground beneath us shook as I felt the cool breath of Echo behind me. I turned and saw her head bowed to the ground. I climbed on, followed by Thorin. I looked at Bilbo who stared not knowing what to do. "W-well aren't you coming?" I asked wiping tears away from my face. "You want me to come?" He asked. "Of course." I said holding my hand out. He timidly climbed up Echo and sat behind Thorin, holding onto him, while Thorin held onto me. Without a second word Echo took off into the sky.

Shaleh POV

I sat, slouched against the cold wet wall of the cell I had been thrown in. I kept a my head still, as when I moved sight went blurry. I was drunk with pain and blood loss. I stared directly at the back of the Orc guarding my cell. I felt my mind going, all common sense flying out the window. "S-sir..." I slurred in a horse cracked whisper. He looked back at me for a moment, through my blurry vision we was not bad looking for an Orc. He looked away and said nothing. "P-please....please can I have water." I said as I painfully pulled myself away from the wall, it being difficult from my blood which stuck my back to the wall. "Shut up!" He yelled ramming his axe to the steel. "Please! I ne-...nee-...." My speech was cutoff from the mass amount of vomit that erupted from my mouth caused by all the blood in my stomach and throat. I hunched over, it didn't seem to stop. When it did I feel to my side which made me gasp and cry out in pain. I stared at the wall across my me as tears fell from my eyes. "Why....why are you doing this?" I whispered...getting no response. I thought back to what our father had told us about Azog, about the war that happened when my kin were reclaiming the mountain. How my father and mother used gruesome and sick words to describe the acts and mannerisms of the orcs...I can say without a doubt. They were right. Suddenly my body flinched at another high pitched shriek coming from below. "P-Phoenix!!!!" I cried out and weekly hit the stone I laid on. "What are they doing to her?!" I said looking up to the Orc. He looked back, "interrogation." He said. "Why?! Why do you need us?!" I yelled. He looked at me confused. "Wait, didn't you get asked the same questions?" He asked. I sighed, "the blood in my ears blocks my hearing...I couldn't hear a thing. I just saw them yelling then various whips lashes, cuts, and hits coming at me." I said closing my eyes. "...I'm not suppose to be speaking with you anyways, it's your fault for not listening." He said. I glared at him and used my little strength to pull myself to my feet before falling against the cell bars, causing him to jump forward and turn around to look at me. I pointed at him. "It's your fault I couldn't hear!!!!! My ears don't just bleed on their own!" I yelled before coughing up spats of blood. He came closer to me, "back up." He said lowly and angrily. "And what if I don't?" I said equally as mad. "I will be forced to use physical force." He said. "Oh, like that's something new?" I said before summing up a large was of mucus, blood, and spit in my mouth before spitting it into his face. He backed up. "Piece of shit." I murmured and fell against the back wall before sliding down to lay down on my side with my back to him.

Phoenix POV

One lash, two lashes, three. I screamed as Azogs brutal whip nailed the same spot for a third time. "I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!" I screamed. Blood was dripping and oozing from spots all over my body, my head felt empty and light. "Are you not the daughter of Thorin Oakenshield?!?!!" He yelled as he cracked the whip on my bare foot making a new cut. I shrieked and tried to pull my foot away, only to be stopped by the brutal cutting chains around my ankles and wrists. "I am!!!" I yelled. "Tell me where the ring is!!!!!!" He yelled hitting my rib area. I screamed, "I don't know what ring your talking about!!!!!!" I screamed. Suddenly Azog threw the whip in anger and stormed up to the bloodied wall I was attached to. He grabbed my face and dug a sharp nail into my cheek, slightly cutting it. "I-I swear...I don't know what ring your talking about!" I said as his other hand grabbed my throat brutally tight. I instantly lost my air, my legs thrashed as I tried to hit him. "The rings," Saruman said as he came into view, I felt my lungs losing more and more air as he spoke. "Nineteen rings were made by the elven-smiths of Eregion, led by Celebrimbor." He said coming closer. "These were grouped into three rings for the Elves, seven rings for the Dwarves, and nine rings for men. Release her." He said. Azog let go and I gasped for air, breathing heavily. "I thought, there was only one?" I asked confused. "Only one that mattered. One additional ring, the One Ring, was forged by Sauron himself at Mount Doom." He said. My eyes widened, "that sounds like it must have been forged from pure evil." I spat. "We need the ring." Saruman said as he grabbed my face to look at him. "I don't have it!!!" I yelling in his face, within a second I felt a dagger lodged into my arm. I screamed and growled stamping my foot, taking in the pain. "Of course you don't. However, your father must. With how much gold is in that mountain of yours it must be hidden." He said. "It's not!! And if something that valuable was in our home we sure shit would have fount it by now!!" I yelled. "A young princess, should not use such fowl language." He said turning away. I didn't say a word, only ripped my face out of his hand. "Don't FUCKING touch me!!! I don't have you FUCKING ring, nether does my FUCKING sister, now let us the FUCK GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!" I yelled, suddenly I felt a blunt object hit my temple before everything around me went black.

Shaleh POV

I sat quietly with my eyes shut until u heard something getting dragged. I pulled myself on my hands and knees to the front of the cell. My eyes widened as my heart broke. My sister, my beloved sister...her skin looked pale as blood seeped from a dirty bandage around her head. Every inch of her body was covered in blood, lashes, cuts, burns. "Phoenix!!! I cried as the tossed her limp body into the cell across from me. They locked the cell and left, including the Orc who had been guarding my cell. I felt my eyes flood with tears. "P-Phoenix p-please wake up!!!!" I cried out reaching through the bars towards her. "Please don't leave me!!!!!" I bawled out as I reached harder, causing a pinching pain in my arm. "Shaleh...." I heard a soft whisper. "Phoenix?!" I asked. I saw one of her black eyes open and look at me. Suddenly her beaten arm reached through her cell towards me on the ground, I laid on my back and reached through like she had, softly grabbing the tip of her fingers laid on top of mine, not being able to reach far enough to actually grab my hand. "Shaleh...I know...this is hard," Phoenix whispered, I could hear how sore her throat was. I looked over and saw her looking straight above her at the ceiling. "but we need to stay going to happen. Something bad." She said. "What's going to happen?" I asked. "I don't know...I know...I know...I..." I heard her voice fade. I looked at her. "There will be death," she continued. I stayed quiet, "we need to stay hopeful...that our family will save we can tell them what may be coming." She said. I nodded and looked back to the ceiling. I heard her moving and felt her reach further to lace her fingers with mine and squeeze.

"It will be okay Shaleh...the hardest part is over I believe...all that's left to do, is wait."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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