Chapter 35: Legends

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Ashe POV

I walked towards the front gates, my heart rejoiced to see Talion. 'Thank mahal.' I thought as I ran to him, hugging around his furry neck. "I am sorry about your want to leave." I heard Thranduil say. "I will send you an esc-" "no. I want to go on my own." I said. He looked at me surprised before nodding, "then be on your way." He said quietly, breaking his eye contact. I watched him for only a moment before Talion nudged my shoulder. "Yeah...I will." I said turning away. "Wait, Ashe." He said. "Yes?" I asked glancing over my shoulder. "Please don't tell me that we are over. Is this the last time we will be meeting?" He asked. I laughed slightly. "No, probably not. Look I just need to think things through alright? I'm just not ready for this." I said before I mounted Talion. "When will you be?" He asked. "You know...I really don't know." I said. "Don't be sad, promise me you won't be sad." I said looking at him. Suddenly he came to my side. With my height on Talion I finally looked him head on. I smiled weakly and cupped his cheek with my hand. "I need you to promise mhm-!!!" I was cut off as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. I couldn't even move, I didn't want to but I hadn't the heart to pull away. Thranduil began to try and deepen it, however being stopped when Talion began growling, snarling and bucking. "Talion!!!'" I yelled pulling his reins. He held onto his growing and dangerously looking at Thranduil. "I think it's time to go." I said sternly. I pulled the reins hard to try and pull his large furry strong head. As soon as he turned around the guards opened the door and I kicked sending Talion into a full sprint. "Why did you do that?!?!" I yelled angrily. He huffed and ran faster. "Oh if I could talk to you id scream." I said irritated. Suddenly Talion stopped abruptly and bucked me trying to get me off. "You want me off?!" I asked. He growled. I groaned and unhooked myself before hopping off. "Fine! There ya big drama queen!!! I'm off!!!!" I said holding my arms out backing away. He suddenly opened his mouth wide. "What? Ya gonna eat me?" I asked sarcastically. Suddenly something shinned. "Wha..." I muttered walking towards him. As I got closer I saw a bright shiny silver warg tooth at the back of his jaw. "You want me to take it? So you can talk to me?" I asked. He growled and nodded his head sharply. "You sure?" I asked as I walked around him and opened a small bag of tools on the back of his saddle. I grabbed a pair of pliers and took a deep breath. "You realize I'm going to feel awful for doing this." I said as I stepped back in front of him as he opened his mouth. I reached my arm in before yanking it back out. "If you clamp your mouth shut and hurt my arm, I swear I'll eat you for dinner." I said threateningly. He growled. "Stop growling at me!!!" I said annoyed as I went back in and grabbed ahold of the tooth with the pliers. "Ready?" I asked. He stamped his paw in response. "One...two...THREE!" I said before I yanked the tooth out as hard as possible. As soon as the tooth came out I rolled back as he clamped his mouth shut and howled in pain. "I'm sorry!" I said as I examined the tooth. He turned away from me as I finally dropped the tooth into my palm, allowing it contact with my body. "Insufferable child, couldn't tell a bad idea if it ripped her head off." I heard a deep voice speaking angrily. "Are you calling me insufferable?!" I asked mad. His head whipped around. "You are!!!! As well as never listening and never following what you know is right!" He yelled. "Don't yell at me!!!! Obviously I kicked myself in the ass to realize what I was doing was wrong!" I fought back. He growled and shook his head. "This is true. However...why you didn't listen to be before now I don't know." He said. "Well let's guess that it was the fact that I couldn't talk to you?" I asked. "Smartass. Come on, we need to get back." He said coming back to me. I stood still for a while and stared at him. He was an amazing animal. Large, strong, and scary. "What are you waiting for?" He asked. I shook myself out of it and climbed onto his back. "I don't really know. Give me a second." I said as I fastened my straps. As soon as I finished he took off running. I smiled widely at the intense feeling of freedom. I tucked the tooth into my wrap around my chest under my shirt. keeping it pressed against my skin. I held my arms out and yelled happily. "What are you doing?" He asked as he ran. "I'm happy! Don't judge me you over grown dog!" I laughed jokingly making him laugh. He ran gracefully allowing the wind to flow around me angelically. "Do we have to go straight home?" I asked leaning down pressing my chest against his back. "....why? Where were you wanting to go?" He asked slowing down. I looked at Talion for a moment, even though I've known him for such a little time he already meant the world to me...and now I could talk to him. He was my best friend. I looked ahead of me and saw a beautiful butterfly flying by. I gently caught it and held it close. "Fly to my brother, tell him I will be home in a week" I whispered. I let it go gently as I I smiled and kissed Talion's ear. "Wherever the wind takes us my dear Talion." I said with a smile. "As you wish~!" He said happily before running off.

Allistor POV

I woke up with a throbbing in my head...that "last one" was not...the last one. I sat up, realizing I was still in the wine cellar. "Oh hell...." I whispered as I stood up. "Oh good, you didn't kill over from alcoholic poisoning." I heard a woman say. I turned around and saw Tauriel. "That's cause I'm a dwarf, we don't die from "alcohol poisoning." I snapped. "Well don't get snippy with me, I came to tell you that your sister left." She said. My eyes widened, "what?!?" I yelled. "Yes. She left earlier this morning." She said. "Shit shit shit shit!" I yelled running past her. "Wait!!!" I heard Tauriel yell after me. I ran towards the stables in hopes that the red headed elf was lying. Sure enough...when I arrived all that occupied the stable was beautifully groomed horses. "Where did she go?" I asked, knowing the elf was right behind me. I turned and looked at her for an answer. However before she could tell me another voice spoke up. "She went home. Decided she was well enough to go on her own." Thranduil spoke coming into the stables. "Great." I said as I marched over to my horse and quickly saddled it. "Are you going after her?" She asked. "Of course I am. I'm her brother, I need to look out for her." I said as I mounted and ignored anything else. I quickly rode out into the forest. As soon as i broke out of the Dark forest, having no problems whatsoever I stopped and looked towards my home. However my vision was blocked by a small blue butterfly flittering in my face. Suddenly I heard the voice of my sister being softly whispered. "Tell my brother I will be home in a week." It said. " No! I'm bringing you home now." I said as I rode hard after the butterfly who I knew was flying back to my sister.

Phoenix POv

"This is so boring." I whispered leaning my head on my sisters shoulder. "I the hell does dad to this??" She asked leaning her head back. Dwalin decided to let us apologize before he took over and told us to wait outside the meeting hall. "Alright. I'm sick of this. Let's explore." I said standing up, stretching my arms. "Dwalin told us to stay here!" I said. "So? When was the last time we listened when he told us to "sit and stay"?" I asked. She smirked and shrugged. "Alright you got me there." She said as she held her hand out. I grabbed it and pulled her up. "You know, I did a little reading before we came here." I said. "What?! When?"she asked shocked. "While you went to speak with Dis. I did a little research." I said. "And?" She asked. "Well I guess a little ways away from here there's some old ruins of a small side castle that one of the Kings who ruled here, their family lived there." I said. "Which King?" She asked. "I dunno, I kinda skipped around a little bit." I said. "Of course you did." Shaleh laughed. "Whatever, anyways I guess one of the servants who lived there murdered the entire family because the king fired his wife when she told about their affair." I said. "What?! The king had an affair with a maid?" She asked. "Mhm!" She gasped dramatically, "scandalous!" She laughed. "Yeah! Anyways so when the husband found out he brutally murdered all of their family then burned the place." I said. "Wow..." She said. "Intense right?" I asked. "No kidding." She said. "Wanna go check it out? I heard there was still a lower level of the castle that couldn't be burned so it's still there." I said. "A-are you sure about that?" She asked. "Totally! Come on! I'll hold your hand if you get scared!" I said laughing in a joking manner. "Promise?" She asked completely serious. My eyes widened. "Oh! I mean yeah if you actually need it." I said with a smirk. "Okay...fine lets go." She said.

We went to the stables and quickly saddled up before riding towards the doors. "If a big bald dwarf with a tattoo on his head asks, were still here and you lost our horses." I said. The man nodded after giving me a confused look. We quickly rode off. As we rode we saw the clouds getting progressively darker as we neared. "Where is it??" Shaleh asked. "Um...well I see somewhat of a castle up ahead." I said. "Are you sure it was actually burned?" She asked. "Well...that's what I thought it said." I said as I dismounted. "Maybe you read something wrong...cause this thing defiantly looks abandoned." Shaleh said dismounting as well. "Must have. I said as I walked my horse towards a large tree to tie them up. "Well ether way this place looks awesome." I said. "And horrifying." Shaleh said as she followed me up towards the castle. As we neared the door she dusted off a plaque to read:

Home of the honored family

"Yeah this is defiantly it." I said. "How do you know?" She asked. "Because from what I read this family was known as one of the most honorable families in middle earth." I said. "I can't believe you actually read." Shaleh said. "And I can't believe your such an ass sometimes." I said with a laugh as I pulled out my axe and rammed the door hard, knocking open the large door.

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