Chapter 21: A natural warrior

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XD I listened to I'll make a man out of you while writing the entire chapter!! Haha enjoy~!

Ashe POV

I woke up to see my brothers scared and tattooed chest crushing me. "Agh, Allistor I can't breath!" I struggled out. I heard him chuckle and roll over even more on top of me. "Mmm whatcha say?" He asked. I pounded on his back and laughed. "Offfff!!!" I said before turning and flipping him off the bed. "Ow! Unnecessary." He said standing up. I sat up and stretched before standing. My brother looked over his shoulder at me and smirked before turning back. "What?" I asked. "Did you have any more nightmares?" He asked. "I...I don't think so." I said. "Good, I was really worried about you last night." He said as he pulled on a shirt and vest. "I'm sorry...for coming into your room like that and nothing you..." I said quietly. "Oh no, you didn't bother me. You worried me. Dont ever think for a second that if you need me, coming to me would bother me. I will never turn you away, just like I would never turn any of my other sisters away." He said. "Heh...the others don't even have issues where they come running to you." I said. Allistor burst out laughing. "Last week While Shaleh was getting a check up Phoenix was trying to take a nap and she saw a small little spider in her room and ran to me crying her eyes out to kill it." He laughed. I smiled, "really?!?!" I asked laughing. He nodded, "and Melody used to sleep in my room all the time before Liam was born." He said. "You know....your going to make a really good dad some day." I said. He grinned, "I'd hope so. I've had a lot of practice with my little siblings." He said. I stood up and walked to the door, as I opened it I saw my father about to knock on my door. "Taad!" I said. He turned and looked at me oddly. "Why are you in Allistor's room?" He asked. I yawned and walked to him, "no reason. What's up?" I asked. "I was coming to tell you to get ready, we start your training in half an hour." He said with a grin. "Yay!! What are we starting with?" I asked. "Well, what would you like to start with?" H walked. "I was going to start with swords." He said. I smiled and nodded. He grinned and ruffled my hair with his hand and smacked my shoulder. "See you in the training arena in half an hour." He said. I nodded and quickly made my way to my bedroom to get dressed. I put on a black short sleeve shirt with a grey protective vest over it lacing up in the front. I pulled on some pants along with boots. I yawned before pulling my hair out of its sloppy braid and redoing a nice one. After all was done I made my way down to the training arena.

As I entered I saw Scottie leaning against the wall smirking at me. 'Shit...' I thought. "Alright, we can begin." My fathers voice boomed behind me making me flinch. I was suddenly tossed a newly sharpened sword and a shield, my father pulled out his sword and shield. "Alright, first of all do you know anything about swords? Or fighting with them?" He asked. "Uh...I mean...other than they can be extremely dangerous when wielded expertly, no." I said. "Yes, they can be. Now before we begin I am going to demonstrate expert sparring with Scottie to show you what I expect from you when we finish this course over the next few days." He said. I nodded and backed up against the wall while Scottie pulled out her sword along with shield. As soon at they begin it was as though they where actually trying to brutally injure each other and kill each other. I cringed slightly at my sisters beastly strikes and how expertly my father deflected them. They dove, ducked, slashed and yelled until my father managed to get a knee into my sisters back, anchoring her to the ground and holding the blade to her neck. "Damn it!" Scottie growled. My father let her up and looked at me. "Now, I don't expect you to fight like that for a while given you have zero weapon experience whatsoever." He said. I gritted my teeth to avoid telling him my astonishing archery skills. "Though I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I will make a brave little warrior out of you. Just like I did with your siblings." He smirked before offering his hand and pulling me up. "Scottie that will be all for now, thank you." He said. Scottie smiled and slapped my back "good lucky!!" She said happily before running off. "Alright, let's begin shall we?" He asked turning his full attention to me. I gripped my sword and nodded. Though my eyes kept darting to the bow on the wall.

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