Chapter 6: Elves

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Above are the twins, though their hair is a brighter shade of red and they have Fox ears and tails.
Left= Shaleh
Right= Phoenix

Thorin POV

I woke up and quickly got dressed before kissing Tygr's forehead and leaving the room. I made my way down to the mine and found Dwalin, "Dwalin." I said gaining his attention. "Aye?" He asked. "I need you to come with me to Mirkwood. I was given some troubling news by Tygr about Thranduil. He may infatuation towards my daughters so I want you too come with us and watch over Phoenix and Shaleh." I said. Dwalin nodded, "aye of course." I grinned at my friend, "thank you, I will get your horse ready." I said before I walked to my daughters bedroom and knocked. "Girls?" I asked. I suddenly heard a thud and the two whisper screaming. "Shit we forgot to wake up! Shaleh get dressed!" I heard Phoenix. I sighed and waited outside the door while they panicked. "Where's my boots?!?!" I heard Phoenix ask panicked. I looked down to see them sitting outside the door. "Their out here." I said. Suddenly the door cracked open and my daughters arm shot out feeling around for them. I rolled my eyes and scooted them towards her with my foot. She grabbed them and yanked them inside. A grin cracked of my face hearing their next words, "I think he knows we're not ready..." Shaleh said. "No if you act like nothing wrong then he won't know." Phoenix said before the door swung open and my two twins where smiling at me, their clothes where sloppily out on, their hair wasn't brushed and Phoenix forgot to tie her left boot. "Hey taad! Where have you been! We've been waiting for you!" They said together. I shook my head, "straighten out your clothes, Phoenix tie your shoe and both of you grab your brushes and brush your hair on the way down to the stables. We're taking horses today." I said before walking away. They did as told and walked on ether side of me combing out knots. "I thought I told you two to be ready." I said. They sighed, "sorry taad..." They said. I shook my head and wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders, "it's alright. I give you credit for being able to get ready in two minutes." I laughed. They smiled up as me as we approached the horse stables. "It's so weird we used to only come in here with Melody." Shaleh said as her and Phoenix walked over to get their horses ready while I did mine. "Yeah, I miss Melody. Taad, when's she coming home?" Phoenix asked me. I looked at my daughters, "I have no idea. Soon hopefully. We miss her and Liam." I said as I began tacking Dwalins horse. "Why are you doing Mr. Dwalins horse?" Shaleh asked. "He's coming with us." I said before mounting my horse. Soon enough Dwalin joined us and we headed off.

I rode beside Dwalin while watching Phoenix and Shaleh jump over various rocks and tree trunks with their horses. "Taad!" Phoenix yelled. "What?" I asked. "Why are we going to Mirkwood anyways...and why did you bring us?" She asked. "I'm dealing with business with Thranduil and I felt you two needed to get out I brought you with me." I said simply. "Huh, well okay. Why didn't you want to bring anyone else?" Shaleh asked. "I don't know, I just didn't." I said as we entered the elven gate. "Alright girls. While going through here we are going to stay on the path in a line. We are going to go as fast as possible through this forest. Alright?" I asked. "Why as fast as possible? Is something wrong with this forest?" Shaleh asked. "Are we gonna die?" Phoenix asked. "Well...hopefully not." I said before nudging my horse into a full run.

We sprinted along the path at a full run. I looked back every now and then to make sure Dwalin, Phoenix and Shaleh where still there. I looked to see the entrance into the Mirkwood kingdom. "I don't understand what you where so scared o- HOLY SON OF A GOBLIN DICK GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" I heard Phoenix Scream. I turned and saw Dwalin hacking a massive spider away from her i pulled Shaleh's horse forward as she stopped in horror from what happened. I then saw another one pulling Phoenix's horse away wrapped in a web. Dwalin lifted her up onto his as we ran across the bridge into the kingdom as elven shoulders charged and began attacking the foul creatures back into the forest. Phoenix dived off of Dwalins horse and sat on the ground holding her knees to her chest. Phoenix was terrified of spiders...I failed to remember that. I dismounted my horse and ran to her. "Phoenix are you alright?!" I asked worried placing a hand on her back. Her entire body was shaking and she looked at me. "I-I'm taking my dragon home..." She stuttered. I nodded and rubbed her back, "alright, by the way watch your language." I said calmly. Phoenix who would have usually laughed and made a snarky comment only nodded. I felt awful forgetting she was afraid of spiders, I thought it was Lily who was...I have a lot of kids.

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