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"I'll be there before 8."

Taehyung quickly ended the call as he grabbed his coat and almost ran out of the company premises.

"Going home?"

He heard his friend, Andrea, ask as he passed by her cubicle.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." Taehyung responded, waving his hand a little before running for the elevator.

If there's no traffic tonight, he'll be home even before 8, just in time to send off his sister to the airport.

His sister, Jennie, landed a job in Canada. It's her biggest break since becoming a registered nurse, and Taehyung wanted to send her off and show his support.

As the elevator stopped from time to time, Taehyung could only groan internally while anxiously glancing at his wristwatch to check the time.

He should've just taken a day off from work, but his stubborn sister insisted not to.

By the 5th floor, a familiar face greeted him with a smile as the guy occupied the elevator with him.

"It's rare to see you out this early." Jimin commented, making Taehyung smile.

"Had to do something at home." was Taehyung's response which earned a nod from the other.

"Should we go drinking again some time when you're free?" Jimin asked as he glanced at the number of the floor plastered on top of the elevator door.

Taehyung beamed, nodding his head eagerly.

"Of course. It's been a while since we had a nice conversation out of working hours." Taehyung agreed which earned a warm smile from the other.

"Yeah." Jimin uttered, seemingly remembering the times when they would grab a drink or two instead of going straight home after work.

"Just text me when you feel like drinking." Jimin said as the elevator finally came to a stop.

"Noted." Taehyung grinned as the two of them went out of the elevator and into the lobby where they met a few more friends who gave them a smile.

Taehyung wanted to groan when he saw how crazy the traffic was when they were already out of the company building.

"This isn't good." Taehyung murmured, making Jimin chuckle.

"Might as well take the train." Jimin suggested.

"Yeah. I'll probably just do that." He agreed.

"I'll be going, then." Jimin waved his hand a little before walking the opposite way.

The brunet did the same as he ran towards the train station where he would have to deal with a huge crowd who smelled like all sorts of people.

It's not like he had a choice. He would just have to bear with it if he wanted to be home before 8.

As he took the stairs, he was welcomed by a not so huge crowd contrary to what he had expected.

"That's strange." Taehyung murmured to himself as he went near the bench where a few people were waiting.

He hadn't taken a seat in the front row for a long time when he heard the old man just a little on his back say something.

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