Behind Closed Doors

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"BTS has once again paved the way after becoming the first ever Korean boy band to perform at the Grammy Awards with their newest single Black Swan--"

Taehyung boredly took the remote and turned off the television. He groaned, feeling so tired after their recent interview with Ellen.

He saw his members slumping on the chair, tired and wasted just like him. They've been in different shows, one after another, almost draining their energy and stamina.

Their names are all over the news as different people from all ages go gaga over them.

Fame really is something he should be proud of. However, everything has consequences.

He looked across the room and saw Jungkook staring back at him, his charcoal eyes locking with his brown ones.

He knew that look, and it only took him seconds to get what that look is for.

"I'm heading out." Taehyung declared, standing abruptly from the couch, aiming for the door when Hoseok stopped him.

"Where are you going? We only have half an hour before our next interview." He groaned, looking alarmed to see the younger still heading for the door.

"I'll be quick. I need to pee." Taehyung uttered, closing the door behind.

He went to the comfort room, avoiding the staff in the backstage. He went inside, not closing the door behind as he stood in front of the mirror, noting the tired look in his face.

Not a minute passed by and the door to the comfort room closed, and Taehyung doesn't need to turn around to see who entered.

Soon enough, he saw his reflection on the mirror, making him smile wide.

"I'm so tired, baby."

Taehyung felt strong arms wrap around his waist. He held the ravenette's face close to his cheeks, wanting him to lift the tiredness in his body.

"I know, Kookie. I'm so tired too." Taehyung mumbled, turning his body around until he came face to face to his lover's face.

"Let's hang in there, okay?" Taehyung muttered, planting soft kisses in the ravenette's supple lips.

Jungkook nodded his head before resting it on the older's shoulder.

"Let's stay like this for a while. I need to recharge." He sighed in satisfaction, holding the older closer to his body.

Taehyung giggled, returning the warm embrace Jungkook is giving him.

"Okay." He agreed, closing his eyes and letting himself be consumed by the warmth of their embrace.

It has always been like this. The two of them would sneak around and create their own world behind closed doors.

Their bandmates knew about their relationship, and they approved of it but that was before all the fame that had been attached to their names.

Now, everyone is always reminding them to be cautious, separating them as much as possible especially when they're in front of the cameras.

The two had come to accept that their relationship couldn't be revealed to the public because it might blow up the fame that they badly work on to achieve.

Fame has consequences, they said.

And their love is one of them.

Though it hurts them to the core, Jungkook and Taehyung don't have a choice but to keep their love to themselves, and just have their private moments behind closed doors just like this.

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