The Unwanted Visitor 3

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"Taehyung look! Jungkook is staring at you again. God! He's so creepy." Lisa said with disgust.

The brunet turned his gaze and saw the man really staring at him. Jungkook quickly turned his gaze away, feeling all too shy to get caught staring as he adjusted the lense of his glasses.

"You had yourself a stalker, Tae. And a nerdy one at that. Look at him! He's so old fashioned with that printed shirt and oversized jeans. What the hell." Jennie laughed, her eyes scrutinizing the appearance of Jeon Jungkook, the school's nerd and a bit weird at that.

Taehyung stopped his friends and dragged them away. "Stop it. You know I don't want you bullying that guy. He looks kind. There must be a reason why he's not wearing fashionable clothes and he's not living up to your standards." He stated, trying to reason out to his friends.

He hates bullying, and though he loves his friends, they are a bit too much sometimes.

"Whatever Tae. Honestly, he's weird. You shouldn't get close to him in any way. He's too creepy." Rose added, making the girls giggle even more.

"See, everyone thinks that way. Wait for Jisoo to arrive, she'll tell the same thing." Lisa remarked which made Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Stop it. Leave the poor guy alone. As long as he's not doing anything bad, I don't want any of you doing and saying mean things to him." Taehyung warned.

His girls just nodded their heads, letting go of the subject. He didn't know that his friends are planning something awful against the guy.

It was a rainy morning, not much students attend school because of the typhoon hitting the country.

Taehyung and his friends decided to attend the class since there was no suspension announced.

The brunet had been texting his friends, asking where they are staying. He's been inside their room, but his friends were not there.

An hour passed by with Taehyung waiting patiently inside the room, his teachers only gave them assignments and didn't teach at all.

He was busy reading a book when his phone buzzed, a text came from Jennie. Taehyung quickly opened it up.

Come to the gym. There's a show going on.

The brunet knotted his forehead before standing and rushing to the gym. The rain keeps on pouring outside but he didn't mind as he rushed out.

He entered the gym, but no one seems to be inside. He took a step forward, roaming around the place to look for his friend.

He took a step heading to the comfort rooms when a man suddenly came out in a rush.

Taehyung screamed, realizing that the guy is naked.

"Oh my god!" He screeched, covering his eyes instantly.


Taehyung opened his eyes and saw Jungkook, naked with his hands covering his front.

"W-why are you naked?" Taehyung asked in confusion, backing away a little.

He wasn't over the shock he got when out of nowhere his friends suddenly came near him with a camera in hand.

"Got ya!" Lisa laughed in a mocking tone as she focused the camera in Jungkook's slim and almost boney body.

Taehyung finally realized what's going on when he saw Rose holding the clothes of the poor guy full of dirt and mud.

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