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"Just quit! Your works are garbage anyway!"

"You call this a book?"

"I wasted my time for this shit?!"

Taehyung tossed his phone on the bed, eyes brimming with tears as he reads the comments in his profile for the last time.

He's decided to quit writing because of all the negativities people who have nothing good to say have brought him, affecting his mental and physical health.

He's a writer, well not really like the paid ones. He writes because it's his passion and he finds joy in doing it.

Writing has been a breath of fresh air away from the toxic reality. It's an escape to the problems this fucked up world has given him.

But no.

Even writing has become a poison to his system now, making him weak and alone.

Why though?

The answer is easy.

It's because of the people who don't know how to appreciate his efforts, who constantly bashed him just because they have nothing good to say, who think that they are so entitled of their opinion that they can say whatever they want without thinking about what the author of the book might feel.

They are heartless, unloved, and uncared for, so they try to pass those negative feelings to others, crashing them to bits.

Because of them, Taehyung starts to question his worth. They made him feel worthless, attacking his self esteem until he can write no more.

And Taehyung has enough of this. He's been feeling down and hurt from all these negativities that he only thought of quitting as the solution to end it.

Even though he loves writing so much.

Taehyung wipes the tears in his eyes at the sudden buzzed of his phone. He hesitates for a moment, debating whether to look at the notification or not.

After a while, he decided to ignore it. He stood and walked out of his room, wanting to uplift his spirit by playing with his dog, Yeontan, the only being who will not judge him for his lacking.

You see, Taehyung doesn't find comfort in his family. They are never supportive of him and see him like a total loser, one of the reasons why he would rather be alone in his room, writing away his pain.

He sighed, not wanting his mind to go back to that. He went straight to the kitchen to check on something to eat and as usual, there's none. He's used to this kind of scenario everyday, his parents are always out, leaving him all by himself, well of course there's his dog to cheer him up.

Taehyung bent down, opening the cabinet in the lower right side of the sink, looking for his pet's food. If he doesn't have anything to eat, might as well feed Yeontan.

He took the can, quickly opening and pouring it on Yeontan's feeding bowl. He excitedly went out of the kitchen, calling out his dear friend.

"Hey buddy! Tan-ah!"

Taehyung heard a bark nearby, before small running steps followed. The brunette's face lightened up, seeing Tan running toward him, leaping suddenly into his wide open arms.

"Hey there, bud! Who's a good dog huh?" He caressed Tan's soft fur, loving the feeling under his hands.

The dog licked him, wriggling in his arm out of excitement.

"Here's your food for being such a good dog."

Taehyung place the bowl on the floor with Yeontan immediately hovering on top, licking and chewing.

The brunet laughs at this, finding Tan too cute to handle. He ruffles his hair once more, finally going to the living room to watch and chill.

He sat near the telephone when it suddenly rings, making him flinch in shock.

"T-the hell." he murmured, hands clutching his chest.

He immediately lifted the phone near his ears.


"Hey babe."

Taehyung's heart instantly leaps, hearing that familiar sexy voice. He gulps, finding it hard to breathe.

"H-hi." he stuttered from too much nervousness.

"You okay, baby? I've read your post." the sweet sounding voice from the other line makes Tae hold his breath even more.

"hmm...I'm okay." The brunette rolled his pointing finger on the telephone line, subconsciously playing with it.

"Are you sure? You can talk to me babe." His voice sounds so concern, making Taehyung tear up.

He sniffs, trying to hold his tear. He felt so lonely, but hearing his voice makes him feel a lot better.

The brunet starts opening up his problem to him, a total stranger.

Yes. Taehyung doesn't know him personally. He only met him on the platform where he writes. They became virtual friends and found comfort in each other. Though they haven't seen each other in person, they can already feel the connection.

Taehyung finds himself crying, confiding his worries to him. He doesn't know that it only takes a single person who's willing to listen, and his pain has been lessen tons.

They talked for a while, letting each other bask in the comfort they feel.

"Thank you, Jungkook." Taehyung whispers, smiling.

"You're always welcome babe. Remember, there is a greater amount of people who loves you. Smile. You deserve the world."

The brunet slowly puts back the telephone on the cradle, smiling so confidently.

He feels good now, thanks for that one person who's always there for him to listen.

He went back to his room, getting his phone in the bed.

Taehyung was shocked to see a lot of notifications in his profile. People are defending him, saying good things and fighting down those who are mean to him.

"You are great author-nim! Don't let anyone pull you down."

"We love you. Please don't give up on us."

"Your works are one of the best out there. Please remember that."

His eyes teared up, realizing how greatly he is loved.

Jungkook is right. There is a greater amount of people who loves him, and Taehyung should focus on them.

Let the bashers go on and rant. No matter what they say or do, Taehyung would never let himself be bothered anymore.

"The hell with them."


This is dedicated to all the writers out there who's wanting to quit because of the negativities in this platform.

I only wish people would rather choose to love than hate, say good things than bad ones, appreciate instead of bash.

Okay I'm ranting, I know. But I hope other authors won't experience this anymore.

And if you're one of them, always remember that you are loved. ❤️

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