Sucker for you

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Blood splatters on the wall, painting it with bright red color. The man's scream was muffled, slowly losing his blood from the fangs buried deep in the base of his neck.

Blazing red eyes became even redder, if that's even possible, as the beast sucks on the blood of his meal for the night. He lets the dead body fall on the floor, wiping his blood-stained lips in the process, savouring every last drop.

"I want more." The monster wickedly licks his lips, wanting to drink more blood than the usual.

He swiftly climbs up the roof of a 5-storey building, looking around the area for another victim.

He needs to quench his thirst after being exposed from too much sunlight earlier that morning, or else he'll be losing his shit.

He jumps from roof after roof, sniffing the air for the best blood he can get. Not much people are out tonight due to a lot of gruesome things happening for the past weeks, death has increased to 3 people a night.

The beast's eyes enlarges, finally getting a tasty smell in the air. He spots a woman with long blonde hair, approaching the corner of an alley where no other person passing through.

He launches forward, aiming to grab the woman by her neck like an eagle to its prey. He stretched his arm, wanting to claw her fast with his sharp nails, when suddenly strong hands grip him away from the target, slamming him on the wall.


The woman screamed, hearing the impact of a body crashing on the wall, two men toppling over each other, growling like beasts.

She hysterically ran back to the direction where she came from, screaming at the top of her lungs.


The two beasts snarled at each other, looking at the retreating back of their supposed to be victim.



Both shouted, anger at the fact that the meal has gone away.

"You fucking shit! Why are you messing with my meal!" Jungkook growled, fangs out as he grips Taehyung by his neck, his claws cutting the other's skin a little.

Taehyung growled back, fangs as sharp as a knife, gripping the younger by his collar.

"THAT'S MY MEAL! I first saw her you fucker!" He hissed, throwing his fist right on Jungkook's face.

The younger was able to dodge, using his speed to get away on a safe distance. However, Taehyung didn't allow Jungkook to move farther, attacking him with his speed and force, aiming to slam him on the floor.

Tae grips Jungkook's arms, placing them at the back. He tightens his hold on the younger when he felt resistance.

"Since you took away my meal, I'll suck you instead." Taehyung said, his fangs instantly burying on the younger's neck, feeding on him. He sucked, like a hungry child, loving the taste of the younger.

Jungkook moaned at the sensation, his neck painfully filled with pleasure as the older vampire sucks his blood.

"F-fuck." He whispered, feeling a familiar pull on his lower abdomen.

Taehyung slowly retracted his fangs, feeling full from Jungkook's tasty blood. He seems to be stronger than usual, a natural effect from feeding in another vampire.

"Damn. I didn't know you taste this good, kid." Taehyung whispered near the younger's ear, sending shivers in his spine.

"I could suck you everyday." He added, slightly loosening his hold.

The younger took this chance to swirl Taehyung around, slamming him on the wall with force that almost knocks his breath down.

"I'll kill you even before you can do that again." Jungkook warned, eyes blazing in anger and lust.

Taehyung finds it hot, how the man's eyes turn ten times darker, his veins popping in his neck and arms, fangs out and ready to tear his flesh away.

He finds himself being drawn by a sudden pull, like electricity flowing in his veins. Taehyung slowly leans his face until his lips are only an inch away from the younger.

"Let me feed on you, Jungkook. In exchange, I'll let you fuck me whenever you want." He huskily whispered, lips brushing over the younger's own, teasing and tasting.

"I'll let you abuse my hole, fuck me until you're satisfied. Wreck me with your cock." Taehyung continued, sounding like a total bitch in heat.

Jungkook groaned, hungrily closing the space between their eager lips, sucking and fighting for dominance.

Taehyung shivered, feeling the younger's tongue wrestle with his own, dancing together.

He moaned when Jungkook grips his ass harshly, like a baker kneading a dough.

"Fuck." Taehyung mumbled, feeling aroused and horny. He jumps and wraps his legs aroung the younger's torso, letting their cocks pressed together underneath their pants.

"You asked for this vampire." Jungkook remarked, delving his tongue deeper on the older's sweet cavern.

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