Back to dream

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Lavender fell asleep again and woke up on the bed from before in her dream.

Shade turned to Shade from the desk next to a bookshelf.

"Are you okay? You've been asleep for a while" Shade asked and Lavender got up.

"Yeah, what time is it?" Lavender asked as Shade took out a pocket watch.

"1 pm, we've got some patients to cure, get ready and we'll be on our way" Shade said as Lavender nodded.

Soon after that they were off.

First patient was a 20 year old woman with breathing difficulties. Shade performed bloodletting while Lavender handed the necessary tools.

Second patient was an 12 year old boy with a fever. Lavender gave him some leeches and told him that she and Shade would be back in a couple hours.

Yeah so they cured some people and went home


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