Another dream :)

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Lavender was sleeping in yet another guest bedroom. She already expected to wake up in the dream world. She closed her eyes and

She woke up in a flat green field. She got up and realized this was the dream world she was used to. And she had her plague doctor outfit on.

She got up and walked around, nothing but endless fields of green.

She eventually came across a hill. She carefully hiked up it so see a singular weeping willow.

She looked up and saw the same person that had a slash sitting on one of the branches.

He jumped off the branch and stood under the tree.

"Greetings, thanks for helping me" he said as he finger gunned.

"Uh, thanks" Lavender said as she stepped back. The person stepped forward.

"You wanna talk or something? I'm getting bored just standing here" the person asked as Lavender hesitantly nodded.

The person climbed back onto the willow tree with Lavender sitting on another branch, sitting opposite to eachother.

"The name's Tristan, and you?" The person asked.

"Lavender Bells" Lavender simply replied.

"Fancy name, where y'a from? I was born British" Tristan asked.

"I am from France. I was a doctor there" Lavender replied.

"Well that certainly explains the plague doctor outfit. I always thought they looked cool" Tristan commented. "Anyways, I'd expect you to be from somewhere around the Black Death era, no?"

"Exactly" Lavender staid as she nodded.

"Ha! Great! I mean- not great- you know what I mean" Tristan said as Lavender chuckled.

They continued talking for 10 minutes, Tristan had a great sense of humor though kept talking about something called 'Ember'

"Anyways, we'll talk later, have a great morning!" Tristan said.


Lavender Bells [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin