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"TRISTAN" Lavender yelled from the attic:

"What? Is there a rat?" Tristan asked as he walked up the stairs.

"ITS GONE! THE MACHINE IS GONE!" Lavender yelled again, panicked.

"WHAT?!" Tristan exclaimed as he dashed upstairs.

"I checked the attic! It's not here!" Lavender exclaimed.

"Downstairs we go!" Tristan said as he picked up Lavender and carried her down.

"Hey guys! I found this thing, what are these coordinates?" Alicica said as she pressed the red button.


Lavender knocked the machine out of Alicica hands as Tristan held on the her elbow, when the whole area was flashed with blinding light.

"Huh?" Tristan said as he got up from the ground.

"AAAAH-," Lavender screamed as she realized where they were. It was a huge desert, with only a single large building infront of them.

"oh jeez this happened a lot earlier than expected..." Tristan mumbled "do not panic! I have a plan!"

"And that plant is to dash in before we get caught!" He said as they dashed to the side of the building, Tristan climbed a pipe, Lavender following. They crawled through the vents for sometime before they made their way to an area with an area.

"Now if I remember correctly, this should lead to..." Tristan said as they entered the elevator.

"Where are we exactly?" Lavender asked.

"Welcome to the A.O.H.C!" Tristan said dramatically as the elevator opened to reveal a large hallway filled with doors.

"And this should be...!" Tristan said as they walked down a hallway down to a room with a single large window, a sign labeled 'H-707' next to the metal door.

"My containment cell!" He said as he walked around the large white room, with a bookshelf, bed and a desk.

"What the- is this a prison?!" Lavender exclaimed as she held tight onto Tristan.

"Well, that's not what they prefer to call it. But for me and my friends, I guess you could say that. Now let's get a move on!" He said as they walked to another room.

They walked to another room, this time labeled 'O-431-1' and  opened the door. There laid a totally normal computer with a mouse, keyboard and solar panels attached.

"Akasuki! We're here!" Tristan said. The computer began to turn on and a black screen with a white 2-d face was displayed on the screen. The faced had 2 stick like eyes and mouth.

"Tristan! You made it! And I see you brought a friend!" The computer said, it's eyes pointing towards Lavender.

"Hello? I'm Lavender" Lavender introduced cautiously.

"Good day, Lavender! Call me Akasuki, the people call me the Chatbot AI" the computer said.

"Get in the USB" Tristan ordered as he pulled out said USB from his pocket. Akasuki was transferred to the USB in a matter of seconds, leaving behind an actually normal computer.

"They walked around for sometime before they stumbled upon a room labeled 'LAB-15' in large font over the door.

They walked in when suddenly Tristan pulled Lavender back.

"Hey! What the-," Lavender exclaimed and Tristan put his index finger on his lips. I mean he always wears a mask but you get what I mean.

"There's someone here!" Tristan exclaimed while whispering.

"Hello? Is someone there?" A scientist said as he turned around and saw the pair.

"AK! Please don't hurt me!" The scientist said in a somewhat high-pitch voice as he dropped what he was doing and curled into a ball of the ground, except, it wasn't human.

The scientist's head was a sphere with 2 stick eyes. A purple gas surrounded his head, resembling fire. His 'skin' was a light purple. He wore a white lab coat, jeans, black shoes and a bandana.

"Woah woah woah! Look, I've seen some stuff, but an anomaly working as a scientist? Did they change their rules and not tell me?" Tristan exclaimed.

"..please don't eat my soul, spirits..." the scientist quietly prayed and whimpered.

"Look, we need access to the anomalous object containment, you help us, we'll get y'a outta here" Tristan offered as the scientist looked up.

"I mean, I'd get my privileges taken away but I guess leaving beats staying here" the scientist said a he got up.

"Shake on it" Tristan said before the he and the scientist shook hands. The scientist's skin didn't even feel like skin, it felt more like solid ceramic, Tristan didn't even feel or smell the slightest of heat or smoke. It was instead cold and was easy to breathe.

"Name's Chlorine Trifluoride" the scientist introduced.

"So can I just call you C1F3?" Tristan asked as C1F3 nodded.

"I have tier 3 card, enough to get into the storage and maybe find a better card" C1F3 said as he pulled out a red keycard from his pocket.

The wandered around for a bit, using C1F3 and a compass until they reached a locked room.

C1F3 swiped the card on the lock next to the door, it opened to reveal a room full of shelves, lockers and an armoury.

"What's all this?" Lavnder asked as she walked around.

"Type O Anomaly Storage, where we keep all the weird objects" C1F3 said as he unlocked some lockers.

"A spon- OH SHI THATS NOT A SPONGE" Lavender screamed as the previously normal looking dish sponge grew spider legs and began walking around.

"Aight, here's the document on it. Don't worry, the important parts are already highlighted" C1F3 said as he picked up a paper.

"OC-302 is a cleaning sponge. When exposed to an object which has not been cleaned recently within a 5 meter radius, it will sprout legs resembling that of a baboon spider and proceed to walk around attempting to find the object. When in contact with the object, it will dispense dish soap and water from an unknown source and will attempt to clean the object. No instances have been reported for OC-302 being hostile." C1F3 read out loud.

"Huh, and this?" Lavender asked as she pointed to a lollipop.

"Dont eat that, it's O-407. Found the document for this one too." C1F3 said "O-407 is a lollipop identical to the average store bought lollipop. When an individual tastes O-407, they will begin sense a feeling of instant euphoria, the lollipop itself changes to suit a person's favourite flavour. Subjects will deny all requests to stop consuming O-407 until it has been finished. O-407 cannot be fully consumed and subjects will usually expire due to starvation or dehydration. O-407's effects directly overwrite that of O-739"

"Ooh an air freshener" Tristan said as he picked up a spray can.

"Hey! Get that away! That's O-739 you dum dum! Depression in a Can!" C1F3 exclaimed as he snatched away the can.

"O-739 is a metal spray can decorated with a label stating the words 'Depression in a Can'. The liquid that is inside the can appears to be light blue and the scent resembles that of black orchids. When the fumes of O-739 are inhaled, subjects will immediately begin to feel apathetic, lethargic, suicidal and experience depressive episodes. O-739's effects combat that of O-407" Lavender read as C1F3 gave her a clap.

"Anyways, I found this, they're directions is HC-054's containment" Tristan said as he held up a paper.

"Bettyyyyyy this chapters to lonnggggggg, publish it alreadyyyyy" Lavender asked.


"Dont worry, she does that sometimes

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