Day of 4th wall breaking

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Tristan walked into Lavender's room, still kinda stressed out about the whole explanation thing.

"Hey, you haven't come out since 7 hours ago"  Tristan asked.

"I'm hetero" she replied as Tristan facepalmed.

"No- not that kind of come out- come'n, we're going out" Tristan replied.

"I never agreed to a date" she again replied as Tristan wondered if it was better to just up and leave.

"Lavender, please for the love of whatever god you warship, we're going to buy pretzels." He said.

"But I don wanna" Lavender said as she ignored him. "I'd rather break the 4th wall and make sh_tty puns cause this book needs more of those"

So he grabbed her by the hood and dragged her outside.

Surprisingly, nobody really bothered questioning anything and they got some pretzels peacefully.

"Can we do something fun today? I'm kinda bored" Lavender said as she ate her 5th pretzel.

"I literally just confessed that I am basically taking minutes out of your lives away and you're bored?" Tristan exclaimed.

"Betty doesn't know how to write apparently" Lavender said as they heard the faint gasp of an offended author.

"You keep mentioning this 'Betty' person, what's up with that?" Tristan questioned.

"Maybe you'll learn when you figure out the laws of the 4th wall, you have even mentioned it when we were watching tv" Lavender commented.

"Touché" Tristan replied as they are their pretzels happily.

"Hey guys! Wanna come with us? We're going to a fancy restaurant!" Alicica said as she walked down the stairs.

"Sure, what kind?" Tristan asked.

"It's French I guess" Alicica replied before Lavender stood up.

"MY TIME HAS COME" she exclaimed as the others shrugged.

In the span of 40 minutes, the gang was all dressed up. I can't write full outfits so imagine they're wearing something fancy.

Like a ninja turtle mask, evening gown and crocs.

So Aaron was driving this time, the quartet were happily discussing things that were no doubt very important.


"DONT NOT UNTIL YOU TRY IT" Tristan argued.

"What about Swedish banana pizza?" Alicica said as both of them stared her in the soul.

"I'll turn this car around if you 3 keep arguing" Aaron threatened as everyone politely shut up.

When they got there, they sat down at a table in the corner while they were given their menus.

"Why aren't there any croissants here?" Tristan asked as Lavender's eyes darted towards him.

"Firstly, it's pronounced croissant, and secondly, they're from Austria you dimwit" Lavender answered.

"Fair enough" Tristan replied as a waiter came to their table.

"Double date?" The waiter asked.

"No, just friends" Alicica replied as the waiter said a silent 'oh' "but I see why you'd make the connection"

So the quartet ordered, yet again I again eat out that much so picture French food that isn't croissants and baguettes.

"So we ready to go home?" Alicica asked as everybody nodded.

"Oh so this whole restaurant thing was just to add more words?" Lavender poured as everyone just shrugged.

"Tristan, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a small interview with you later" Alicica asked.

"Sure, things like this are nothing new" he replied.

A few hours later, Alicica set up a table and started the interview as promised.

"Firstly, where are you from?" She asked as she held up a clipboard.

"Some small lovely Village in the countryside of Britain. Funny, I can't seem to recall the exact name" he replied as Alicica took notes.

"I see. Do you have any family?"

"Biologically? Not that I know of, no. But there is this one friend I used to talk to"

"What was their name?"

"It's been so long, I haven't heard of her name in years. What I do know is that they now refer to her as E-345"

"Who are 'they'?"

"...I'd get to that if you didn't interrupt me!"

"Okay okay! Carry on"

"Lovely singer, could sing the highest of notes. Long blue hair in contrast to mine, at night we would sometimes sing together, knew eachother since we were young"

"She sounds like a good friend"

"Mhm, I wonder she is now..."

"What happened? We're you separated?"

"Sort of, and for that you'd need to know my full backstory. And I'm saving that for last"

"For last?"

"Oh deary, if you want a good story, you don't dump all the information at once. You until just the right moment"

"But you explained your abilities 1 day after-,"

"Yes I know dumb move but c'mon man! I was under pressure and you just seemed like you need answers!"

"Anyways, is this 'life force' you harvest a gas or a liquid of some kind?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, but I'd have to pick gas"

"Can you pick who you harvest from or is it everyone in the vicinity?"

"I can choose, yes. But I'll have to switch every once in a while, y'know the whole 'harvesting life force' would probably kill a man in I'd say about 12 hours"

"Can your targets feel anything when you do harvest?"

"Do you feel anything right now?"

"That's... unsettling. Anyways, are your hair or tears connected to any of this?"

"My hair colour will slowly start to fade to white if I don't feed every once in a while, as for my tears, they'll start getting darker"

"Do you need to that same basic actions as a human or can you go without?"

"I don't need to drink or eat. I like to sleep, I don't need to I just like to."

"Anything else?"

"I breathe on occasion"

"Interesting way to phrase it. What's with your mask?"

"It's cool, I can't remember where I found it"

"It's getting late. I'll end this interview off short" Alicica said as she clicked her pen.

"Thanks, I just wanted to rest a bit" Tristan said as he stood up.

He walked back to the guest bedroom, now belonging to Lavender and Tristan. All was the same except there was a bunk bed. He got the bottom bunk tho what a loser lmao.

He sat down, a Luna jumped on the bed with a letter in her mouth.

"Hey Aurina, watch'ya got there?" He asked as he took the letter.

He unfolded the letter and saw a note written I  Morse code. It read " .... . -.-- / - .-. .. ... - .- -. -.-.-- / ..- -- / -.-. .- -. / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. --- -- . / .--. .. -.-. -.- / -- . / ..- .--. ..--.. / - .... .. -. --. ... / .- .-. . / --. . - - .. -. --. / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / ... -.-. .- .-. -.--"

"Seriously? Morse code? Suki really needs to stop being so paranoid" he sighed as put the letter is a drawer.

Luna played down on Tristan's chest as he slowly started to get tired.

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