Cooking lessons

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"Imm borrrrred" Tristan complained as he sat impatiently on the couch.

"And I'm cooking" Alicica said from the kitchen.

And not even 10 minutes later, she set the food on the table.

"Yay!" Lavender cheered as she happily took off her mask and picked up a fork.

"These noodles look amazing, too bad I literally feed on the souls of the innocent" Tristan sighed as Lavender looked over.

"Why not just eat them? It's delicious!" She said as she handed Tristan a fork.

"No thanks, I'm good" he declined, putting the fork to the side.

"How about you 2 learn to cook instead? Would save me some time" Alicica suggested.

"DID I HEAR COOKING?" Akasuki said from across the room.

"Akasuki, you're making my metaphorical ears bleed" C1F3 said, emerging from a pile of blankets.

"So ya'll wanna learn to cook or something?" Alicica asked.

"Nah, I neither of us can really eat anyways" C1F3 said.

"Welp, to the kitchen!" Alicica exclaimed.

"Alright, first, fried eggs. There is NO way you can mess this up!" Alicica said as she handed them 2 eggs and some oil.

I can't actually cook eggs.

I'm scared of oil.

I can't even open the plastic seals on water bottles.

A few minutes later, Lavender and Tristan presented their respective dishes. Lavender's was sunny-side-up while Tristan's was scrambled.

"Great work! Now I'll be helping cookies!" Alicica said.

"Alright so you mix the flour, eggs, sugar and milk together. I already made the measurements" she said .

So the 2 did as instructed and Tristan may or may not have accidentally left a piece of eggshell in there.

"Alright, now chocolate chips! And I need to get some water" Alicica said as she left.

The 2 were done putting chocolate chips and started putting scoops of dough on the cooking tray.

"Y'know, A pet rock is a fun pet until you realized that it's essentially immortal and you've damned it to an eternity of watching it's loved ones die" Tristan said.

"Mhm, and where did you come up with that thought?" Lavender asked, Tristan looked at her.

"It's me. I'm the rock" he said, blankly.

"Uhhhh this just got really depressing" Alicica said as she walked back into the room.

"Mah!" Said a tiny voice, Lavender looked down to see Pico staring back at her.

"Ah! Sorry guys! I need to take care of Pico! You can carry on without me!" She said as she carried Pico in her arms and walked out of the kitchen.

"Well, now put the tray in the oven and wait" Alicica instructed, Tristan did so.

"But for how long?" Tristan asked.

"I think 6-8 minutes?" Alicica said. I also don't know how to make cookies despite my mom making the best cookies.

And in said time, the cookies were done. They let them cool for a bit.

"Gimme" Lavender said as Tristan handed her a bowl.

Pico scooted onto the table and inspected the treats.

"You want some, Pico?" Lavender asked as Pico nodded.

"Oki, here y'a go!" She said, giving Pico a piece of cookie. It chomped down on the soft dough.

"Mah!" It said as it crawled over for more cookie.

"Piconata rates this a 10/10" Lavender said.

"How did you already teach it the concept of nodding it's head for yes and understanding english?" Tristan asked.

"What do you think I do at" Lavender's responded.

"Wow. J-just wow" Alicica said in amazement

"Now can we end this chapter? You already have other plans!" Lavender exclaimed. Well no, it's only 600 words "oh come one! This isn't even a major part of the story-

Lavender Bells [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora