Truth or dare!

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Everyone was watching Melanie and Akasuki start a nuzlocke on different screens.

"Rowlet looks cute" Melanie said, picking said Pokemon "your name will be Apple Bees"

"But what does a ghost have to do with bees?" Akasuki asked.

"Apple Death it is" Melanie said, changing the name.

"Secondary fairy type pog~" Akasuki sang, picking pupleo "Tide sound nice"

So I don't actually play Sun and Moon so let's skip ahead.

"Alright, that's enough for one day!" Melanie said, stretching her arms.

"Truth or dare?" Akasuki asked.

"Aight, cool" Melanie shrugged.

I'm using a truth/dare generator because this has no views at the time of writing.

"Truth or dare?" Akasuki asked, pointing at Aria.

"Truth!" Aria replied.

"What's a useless piece of information you know?" Akasuki asked.

"Harp seals are left helpless by their mother for months, many of them dying in the process" Aria said.

"Thats.. sad" Lavender sighed.

"And the pups are adorable, too" Pyrite said, pulling up a picture of a seal pup from google.

"MOVING ON, truth or dare?" Aria asked, pointing to Pyrite.

"Dare!" Pyrite replied.

"Sing for us!" Aria said.

"Fine, and Betty you Better not be lazy with this" Pyrite sighed.

I will

Song is 'Money Game Pt.2' by Ren

"She sells sea shells on the sea shore,
But the value of these shells will fall,
Due to the laws of supply and demand,
No one will want to buy shells 'cause there's loads on the sand"

"Step 1. You must create a sense of scarcity,
Shells with sell much better if people thing they're rare, you see,
Bare with me, take as many shells as you can find and hide 'em on an island,
Stock pile 'em high until they're rarer than a diamond"

"You know what? Screw it, straight to my favourite part!" Pyrite exclaimed.

Clear forests, make land, fresh blood on hands!

Five, why just shells, why limit yourself?
She sells sea shells, sell oil as well!-"

"Okay, I think that's enough" Aria said.

"Thank you for listening" Pyrite thanked.

"Scientist, Truth or dare??" Pyrite said, C1F3 perked up.

"Um, truth?" C1F3 said.

"What popular thing do you think is overrated?" Pyrite asked.

"Chainsaws against zombies, they make too much noise, and they're so inconvenient. I could make a list on why chainsaws are terrible weapons!" C1F3 exclaimed.

"Didn't you use a Molotov cocktail against people with guns?" Tristan asked.

"I liked the idea" C1F3 said "Anyways, Lavender, Truth or dare?"

"Dare, please" Lavender said.

"Guess the favourite colours of everyone here" C1F3 said.

"Okay, Tristan's is red, Akasuki's is pink, C1F3's is blue, Aria's is red, Pyrite's is gold, Melanie's is white and Corvus is black" Lavender guessed.

"Wrong, I like green" C1F3 said.

"I love purple!" Aria said.

"Red is nice" Melanie said.

"Grey fits in with more colours" Corvus said.

"Eh, close enough" Lavender said "Tristan!"

"Truth" Tristan said.

"What is the strangest food combination you like?" Lavender asked.

"Fries with icecream" Tristan replied, the room went silent "what? You asked, CT?"

"Dare this time" C1F3 said.

"Go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with tweezers" Tristan said.

"I have them" Aria said, handing C1F3 the tweezers as he sighed and went to navigate where the back door was.

"My turn now, I want a truth" Melanie said.

"What is one thing you kept from your parents?" Corvus asked.

"That I'm lesbian" she said.

"Excuse, but what is that?" Lavender asked.

"It means a girl that likes other girls" Pyrite said.

"But I thought women could only love men?" Lavender said.

"Times have changed, and for the better" Aria sighed.

"Anyway, Corvus, Truth or dare?" Melanie asked.

"Dare" Corvus said.

"Jump in the dumpster outside" Melanie said.

"You owe me soap for my feathers" Corvus said, walking outside.

"Now what?" Lavender asked.

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