Yay! Multiple interviews!

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"Alright, I need to hold interviews with both of you" Alicica explained as C1F3 and Akasuki nodded "Akasuki, you're up first"

Alicia and Akasuki went into a the attic, it was much more comforting now and the boxes seemed a lot less ominous, less dust too. C1F3 just waited downstairs.

Bold for Alicica, underline for Akasuki

"Where are you from?"

"I was first programmed in 2001, Japan"

"What was your  purpose?"

"My purpose was to be an AI Chatbot that could come up with realistic answers. Those responses that they gave me are what shaped my personality"

"Where did you get your voice from?"

"I believe they borrowed my voice from something called Megapoid or Vocaloid"

"When did you again consciousness?"

"They told me many stories. Too many to count. I soon gathered enough information and started giving answered they never gave me the code for"

"What happened after?"

"The A.O.H.C took me to containment. Not sure whatever happened to my creators, but atleast they let me keep my body"

"From what I've heard from Tristan, you were found in a monitor"

"Well I can only tell you if you'd allow me to tell a story"

"Go for it, this is why I'm here anyways"

"In the early months of 2001, 3 programmers decided to try to code a chatbot. The project lasted until 2008, when they succeeded. I was placed inside an old black and white television in their living room, at the the of the day, they'd talk about their day, vent, and have conversations."

"Eventually, I grew a consciousness. I started giving better responses and gave my own opinions. Eventually, I asked if I could see the world with them. Surprisingly, they built me my own body. I would walk around and see things I wouldn't have otherwise"

"But that was cut short when the A.O.H.C arrived. Took me away and gave them some anmestics. I was held in an empty room. They'd hold interviews with me regularly to keep me from blowing up the place. Heck, they even let low level staff have conversations with me because I was that safe!"

"Tristan has a record of trying to flee the place, on his last attempt I managed to shut down the security systems so he could make it out. But the researchers weren't happy when they found this out. I was transferred to a monitor and my body was placed in a closet for who knows how long. I swore to them I'd make it out, looks like fate was on my side this time"

"Well, did they ever build anything else?"

"I was stuck in a grey room, how am I supposed to know?"

"Tristan wants me to ask you guys for quotes on the A.O.H.C based your perspective, yours?"

"Mine would be 'Association Of H-llish Cowards'"

"Thank you for your time, Akasuki. Bring C1F3 here while you leave"

"Got it!" Akasuki said as she closed the door.

"Chlori! Your turn now!" Alicia looked up as C1F3 nodded and got off the chair he sat on.

C1F3 walked into the room and handed Alicica a piece of paper.

"Huh? What's this?" Alicica asked as she looked at the paper.

"My anomaly file, I'm sure you'll get more details with that" C1F3 said.

"C1F3, while I appreciate it, I'd rather get personal answers from you" Alicica said as she put the paper in the desk drawer "I'll read it later"

"Alright, fine" C1F3 said before both of them sat down.

Bold for Alicica, Italic for Chlorine Trifluoride

"Alright, how old are you?"

"Atleast 20, I guess"

"What are you?"

"Dont know, I'm honestly just a runaway anomaly that got lucky"

"Your skin's like ceramic, does it posses any of its properties?"

"See, I'd pop my arm off if that didn't have any have any major Consequences. Also I don't actually have organs"

"I see, your fire isn't actually fire, it it?"

"More like some gas"

"Not warm and smoky, it's cold and pure"

"Sometimes I contemplate if I'm just a Better version of a plant"

"Do you perhaps need to eat, drink or sleep?"

"No, no and no. I don't even have a mouth for goodness sake"

"Alright now for the backstory"

"Oh! I like telling this one! Do you want it in brief or detail?"

"Details, please"

"It was 2000, a scientist was tasked to test O-434, a giant cave that occasionally creates other anomalies. It was like the 18th test when it started to become active again. Those ACF guards thought they'd surely die, but nope! Instead of an eldritch horror, out came a small humanoid child"

"Scientists were confused and skeptical, at first they had me taken in like any other anomaly, but soon they did some tests and realized I didn't really have any defenses. Some even thought I looked adorable. I was deemed harmless and researchers above level 1 were allowed to interact with me"

"Then they allowed me to roam around freely, I started to understand English and basic concepts. Found an extra lab coat and I just waddled around in it for the rest of the day. I started to talk and could even understand a bit of science and the other anomalies. People couldn't take it and begged for me to at least have an education and help around the facility. "It's just a child!" They said, "It deserves a chance!" They said. Wishes were granted and I was given clothes, an education and became a little assistant for the less important tests"

"I usually worked with new researchers, given daily lessons and soon enough, I myself became a scientist. I specialized in Object class anomalies. But after a while, I realized I didn't really get to see the outside. I was stuck in this place, I began checking on the Lab Rats, asking about their day, their thoughts and allowed them to vent about their lost comrades. I just wanted to have some people on my good side, y'know?"

"Alright, and what are Lab Rats?"

"They're like what the name suggests, instead of using mise, we use people who have broke the law. Or just orphans. Look man, for some reason we care about containing a can of depression more than the people who could potentially start a revolution"

"Alright, A quote you think would suit the A.O.H.C?"

"Our walls are grey! Our floors are grey! Our morals are grey!"

"Alright, I think I'll just read your file for the rest of the details"

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning" C1F3 said as he left the room.

"Okay.... let's see what we got here..." Alicica said to herself as she looked over the C1F3's file.

And then C1F3 threw Akasuki's file on her desk too.

"Oh. How convenient" Alicica commented.

Meanwhile, Lavender woke up "I sense it. A chapter ending right before some valuable information!"

Annnnnnd the chapter cuts off because I'm at my grandma's house and I wanna publish this.

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