Files + eggo

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"Let's see... I think I'll read Suki's first" Alicica said to herself as she grabbed Akasuki's file.

HO-431 'Chatbot AI'
Class: humanoid object
Status: sentient

Containment: For safety measures, HO-431 has been divided into 2 different anomalies, O-431-1 and O-431-2. O-431-1 is to be contained in a black and white television connected to a keyboard and mouse. O-431-2 is to be contained in with other object class anomalies in type 'O' containment.

Description: HO-431 is an AI possessing a mechanical humanoid tv head body. It wears a green turtleneck sweater, blue skirt, pink ribbon around the waist, blue stockings and black shoes. HO-431 measures around 1.4m in height when controlling O-431-2.

HO-431 is a unpredictable anomaly, occasionally being with or against the A.O.H.C. HO-431 seems to support H-707's attempts to flee, interviews have been held asking about its relationship with H-707, all of which have HO-431 describing its actions in a positive light.


".....and the rest is stuff I already know about" Alicica finished as she set Akasuki's file to the side and grabbed C1F3's file "oh, he already highlighted it"

H-957 'Chlorine Trifluoride'
Class: humanoid
Status: sentient and passive

Containment: subject is allowed to freely roam around facility. Subject has been given level 3 access card and works in Site-27 as of time of writing.

Description: H-957 is a humanoid being with light purple skin that has the qualities of ceramic. H-957 posses no internal organs. His head is spherical and surrounded by a purple gas. The gas he produces is cold and often described as pure. Subject posses no neck connecting to the body, Subject measures to around 2.11m in height.

H-957 is a scientist personnel, commonly wearing white lab coat, blue jeans and black shoes. H-957 specializes in 'O' type anomalies. When not working, he can usually be seen socializing with coworkers and even Lab Rats.


"Blah blah blah and I'll be going to sleep now" Alicica sighed before cleaning up the desk and falling onto her bed.

C1F3 stayed up all night, he watched some cartoons while monitoring the egg to pass time.

He did this until dawn, Tristan walked down the stairs to see C1F3 already there.

"Oh! Good morning, CT" Tristan greeted.

"Good day, Trist" C1F3 replied.

"how long do you stay in that coat?" Tristan asked.

"Hm? I dunno, I just wear it all the time" C1F3 answered.

"Aw come on! Lab coats are too formal, feel at home!" Tristan encouraged "and yes I know you do own a t-shirt"

"Fine, fine"  C1F3 said, he left the room and came back wearing a green t-shirt with a yellow stripe.

"Dude, you literally wear that under your coat. You didn't have to leave the room" Tristan commented.

"Betty wanted it to not seem like he was doing something dirty!" Lavender explained from behind C1F3.

"HOLY CINNAMON ROLLS HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?!" C1F3 exclaimed as he fell over in shock.

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