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It was the next day since the trio got Luna, Lavender woke up, went downstairs and immediately realized Aaron was not there.

"Where's Aaron?" She asked as Alicica shrugged.

Suddenly, Aaron kicked the front door open with his arms full of grocery bags.

"I GOT CAT STUFF LETS GO" He yelled as he dropped the bags on the floor.

They set up the food and water bowls, litter box, and scratching board. They also used the used the box from the scratching board as a cat bed and added a blanket for comfort.

  "IMA GO COLLAPSE ON MY BED NOW GOODBYE" Aaron announced as he went upstairs.

"Should we be worried?" Lavender asked as Alicica just brushed it off.

After Luna got used to everything, she decided to up and take a 12 hour nap.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go hang out with my friend, wanna come?" Alicica asked. Lavender nodded.

"What about Luna?" Lavender asked.

"Aaron will probably wake up in 30 minutes so he'll have that under control" Alicica responded. "I'll go get ready, you do the same"

40 minutes later, they both got dressed up and headed out.

They drove to a house decorated with plants and what Lavender swore was bee box.

Alicica knocked on the door and a young woman with black hair and amber eyes opened the door.

"Hey Alice! Glad you could make it!" She greeted.

"Hey Felicity! I brought a friend, hope you don't mind" Alicica said.

"Hey! What's your name?" Felicity asked to Lavender.

"Lavender" She simply replied.

"Nice to meet you Lavender, come inside both of you!" Felicity said as both of them walked inside.

They walked inside, it had a comfy and welcoming aura. They sat down on a carpet in what seemed to be the living room.

"So, what are we watching?" Alicica asked.

"Hm, maybe a documentary?" Felicity said.

"Ooh! History! You know anything Lavender?" Alicica aksed.

"How about... the Black Death?" Lavender suggested.

"Ooh! Even better! There's loads of stuff we could learn! I'll go set up the tv!" Felicity said.

They started watching a curiosity stream documentary about the Black Death. Lavender watched with full concentration while Alicica and Felicity were eating popcorn.

"That's a lie! Plague doctors didn't just use leeches! They used bloodletting, drinking vinegar and eating crushed minerals!" Lavender pointed out.

"Oh really? Didn't know that" Alicica commented.

"Say, Lavender, you've been pointing out things during this whole time, you even corrected the documentary. Are you a history major or something?" Felicity asked. Lavender nodded.

After the documentary, they ate some ramen that Felicity prepared.

Alicica suddenly noticed the hard beats of rain and realized that she forgot that there was going to be a storm. (7:42 pm)

"Hold up, I have to text Aaron, forgot there was gonna rain" Alicica said as she pulled out her phone.

Alice: hey, I think there's a storm rn. I'll have to go home when it's over

Aaron: k, do you need me to pick you up later?

Alice: I'm fine, Lavender too

Alicica closed the phone when suddenly an agonized came from outside.

Felicity rushed to the door to find someone screaming in pain as a large slash ran across the right side of their waist. They toppled over to a nearby street light and hung on for dear life.

"Oh my gosh! Alice! Someone's out here and they're hurt BADLY" Felicity exclaimed.

"Shouldn't you get them to the hospital?!" Alicia yelled as she also rushed to the door.

"The nearest hospital is 3 whole hours away!" Felicity reminded Alicica.

"Why did you decide to move somewhere that doesn't have a hospital?!" Alicica argued.

"I dunno man! It was cheap!" Felicity argued back.

"But Alicica, don't you have a medical license?" Lavender said as she slowly approached the door.

"Oh yeah that's right" Alicica said.

Moments later, the 'patient' was resting on a bed, bandage on their waist.

They had red hair, very vibrant to be sure. Their skin was pale and they wore a white mask, void black eyes and red streaks running down the eyes like tears.

 Their skin was pale and they wore a white mask, void black eyes and red streaks running down the eyes like tears

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"Do you think they'll be okay?" Felicity asked Alicica from outside the room.

"Positive" Alicica responded.

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