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Lavender's eyes fluttered open as the soft raya of sunlight seeped through the curtains. She got out of the bed and did all that jazz you do when you get up.

She walked down the hallway leading to the stairs and connecting to the other rooms. She stopped at 'Tristan's room and wondered if that was just an imaginary conversation they had in her dream.

She peaked through the door. The door however creaked, leading to 'Tristan' noticing the door. Lavender roust opened the door anyway.

"Mornin' duck! Mind finishing that conversation?" Tristan said as he set down a book.

Lavender sat down with Tristan on the ground and started talking again. Lavender noticed halfway in the conversation that Tristan no longer had any bandages.

"Uh Tristan, what happened to your bandages?" She asked as Tristan stopped talking.

"Oh those? I just thought they were uncomfortable" He responded.

"But you're supposed to keep them on- y'know, to help the healing process?" Lavender said as Tristan shrugged.

"It already healed. What, do you need proof or something?" Tristan said.

"No thanks, I'm good" Lavender said before both of them laughed.

"Oh would you look at that! I didn't think you'd 2 would get along so fast!" Felicity commented as she checked up on the room. "Come downstairs! Alicica made waffles!"

"Can we stay here? We still want to chat a bit" Lavender asked as Felicity nodded.

Soon after, they were chatting with plates of waffles sitting on their laps. Lavender had almost finished eating while Tristan's was untouched.

"You wanna eat mine? I'm not exactly that hungry" he said as he handed the plate over to Lavender.

"Why? You should eat it! I insist!" Lavender said as she handed back the plate.

"Alright, alright, you got me, look, I'll tell you something, but please don't go telling anybody" Tristan said as Lavender nodded.

He whispered something into Lavender's ear. When he finished speaking, Lavender stared at him blankly.

"They WHAT?!" Lavender slightly yelled as Tristan shushed her.

"Look man! It's not my fault that stupid place likes the idea of normalcy so much!" Tristan argued.

"But- that should be illegal-! They can't just- how?!" Lavender ranted as Tristan take her to just shut up.

"Look, please, I don't want to attract attention" Tristan said as he lowered his head.

Long story short, they went downstairs to see Felicity outside caring for her garden.

"Hey Felicity! Watcha doing?" Lavender tasked as Felicity turned to them.

"I'm watering some of my flowers, though my bees aren't doing to well" she said as he got up to inspect the bee box. "I swear, my neighbours NEED to stop using all that bug spray outside their house! It's pointless!"

"Sorry to hear about that" Tristan said.

"Oh, I forgot your name? What was it?" Felicity asked.

"Call me Tristan, nice to meet you" Tristan introduced as they shook hands.

"Nice mask by the way, looks really cool" Felicity complimented.

"Feli....? You gotta see this" Alicica said from the living room.

The 3 walked inside to find none other than Luna sitting on a coffee table.

"Oh! I didn't actually think Aurina would get all the way here!" Tristan said as he pet Luna.

"Excuse me?" Alicica asked confused.

"My cat! I got her 3 months ago, she really likes to bring letters and papers" Tristan replied.

"Oh, sorry, we thought she was a stray and named her Luna" Alicica apologized and Tristan laughed.

"It's fine! After all, who wouldn't want to adopt this precious kitten?" Tristan said and the group started chatting.

"Y'know, we've only met 5 hours ago and you seem like a really chill dude" Alicica said as Tristan thanked her.

"Well, we gotta go home, you'll be fine on your own, right Tristan?" Alicica asked as Tristan and Lavender quietly panicked.

"Well, my home's way back in Britain. I came here for a week but I missed my flight so now I'm just stuck here" Tristan explained as Lavender prayed he didn't mess up.

"Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that. Tell y'a what, you wanna live with us while you're here?" Alicica offered as Lavender sighed with relief.

"That would be lovely! Thank you, Alicica!" Tristan said.

"I- didn't give you my name...?" Alicica said.

"Lavender told me a bunch of stuff about you, gotta say, you're quite generous" Tristan said.

"Aight, ima let Aaron know bout this" Alicica said.

"Yay! Time skip!" Lavender cheered.

Lavender Bells [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now