Chapter 17

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Natasha's POV

Everything was silent, everything was calm. At first it didn't feel like reality, untill it hit me. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Steve wasn't coming back. Steve wasn't coming back.

I felt tears swell up in my eyes, silently they poured down my cheeks. I wouldn't let go of Steve's lifeless hand. His cold, limp hand.

I don't know how long I sat there, an hour mabye? Mabye two? But when the door opened I barley heard it, I wouldn't even look up. "Oh my God. Natasha...." It was Clint. The tears were evident on my face, as was the dead body of Steven Grant Rogers. Clint didn't say anything more. He just wrapped his arms around me. And I cried. I cried fully, not caring how weak I may seem. He was gone. Captain America was dead, really, honestly dead. He wasn't coming back.

We both stayed silent, untill Clint finally broke it. "Natasha, need to tell the others. Steve can't really stay here...nor can we." I looked up at Clint and flinched slightly. Was there tears in his eyes? I refused to belive it, but anything is possible. I nodded though. As much as I hated the idea of leaving Steve and telling the others, I was always a reasonable woman. Steve was going to have to buried.

Then a thought struck me. "Bucky." I mumbled. "Sorry?" Clint said, eyebrows raised. "Where's Bucky?" I asked getting to my feet. "In the living room. Wh-" But I was already running down the hall. How was I supposed to break this to him? With the grief of losing Steve in my heart, I opened the door.

Everyone looked up when I entered. They could clearly see that I'd been crying. "Natasha what's wro-" Tony started but I cut him off. "Bucky I need to talk to you. In private." My voice came out a little shaky, but Bucky deserved to know first. He looked surprised but he didn't question me. He just left the room, with me in tow.

Once we were outside, Bucky turned to me. "He's gone hasn't he?" I nodded. I could feel the tears starting fall again. I looked up expecting to see Bucky standing, but I was wrong. Instead, he was sitting on the floor, head in hands. I was at first shocked, only to remember there relationship. Bucky and Steve had know each other since day one. They had always, always been there for one another. Steve must've been so upset to lose James, but he hadn't lost him. Not really. Bucky had always been alive. And, although Bucky had tried to kill him, Steve was relived to see Bucky again. To know that his most dear friend was alive. The two had stuck through a lot of terbulance. And Bucky had help make Steve the man he was, and vice versa.

So now, knowing Steve was dead, truly dead. It must've hit Bucky like a tsunami. A wave of emotions and memories. I plopped myself down next to Bucky and cried with him. And that's all we did. That's all we could do. Steve wasn't coming back.

So, um...yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Steve isn't coming back huh? There are still two more chapters of this book. So, if don't hate me I'd love to have you for the rest of the journey. Also, poor Bucky. :( I feel really bad for him, like seriously. Guess that's my doing though.....

Stay awesome!


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