Chapter 3

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Steve's POV,

"It only reacts to some of the metals." Bruce said whipping his hands and sitting in his chair opposite me. "So it won't play up with everything...?" I answerd shuffling in my own chair. Bruce nodded, I thanked him and stood to leave. I walked through the corridors of Stark Tower, it was gonna be a bumpy last few months. I heard my name being called and spun around to see who it was. I was shocked to see Natasha. I thought she was on a mission. She awkardly walked up to me, "What hapened to your mission?" I asked, "Oh. I told Tony to get Clint or someone else to do it...." she said. Natsha seemed a little upset, well more than usual. The thing was, she had  decided to take some of my pain. Not physicly but mentally. She would put herself into my shoes, what she thought were my shoes, and that would result in her constant upset mood. Natasha looked uncomfortably at the grond and shuffled her feet. I could tell she ws gonna say something important or make a hard decision that had been thought through a lot.

Natasha's POV 

I felt scared. Now, this also made me scared. I was never scared around Steve, not unless, well I don't think I really was. Let's just say it was a rare thing. I cleared my head and took in a beath. "Uh Steve, I have to tell you something." I said my voice shaking. Steve picted up on this and said, "It's alright. You can tell me anything." He smiled at me trying to keep his cool. This was gonna be hard. I sighed, "Steve, this was a hard decision to make. And I'm sorry. The thing is I'm gonna move out." That was it! I had said it. I wasn't gonna lie and say 'It wasn't that bad!'. It was horrible. 

Steve stared at me blankly, then he mumbled two letters, "Ok." His voice was unemotional, just like his reply. He turned away and walked down the corridor. I called after him but there was no response, mabye it was all a bad dream, I would wake up tomorrow and Germany wouldn't of even happened. Mabye I'd be walking down the Subway platform. The day Steve came back. Mabye I'd be in the grave yard at Fury's pretend fueral. I could also be here, in what I knew was the present. But  wished so badly it wasn't.

I walked back to my room in the tower. I had told Tony that I'd be staying here for a bit, 'till I found my own place. It was meant to be like that with Steve, when I first moved in I didn't think  I would end up living there. Then the day came when I told him. I told him that I loved him. I lay down on my bed and wept. I hadn't the slightest clue why I was walking away,  I just was.  I didn't wan't to of course, it just had to be like this, 'till we found a cure for Steve. I pulled myself together and sat up, there was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it to find Clint here.  I was slightly shocked and quite obviously desplayed it on my face. "I thougt you were on your mission...." I blurted out unpolitly. "Your mission." he pointd out laughing. I smiled, "Is there something you need?"  I asked, "No, I just came to tell you that tomorrow we're all going on a investigation of some sort. And there's NO exceptions!" Clint ended his announcement with a big smile. I however looked at my feet and sighed. "Hey, I thouht you loved it when we all did things together...." Clint said noticing my sudden change in mood. "Yeah. Normaly I do, but....It doesn't matter." I sighed turning away. Clint cought my arm, "Nat, you can tell me, it's alright. Remember we used to tell each other nearly everything. Well, untill HE came along." I yanked my arm out of Clint's grip, "Excuse me!" I glared at him. Clint argued back, "No, no, no! I didn't mean it like that I-I..."  I cut in, "Then tell me, how did you mean it?!"  I was getting more and more upset as the seconds drew on. Clint shuffled his feet, "Now don't get me wrong..." he looked at my face and new that that wasn't gonna work, however he carried on. "I love Steve, he's great. And I feel sorry for you guys, you know, you might end your relationship..." My eyes flared. How dare he! He had no right in assuming that! "How dare you! Leave me alone Clint!" I didn't wait for an answer  I just slammed the door. 

I slumpped onto my bed, Clint had a piont. No matter how much I tried to deny it things weren't going so well at the moment.  I put my head in my hands and silently cried. After a few minuets of quiet my phone went of. I picked up and to my suprise it was Steve! 

On the phone with Steve: 

Natasha: Hello?

Steve: Hi Nat, uh...

Natsha: Look Steve, I'm sorry for suddenly moving out, and...

Steve: No it's fine, I totally understand. Oh, and I shouldn't have just left you standing there earlier. That was rude, I'm sorry.

Natsha: Thank you for understanding. It's just really hard for me, I mean us. I just need sometime to clear my head...

Steve: It's no problam, if you need time that's fine. Anything for you.  I miss you Nat, I really do.

Natasha: I miss ou too Steve. 

Steve: Love you....

*Natsha hangs up* 

"Love you...." Steve whispers through the reciver. I pressed the 'end call' button, I was crying dramaticlly and  I didn't want him to worry. My phone went off again, this time I had a text. And yes, it was Steve. What did he want this time? 

Texting Steve: 

Steve: Well that was awkawrd....

Natasha: Haha! You want me to say 'love you' don't you....? 

Steve: Well you kinda just said it, so...

Natasha: Oh.......

Steve: HA! No, really love you Nat.

Natasha: I love you too Steve...

Steve: Well that's a relife. I was scared for a minute...

Natasha: You're such a dork Steve! I thought that was ment to be a serious moment?

Steve: Hahaha! Never, I'm gonna try to live really positvie for my few months....

Natsha: Steve.....! 

Steve: Sorry! It's just true..

Natasha: Well it's not funny! Anyway, how are you posititve when you literally no your death day?

Steve: AMURICA!!!!!!!!!!

Natasha: IDIOT! 

Steve: That's just rude....

Natasha: True though...

Steve: Stop lying to yourself!

Natasha: Ok, you're not an idiot. You're an a-hole!!

Steve: Oh, really? Thats how it's gonna be is it?

Natasha: Yep! And what you gonna do about it..?

Steve: Well, consindering that I left my jacket in Tony's lab and I'm kinda in the same building as you....I thought that I  would deal with you personlay...

Natasha: Oh sugar....

Steve: Yeah....

I heard my door open, Steve stood there with a smirk plasterd on his face. "Well what's my punshment?" I asked laughing hysterically! "A hug?" Steve suggsted, I ran into his arms, "I've missed these so much." I sighed, I couldn't care less if it was painful. "Doesn't it hurt though?" Steve said hugging me tighter, "Well yeah, you're squishing my ribs..." Steve laughed and kissed  the top head. And that's how we stayed the whole night.

Forever and Always (Romanogers fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora