Chapter 15

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Steve's POV

"STEVEN! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Tony's face was the perfect picture of anger. Natasha and I flinched as he shouted. "Pepper's gonna kill me!" Tony continued, though he seemed to be more calm. "And I don't want to have listen to her ranting." Then, as if on cue, Pepper walked down the hall. She stopped and her jaw dropped. "Tony...why?" She sounded more fed up than angry.

"It was them!" Tony pointed at Natasha and I. Pepper sighed. "Was it?" Reluctantly, we both nodded. "Don't worry. We'll clean it up." Natasha said lightly. Pepper looked at the wet walls and floor. "What were you even doing?" She asked, nearly yawning. "Water fight." We mumbled in sync. It was like a school. Pepper was the teacher, coming into a messing class room. Natasha and I were the culprits. And Tony the innocent kid that always got first blame.

"Ok. Well you two get this dried up, then." And she walked off.


"Well that's the best we can do." Natasha said, rubbing her hands together. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower and change." She said turning to look at me. I flashed a grin at her. "Completely forgot about that." I admitted. "Well then, let's be off!" Nat said walking down the hall.

I sat down in my bed and rested my head in my hands. My head was throbbing and I could feel a cold sweat break out. I heard a knock on the door and sighed. I was going to have to tell Natasha wasn't I? Tell her everything. There was no cure. I'd lost the war.


No tears escaped Natasha's eyes as I spoke. She knew all along, we all did. "How many you predict?" Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. The air stiffened. "Two. Mabye three...if I'm lucky." The words just didn't seem to fit. And it seemed Natasha thought that also. "Three days if you're lucky. That's just...that's just sick." Natasha smiled as she said it. A cold, twisted smile. Then the tears came.

They rolled down her cheeks silently. Like a leaf floating down a stream. Time went by and we both just there. Natasha had taken my hand now. The pain was irrelevant.

"I'm sorry you had to go through such hell." I whispered after a long, drawn out silence. It almost seemed odd to break it. Natasha laughed sarcastically, " I'm sorry you had to say that, and I'm sorry you're dying.

And I'm sorry that 'I'm sorry' doesn't change anything. And I'm sorry it doesn't stop time. My sorry you have to go through this. But I'm with you Steve, forever."

Man. I'm the worst updater like, EVER (if you got that reference we should be friends). Anyway, it's a short chapter. And a terrible one as well. But the next chapter will have some major feels! Please be patient with me. I promise we'll get through this dull slog (that should be in the dictionary!).

Thank you for you awesomeness! Be grateful you have it, some people don't! (MEEEEE!!!) ;)

Love Swiftie82

P.S. I bet you're so done with me right now. And in fact, this story.

P.P.S. If, for some miraculous reason, you're not totally done with me. Thanks and *sigh*, I can't promise ANYTHING. As in, I'll try and update soon but I can't say it will be snappy. As you've probably already guessed!

P.P.P.S. LOVE YOU! Romanogers forever! LOL I'm random. Have a good week!

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