Chapter 14

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Steve's POV

I sat with everyone else. I could feel the virus spreading. I clenched my fists and my knuckles turned white as the stretched over to much skin. I could feel my nails making marks on my sweaty palms.

The door opened and my head snapped up. Natasha stood there, a look of both confusion and worry on her face.

"Steve are you alright?" She asked sitting next to me. I nodded and said, "Are you?" Natasha shrugged, "I guess."


We sat on the roof. Everyone below us looked like small bugs scurrying around. I smiled at the childish thought of everyone being bugs.

"What going through that head of yours?" Natasha asked. I smiled at her, "I was thinking. What if everyone was a bug.." Natasha laughed and then said, "You have some strange thoughts Rogers!"

I shrugged, "Mabye I do. What's going on in your head?" Natasha sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Something my friend said earlier." Natasha took a sip of her water, "So, what did your friend say?" Natasha sighed and crossed her arms. "'s a long story."

I smiled, "I'm all ears." Another sigh from Natasha, then, "Fine." I smiled at her rolling her eyes. "Get comfortable Cap!"

A few minutes later

"So, you have no idea why she reacted so bad?" I asked. Natasha nodded, "She just told me to leave, and never come back."

Natasha stared vacantly at the view. "I'll call later," she said, "mabye it's nothing." I sighed "K." but I wasn't entirely convinced. Even so, I let the topic slip and found myself in a light hearted conversion. It was a rare but nice feeling. At the moment everything felt dull and depressing. The clock seemed to be ticking faster then we'd anticipated. But dwelling on it made everything feel a whole lot worse.


The night dragged on  and it soon became late. The city lights had been turned on and shone beautifully. "It's so beautiful up here.." I said, cringing at the way it sounded. When Natasha didn't answer I turned and looked at her. The red head was fast asleep. I smiled to myself, the smile slowly turning into a smirk. I crept up beside her and picked up her glass. Then, trying to hold back a laugh, I poured it over her!

Natasha screamed and opened her eyes. I should've ran when I had the chance, but it was all too funny!

"Steve!" She glared, "Why on earth?" The spy stood up and brushed herself off. "Well, I couldn't carry you, could I!" I protested, my laughing still howling on. Natasha's glare became worse, if looks could kill....

The deadly silence that followed my statement was warning enough. This wasn't going down without a simple games of cat and mouse.

Apologies for the terribly late update. Also for another boring chapter. The truth is I'm having a massive writers block. But I promise that at some point this story won't suck!

Thanks for EVERYTHING,


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