Chapter 13

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Natasha's POV

"I love you." I whispered. Then I turned my heal and walked out.

I crossed the threshold of my bedroom door. I could feel the air stiffen with every shaky breath. I'd been through so much, yet had done so little. The thought saddened me further.

I lay down and grabbed my phone. I needed to do something, anything. I didn't care what it was. Then a thought struck me.

"Hey Jarvis, give Tony a message from me." I said writing a note. "Tell him to come here and read it. But make sure Clint never finds it."

Jarvis, of course, agreed politely and I grabbed my jacket. I half walked half ran down the stairs. Not bothering with lifts. Then a jumped into my car a drove off.

Anna Kenderik. She had once tried to kill me. But didn't, it was a long story. I never imagined I'd be going back now. Especially with Steve being back, but I needed to go. After all, I owed her. We met on a mission in Paris. Anna had a reputation for maximum casualties. I had been sent to track her down and kill her. Take back the information Anna stole from S.H.I.E.L.D., not realizing it'd be hard. Anna had been 11 at the time.

She was an remarkable kid. Trained, like me, at young age. Though I wasn't nearly as skilled as her. It had been 7 years since our first meeting. When she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. But being 11 wasn't really appropriate.

After all that she left. Well, Fury didn't like her around. Said she had been acting suspicious. But I never understood. We'd grown close, like sisters. I thought after the information was given back all would be fine. Only, Clint disliked her too. Everyone did, so she left.

Now, 7 years later, I was going to finally pay her back. She needed my help. I would gladly give it.


Anna's house was small but cozy. It made you feel safe. She had nice furniture taste too. She smiled at me when the door opened. The 18 year old lived by herself which, again, made her remarkable.

I sat on her sofa as she went to get water. I noticed a guitar in the corner, then it struck me. Did the kid have a job?

"Anna!" I called,

"Yep." She answered popping the 'p'.

I paused not knowing how to make it sound less rude. Not coming up with anything I stuck to, "So, you have a job, right?"

Anna laughed, a sweet laugh. "Of course. How else would I get thats stuff?"

I smiled, "What is it?" I asked. Anna plastered a smirk on her face.

"It's a secret." She said putting her finger to her lips.


"So this is where they found it." Anna said, pointing to a large white cube. It was shoved into a corner and had a bit of dirt on it.

"Who's they?" I said walking towards it.

"A group of kids. A bit younger than me. Said it was just here and they couldn't move it."

I raised an eyebrow, "Go on."

Anna crossed her arms, "Well, they didn't want to touch it. Said it was glowing? So they tried moving it with gloves on. Didn't work. Then, one of them took their gloves off and BAM!"

I jumped a little and Anna smiled, "The kids in hospital in a coma."

My eyes widened. "In a coma?" I asked astonished. Anna nodded. I lifted my gun up and shot at it. The first bullet made no hole but the second did.

Anna and I moved closer and peered in. The inside was a brownish red colour. I grabbed a near by stick and shoved it in.

The inside wasn't solid, just a smoke of some kind. I pulled the stick out and it was charred. Anna raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Someone 'official' needs to look at this." I said, but Anna shook her head.

"No. That's why you're here. We're gonna seal this place off. No one comes in. If this gets discoverd it could start some sort of war."

I stared at Anna blankly. I knew she was right. If the government started using this, or experimenting on it, we could all die. But, what if it was dangerous without being 'activated'? Anna and I both new the possibilities. It was a risk we were just going to have to take.

I shifted my gaze from the front of the cube. I needed to get a good look at all sides. But being shoved into a corner ment I only looked at two.

And, to my utter astonishment, I found something. "Anna, hey come look at this." I called, my eyes still glued to the spot.

Anna's mouth fell open, clearly as surprised as me.

There was black writing engraved onto the smooth surface. It said


Anna's face whitened. She looked as if she might die right there, in front of me. After what felt like eons, Anna spoke,

"Leave. Now. Don't ever come back."

Hey lovely people that are reading this. So, I have a question. Should I write another story about Anna? Cause I have like this whole idea. Anyway, comment what you think. I'll probably end up doing it anyway.....but feed back is very useful.

Thanks for all your love and support!


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