Chapter 20

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Natasha's POV

I could smell the rain on the streets of London. The buses that barrelled past me splashed the streets and the pedestrians. So far, Europe had been beautiful. And I was excited about England.

Although I was miles away from everything I had and loved, this trip was a great idea. I felt so much better, less down and depressed. Clint and the others had been emailing and calling everyday with the latest news. So I was constantly in the know. It turns out Tony won the nutella challenge, but Pepper made them share it all. Sucks for Tony I guess.

I sat down on the bed in my hotel room. Man, I have to thank Tony big time for all this. I flipped open my laptop and logged on to my email. Sure enough there was a email from Clint. I clicked on it to read and what it said was made my eyes water.

Subject: PEPPER AND TONY!!!!!

Hello, Nat!
How's London?! I miss you, are you sure I can't come and visit. London sounds great. I mean more fun than when you're on a mission!

Anyway, I've got great news from our front. TONY AND PEPPER ARE HAVING A BABY AND I GET TO BE A GODFATHER (as well as Bruce and Thor. We all had an argument so Pepper said we could all be Godparents.) AND YEAHHHH! EVERYONE'S REALLY EXCITED! TONY'S GOING TO BE A GREAT FATHER!!

Hope I see you soon!

I smiled and then laughed. Clint could be so excitable! Then I started writing my response.

Subject: PEPPER AND TONY!!!!!

Hi Clint!
London's amazing! I'm having great fun. I guess you could travele here for the weekend or something!

I'm so glad to here about Tony and Peppers baby! Tell them congratulations and say hi to everyone! I'm not sure about that whole 'Tony being a great father'. But the kid will have a hell of a lot of fun!!

Call, text or email weather you still wanna come and when!

Miss you very much!

I logged off and shut the computer down. I closed my eyes and images of Steve flashed on my eyelids. I didn't notice but I was crying. It was all a lie. I wasn't getting over Steve. The hurt was too tremendous, too fresh in my life. I feared every morning waking up without him. The trip was more of a distraction than anything.

I couldn't live without Steve, that much was clear. He had made such an impression on me. Such a deep mark. I nearly regretted letting myself fall so badly for him. Nearly. And, to be honest, I hated that I had fallen for the soldier. And I feared that I would never move on. That I'd be stuck in this dark, lonely nothingness. Were the weight of all my sorrows sat on my shoulders.

So, I tucked myself into my bed and lay there. Slowly drifting into a peaceful dream. A dream where the world wad a good place. Full of good people and happily ever after. Where love stories and fairytales weren't just little girls dreams. And Steve and I had a future. And we grew old together and eventually died together. In second childishness and mere oblivion. And it was the end of our strange eventful history, a game we played too long.

It was a dream I never hoped to wake from.

So, this is technically the end of the book. Except that there's an epilogue so I guess not. Anyway, thank you for sticking through all those boring chapters. I'm astonished really. I'll write proper thank yous in a later update.

Love you so, so much!!


P.s thought I'd quote some Shakespeare so yeah.....

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