Chapter 5

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Natasha's POV

The ride to the HYDRA base in Chicago seemed like years. I hadn't talked much ethier, except from the occasinal conversation with Steve about the mission. Then this happened; "Steve, can you tell your girlfrind to stop being so unresanable?" "Clint I don't get it. What the hell happened between you two?" I sighed. Was Clint seriously doing this?! 

"Well, I said something the other night that offended her. But, it wasn't even that rude. Now she's totally overreacting and ignoring me!" Clint went on. I could tell Steve had already had enugh. "Right then. Natasha, stop ignoring Clint. Clint apologize to Natasha.." I rolled my eyes, "It's not me he needs to apologize to." "Then who? I thought this whole thing was to do with offending you?" I shook my head. "Yes you're quite right. He did offend me. But, it's you he needs to say sorry to." Steve raised his eybrows. "Me?" "Yes you!" Steve shrugged, "But Clint hasn't said anything to offend me!" Steve gave me one of his cute confused faces. Though I was still mad at Clint, I dicided to stop ignoring him. 

"Right then, Clint apologize to Steve." I said to Barton and snuggeling into Steve's shoulder. "Why though, he's not offened?" Clint protested! "Well that's couase he doesn't know what you said!" "Fair point. But all I was going to say is that your life kinda revolvs around him. Also Steve's way to protective over you. It's just a little annoying..." 

To my surprise Steve started laughing. "Oh Nat, it's fine. Clint doesn't need to apologize to me, he's kinda got a point!" I glared at Steve, "You're an idiot Rogers!" I shot leaning away from the soldier. Steve smiled, "I might be but at least I don't act like I own the place." He said it calmly but regretted his choice of words as soon as they left his mouth. "Nat I'm-" he began but I didn't care. "You know what?" I said. Anger speeding through my veins, "We're over Rogers. No more me and you!"


Steve's POV

I felt broken. Like all the little pieces that held me together had fallen apart. I know I was the reason, why on earth had I pushed her like that? Natasha was going through enough as it is. Then, me, the person who claimed to 'never let her go' gave her the last push to  'letting go of us'.

I was glad that the HYDRA base was heavily guarded. It was probably the first time I felt like this. Beating people up wasn't something I necessarily liked to do. But this time it became a thing of distraction. I was glad to not have to think of  my Natasha-wait, no. That was wrong. She was no longer my Natasha. In fact she never was and never will be.

I took out these guys easily. To be honest it wasn't a fair fight. But that was life. An unfair fight. As I stood there contemplating life I heard a click. Then a bang and someone hit the ground. I looked up and saw Natasha. Next to me lay a dead HYDRA agent.

She'd just saved my life.

"Uh..thank you." Was all I managed to say. Natasha didn't answer, instead her eyes swept over my body looking for any sign of damage. Or so I suspected.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Her voice snapped me back to reality. Her eyes were wide with fury, "I was just-" I started. Natasha obviously didn't care for an answer to her question. "Just keep focused," she sighed, "if you go down everyone else does too. I'm not that willing to let Barton die that easily." With that she turned on her heel and walked off.

I'm guessing you don't care about me then? I thought to myself. Then there was a voice in my head, "She had a piont Cap. You need to stay on guard." Tony's voice made me cringe. "Look dude, I'm seriously not in the mood." I said frowning. "Just do the job. Ok?" I sighed, "Ok."


I hurried back to the car we had parked outside the base. Our mission had been successful and I was glad to be returning home. As I reached the car I noticed that only Clint was standing there. "Where's Nat?" I asked. Clint shrugged, "I thought she was with you." I raised an eyebrow, "You where there Clint, in the car I mean. Don't tell me you think we made up."

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