Chapter 6

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Steve's POV

"Ugh. I'll go get her." Clint agreed. He rolled his eyes and walked back to the HYDRA base. Well, 'ex' base.

I sat cross-legged with my back up against a tree. It had been half an hour since Clint had gone. There was a slight pang of worry filling my chest. To make things worse Tony was singing in the background. Not that he wasn't a good singer, he just wasn't a good singer. "Tony, have you forgotten that I can hear everything you say?" there was a pause. "Nope. Why?" "Stop singing k?" There was another pause, Tony was probably thinking of a smart remark to annoy me. "Look Cap. As much as I respect you and all, I don't want to stop singing." I sighed, "Look, already told you, I'm in a bad mood. Please just shhh already!"


"Steve, get an ambulance!" I heard Clint say the trough my ear piece. My heart started racing as I dialed 911. What had happened? And to who? Then my heart sank into my stomach.


Natasha's POV

*45 minutes earlier*

We'd successfully completed our mission. One HYDRA base down, god knows how many to go. The thought wasn't very encouraging.

As I slowly walked back to the car, I felt human presents. As if I was being followed. I span around to see who it was but, there wasn't anyone. Oh well, guess it was nothing I thought to myself.


I felt pain filling my whole body. The centre of it all coming from my stomach. I started feeling light headed and clutched onto a bar for support. When I looked at my wound I nearly vomited. There was two bullet wounds. I started to feel even more dizzy, I was losing to much blood! I hit the cold ground and the pain took over my vision. I closed my eyes and waited.

Steve's POV

I saw Clint stumbling out of the base. Natasha was in his arms. My heart started beating faster and faster. Then I saw the wounds. Blood pouring out of Natasha's stomach.

I could hear sirens in the background and it made my ears buzz. I couldn't breath properly. I grabbed hold of the car to steady myself. Tears started to blur my vision as I thought about the way Natasha had been so limp. Was she dead?

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. "Cap. She's gonna be fine, ok. Listen to me, Natasha's gonna be fine." I looked at Clint and his face was paler than a sheet. "Clint, don't lie to me. Is she going to be alright?" My voice was shaking and my breathing heavy. Clint shrugged, "I'm sorry mate, I don't know."


We followed the ambulance to the hospital. The drive was silent except for my heavy breaths.

When we reached the hospital my legs turned to jelly. They were incapable of holding my weight. I saw Tony and the others jog up beside me. "Dude, what happened?" Tony said. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came. Why was I going so insane. Things like this had happened before. What was so significant about this accident? Then it hit me. Even though I was incredibly upset, that wasn't why body was acting up so much. The virus. It was speeding up, something had set it off.

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