Chapter 10

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Natasha's POV

I stood outside the door of my old house. I didn't really now weather Max still lived here or not. I fought the urge to go back and took a risk.

I waited two minutes for the door to open. And to my relief Max stood there, a look of shock on his face.

"Uh-hey Nat." Max waved . I smiled, "Hey, sorry about this but could I come in?" Max nodded and took a step back, letting me through the door.

The house hadn't changed much. Still quiet and plain. Guess Max was still quiet and plain. The door shut behind me and I jumped.

I walked through the hall to the living room. There weren't many pictures. But one caught my eye.

It was of a pretty girl, laughing and covered in snow. I sniggerd, Definitely girlfriend.

"Who's the girl?" I asked nodding at the photo. Max's ears went red, "My girlfriend." He mumbled. I smiled, "Ohhh what's her name?" "Sarah." Max walked past me into the living room. "She's very pretty. Can I meet her?" I asked standing in the door frame. Max nodded then shook his head. "She's in DC, her grandma's sick." I patted him on the back, "Mabye another time."


"Im sorry but I gotta go." I said checkingy watch. Max nodded, "K, I'll see you soon yeah?" I smiled, "Yeah."


I took my keys out to open the door, my heart was beating fast. What if Steve was in there. When I finally opened the door all my excitement vanished. Steve wasn't here.

I walked up stairs and flopped down on my bed. Then I let the tears fall.

He's gone, Natasha. Gone, gone, gone.

I started shaking and I let out a scream. My neighbors probably I thought I was getting murdered. I muffled the following screams with a pillow.

It was getting dark outside when I finally decided to head back to Stark's. Although I was dreading facing Bucky-or any of the others. I knew I had to. I quickly wrote a note for Steve, just in case, and left it on the counter. Taking one last look I turned out the lights and left.

I trudged across the road to the front door. I quietly opened it and put my coat on a peg. When I entered the living room I got the shock of my life.


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