Chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes. My head is pounding but the pain in my back is no longer there. My eyes fully open now and I see that I am in the Salvatore House. I feel tight ropes around my wrist, restraining me to a chair.

I try to get free by rocking back and forth
Until I was interrupted by loud footsteps coming towards me.

My heart immediately starts racing. I turn around to see Kai holding a knife in his hand.

"Oh, you're finally awake," he chirps.

"What the hell am I doing here Kai!" I say through my gritted teeth.

"That didn't even sound like a hint of a thank you." He fake frowns.

"Why would I ever thank you?"

"I healed you," He says.

Why would he heal me?

"Oh, and you can thank your friend Bonnie for that. While she was here with Damon I kinda watched them and stole some of Bonnie's magic while she was sleeping." He explains.

"You mean you stalked them," I say dryly.

"Yeah, pretty much," he smiles.

I scoff.

The memory of me being here and my friends being in a literal different world brings tears to my eyes. I quickly blink them away not wanting Kai to think I'm weak.

"Let me go Kai," I yell.

"Don't sound so grumpy, we're just getting to know each other."

"I'm Kai and your......"

I don't speak.

He sighs walks towards me and places his knife next to my jaw.

He presses his knife hard enough on my jaw to make me hiss in pain, I feel the blood trail down my neck and I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"Sooo dramatic," he laughs.

He backs away placing the knife he had on a table.

"I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're worried about," he says.

Even though he said he wouldn't, I didn't trust him. Not one bit.

"Again, you're name," he says whilst leaning against a wall and looking at me.

"Grace," I mumble.

"Grace," he repeats.

"That's a lovely name," he smiles.

I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, do you want dinner?"

I look outside to see the pith black sky. I had lost my entire appetite because of this situation. And even if I didn't I wouldn't eat anyways, he'd probably poison me.

I just shake my head.

He frowns.

"Well, I'm going to make you dinner anyways." He chirps.


I was still tied up. I could smell the food he was cooking and it made my mouth water. I think he was making pasta. Conveniently my favorite.

"Kai," I call out.

"Yes," he says.

"Can you please let me out of these." I move my wrist up slightly, gesturing to the ropes.

He shakes his head and I frown.

"Please." I plea.

He sighs "fine"

He unties me. I rub my hands over my sore wrist. I look him in the eye and I raise my hand and slap him in the face.

He tumbles back a little and places his hand on his cheek.

"Alright, I deserved that," he groans.

"You deserve far worse than that" I spit back at him.

I walk towards the front door. I couldn't be in this house with Kai for another second. As I try to open the doorknob I feel a strong arm grip my bicep. It was Kai, he turns me around to make me face him.

"Leaving so soon." He says in a fake disappointing way.

"Yes atually I was." I pull my arm from his grip. "So if you don't mind me I'll be going." I throw him a fake smile.

"Actually I do." He gives me a fake smile and grips my arm again.

"Come on, Dinners ready."

"I told you I don't want your food." I spit.

"One dinner then you never have to deal with me again," he says.

I take a moment to process his words.

"Fine," I sigh. I honestly never wanted to be around Kai ever again so if one dinner was the price I had to pay so be it.

We sit down at the table and the food looks delicious.

"Aren't you going to eat". He says

Reluctantly I pick up my fork a twirl it around to get the spaghetti around it. I take a bite.

It was actually so good. I take another bite, it was honestly the best pasta I had ever tasted. Within minutes I had already finished my plate of food.

"What happened to, 'I told you I don't want your food,' he mocks me.

"I was just hunger." I lie.

I stand up from my chair and head to the door again.

"Where are you going." Kai gets up from his seat and turns to me.

"You said one dinner and we never have to see each other again, so..."

"Where are you going anyways," he asks.

"Away from you," I say, I don't care how rude I come off as he deserves it.

"Why are you so mean," he pouts.

I don't know what it was about or maybe it was the way he said that just made me lose my temper.

I walk towards him.

"Why am I so mean to you," I scoff.

"Maybe it's because you trapped me here and have the nerve to act all nice and act like I'm the mean one when you're literally a psychopath," I say raising my voice.

"Sociopath," He corrects me.

I was so mad and without thinking raise my hand up to slap him again but he grabs ahold of my wrist.

I jerk my arm away and shove him in the chest
Making him tumble backward but he quickly gets back to normal.

Without another word, I storm upstairs and go into one of the rooms I quickly lock the door and immediately break into a sob.

I hear knocking on the door well more like pounding but I choose to ignore it.

Sorry this chapter took a while to come out, I just been busy with school, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please vote💕

I'm In Love With A Sociopath {Kai Parker}Where stories live. Discover now